~By Scott Christ
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~By Scott Christ
This post has been reshared 58 times on Google+
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vicky wills
sriman kamma
Yes you are correct jen we con't cotrol everything we fail sometimes
lamin tmg
Jendhamuni Sos
+lamin tmg Hope things are going with you. You have been so quiet!
Jendhamuni Sos
+sriman kamma Hope you had enjoyed your weekend.
jános brand
Szia igazad van a leirásodban.
lamin tmg
Haha I'm so much busy,Manson starting in my country that's way jendhamuni sis
Jendhamuni Sos
+lamin tmg Good to hear that. Busy is always, good! I thought you had a severe broken heart, that's why you have been hiding! Now I feel better!
Raghul krish
very nice +Jendhamuni Sos
vicky wills
how is your life?
biskina salamata
lamin tmg
Haha no my heart is good,someone speak useless words I'm away from those thing:-)
Uj Choudhary
Abid Bhalli
mj casper
Supah agree..Nice one 🙂
Kelcey Putri
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
Also, it's good to be able to readily admit to your stumblings.
Laura Svehla
I wanted to stick my nose in there
Michael George
Very well said!
Mohan M
Failure is first lesson and for first success
Asifa Ali
Raghav panday
Great teaching , I'm feeling really strong and encouraged ,,,thanks jen I love it ,,,,,
Stacy Bernesser
Thank you
Octomus Prime
+Jendhamuni Sos nice words..but when failures saturates & the situation will grant to depression .can one exist to fight self..?
Octomus Prime
practically a healthy mind never expects failure .but it is true failures can give success by learns
Arif Zia
Beauty ful .
Danny Gregorio
So refreshing!!!!….
Kishan Sondarva
Nyc quote dr Jen…!!!
Bhavesh Patel
How r you
Zafar Khan
Great full
Fletta Fleeman
PLay AND Share
Leah Mbeke
Wahid Bhatti
Muhammad Hasnat
Nishant Manas
harmeet bahra
ki dinner kitta ?
choudri.Tahir pk
Nice and cool
Faraja Kapele
very pretty!!!!!!!!!!
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
Alyssa Boyd
Beautiful rose
Nyc pic
Dilip Kumar
Wonderful Post
nandhini nan
Definately wat u said is true but we must try to control ourself .failures are the next pillars of success
Priyanka Bhangar
Very nice
Sara Zinnera
Thank you for sharing +Jendhamuni Sos
Vani Mandiga
anu rathnayaka
Dwight Preston
Good evening Jen.Head on,have a blessed day,week I looked at the u tube,smile 🙂 🙂
jorge dos santos
Wooow amazing say
Rajesh Mardaniya
Yusuf Ndiwa
Day's true
waqar khan
so nice g
aman deep
Nice pic…
raja rana
Tanveer Ali
+Priyanka Bhangar hi
ashak klk
Sukhadev Medsangi
Jayesh Thakkar
You are right Jen, circumstances are in control of the Supreme positive power, we just follow the orders and carry out the task given to us. Have a good day Jen.
Farhan Alom
Allah Pls do something Gaza
Junedakhter Tanha
Good follwer same to you
Drogen Bewafa
nice flower
EmEm D
Renu Lodha
EmEm D
Joanne Madden
It's what it is, and we cannot let it own us, we were meant to fall down and slowly get back up again. That's what God gave us knees for.
mikayla jones
So true, lovely
Lara Ag
Thanks again and again. If I had the opportunity for you. You will have to be the best price for that matter to the extent that I have to be honest and I am
Lucy Coleman
vineet kumar
I love her
naseer rehman
Kimyadha Jackson
Thats the truth
Charles van Dijk
There's Murphy's law. Murphy always calls you to account.
Sharon Nolan
Soo True
Zaki Ahmmed
John Adam
Dat is correct jen
Sherby Asava
o wtsgqj
Lucy Coleman
So very true Amen
soe myint
To be remembered often.
Ally Olivia
Thank you I'm going through a really hard time at the moment. And in two day it is the anniversary of my baby girl who died at birth. Her flowers was the yellow rose and your message fix my life so thank you.
Sherby Asava
God bless you Ali olivia
Adrienne Parker
Umm umm ummm
m ayub
Wow nice
Raja Thakur
m ayub
Happy birthday
shama akhtar
U r saying true
Ally Olivia
Thank you Sherby Asava
Sherby Asava
You r welcome Ally
md anwar
Christina Herbert
Have stumbled too many times now I want to succeed and go positive no more negative stuff
Sherby Asava
Sometimes when things seem like they're falling apart they are really falling in to place .a stumble gives us a chance to try again
hussain kt
Chhail B Meena
Excellent post with grat line Jendhamuni..
Good morning
Dhananjay Adwalia
Very true and beautiful flower image
Darren Koopman
So nice to read all this msg..I'm not afraid of what the people say I stick to my bf so true♥♥♥
Chuckowry Maneesha
Nice quote
Darren Koopman
Thanks dear!!
Satheesh Thuruthel
Bipin Patel
Your kantak nambars
Shivadhar Singh
Every failure is our pleasure an blessing.
Darren Koopman
Oh yes!! Good
Lara Ag
Thanks to everyone. We have a look at the O2 hemstitch I am a beautiful day and the Price. We will be in a new one is the most part in our experience. We are looking for an experienced in your area Your order has been scanned by email or phone number. If I had the same as for the first to know that I have 4G to the Crown Estate in the Sunday. I think it is a good quality and performance in the Netherlands. I have to pay a deposit for a while. I have a look at the moment. I think it was not the only one who has the best price for the first to know about the real thing that is a great time to time. I have a look at the moment. The comments and complaints from a to you by your own virus checks. The only way we work out what you want me a to 50th anniversary and the Three days a year. This email is not responsible or liable to be honest and say that I have a look. If the reader.
Rachel Joyce Aseoche
Ravindra Kumar pathak
wow So Nice
Santosh Sethi
Beautiful flowers.
Lara Ag
I love you all
Imran Khan
Darren Koopman
Hey how you doing dear
Imran Khan
Suryakant Bhuwad
naseer rehman
Cranky Banshee
This is official-ized notice in God's own value-added Given creations to "play safely with" that I could be fucked up by failure to inform the entire "Earth" that Julian Assange is The Sun of God. Little me has been attempting to teach "fluidity" of thought, particularly in what people think of as "clearly defined language" references that can be "confined" to "other-people's-opinions" of their own understanding of "valid meanings" especially surrounding the confusions created by "Ownership".
Faheem Siddiqui
Absolutely right you Re
Faheem Siddiqui
Yes yes u r right
aqilkhan Khan
Faheem Siddiqui
No doubt you said the truth
Darren Koopman
Edumu Victory
U r ryt
Rasul El Amin
Lara Ag
Thanks to the Crown copyright. You will be able the UK. I have a great time to time but I think the best way to get the
most important part time or something similar 7 to offer a free email account from Google
shaniece munchi
so true