Yesterday I was angry with God.
Today I am angry with my anger.
My Lord tells me
That if anger is the problem
In my life,
Then the immediate solution
Is love.
By Sri Chinmoy
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Elohem Shabazz
not good,lol! God is omni present!
Aldair Cota Machado
Boa noite ! Jerndhamuni Sos!
Sofie Løve Forsberg
Warm thanks for sharing, dearest Jendhamuni.
Om Mani Padme Hum ♥
Jendhamuni Sos
+Aldair Cota Machado Good evening!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Elohem Shabazz Not me, the poet only.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Sofie Løve Forsberg So nice to see you!
Anatoliy Urbanskiy
amazing picture!
Elohem Shabazz
and what about me!
Elohem Shabazz
give I get a what up or something?
Jendhamuni Sos
+Elohem Shabazz How are you doing?
Oh beautiful…
Thank You For Sharing , Such A Beautiful Photo and Words Remind Me Of My Own Exceptence ! +Jendhamuni Sos
Tazein Mirza Saad
Beautiful! +Jendhamuni Sos
Powerful +Jendhamuni Sos and so accurate. Love will eliminate anger always, and then you can smile again. Thank you for sharing.
jetaime gandah
Its nice and beautiful, Jendhamuni Sos
Charles van Dijk
Good evening, after rain is always sunshine.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Charles van Dijk Good morning, Charles. I'm so glad you speak human language today :)))
rich spitler
Hello jendhamuni!!! Hope your day is wonderful.. 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
+rich spitler Everything is going well, just getting ready for all the funeral services, that's all.
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos just finished my walk, it was raining and the sun also broke through. Enjoy your day. 🙂
+Jendhamuni Sos you are still in my prayers……I will be happy when you can 'exhale.' Godspeed
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much for your kindness, my dear +Ruthie STARK-REDMAN Danny's grandma is getting a little better at least. Danny is actually my extended relative. His wake is tomorrow.
Jendhamuni Sos
Great +Charles van Dijk You must had a good time. I cannot go anywhere right now. On a date line again :)))
+Jendhamuni Sos I am glad that Danny's Grandma is getting better, and I will continue to send you and yours prayers and blessings. Take care! Godspeed
Jendhamuni Sos
+Ruthie STARK-REDMAN Thank you! I live with Danny's grandma and his mother since I was 12.
vidya sagar
nice lines and have a nice day friend.
+Jendhamuni Sos you are all blessed to have each other, and Danny's mother & Grandma has done an exceptional job with you and Danny. My heart is warm and at peace for you now.
Keith Houlihan
Thank you +Jendhamuni Sos
John M. Trotter
Never, God is Good. Never be.any thing but good. With . Our lord and saver.
Maramario Phoun
The way you trust if the the way you believe…
Tracy Hang Tran
Nicely put dearJendhamuni +Jendhamuni Sos
Pete Karas
Please nothing but love for God
babu r
Love Is God !! +Jendhamuni Sos
Rob Robinson
+Jendhamuni Sos , nice quote, hope u r feeln bettr now, & a luvly vibrant pic, thanx 🙂
Melvyn Fernandes
Marie-Louise Augustin
My daughter 's name is Merveline Martina
Janaki Pp
Sanjeev kumar
Stephen Ward
+Jendhamuni Sos We all get angry at times as it is a natural human emotion
feTina Bolt
This wonderful
Kiran Lama
very nice
-金源 王
beautiful flower
sanjeev baride
If you are right then there is no
need to get angry
And if you are wrong then you
don't have any right to get angry.
Patience with family is love,
Patience with others is respect,
Patience with self is confidence,
Patience with GOD is faith.
Never Think Hard about PAST,
It brings Tears…
Don't Think more about FUTURE,
It brings Fears…
Live this Moment with a Smile,
It brings Cheers.:)
carol Ludwigrushton
If you are right there is no need to get angry, but if you are wrong , it takes a strong person to admit , then smile and move on
Abdulla Puthanpeediyakal
Sem you…..
Yuningsih Purnamasari
wow… beautiful
Vernon Laviolette
mahsa mehrangiz
but I think there`s sth above of love & that`s assurance & reliance to someone who is always present & can solve our problems & that`s the same person who "yesterday u were angry with him based on these sentences"
Reg Dawn
Thank you sister. Wishing you a good day my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos
mahsa mehrangiz
LOVE brings PEACE and HAPPINESS,"BUT" we always forget its source
thanks for u're message
ali ahmad
John M. Trotter
Watch out. Love"" can mess you up!!!
Jendhamuni Sos
+John M. Trotter True. This poem has nothing to do with my mood or life. I just share it with g+ friends.
mady sach
wonderful picture
Сергей Рябцев
Класная природа
Brookside Dental
justine person
Audrey Beasley
acceptance is hard
Dexter Yesudas
+Jendhamuni Sos Don't be angry ever… There is always a brighter side of a situation… 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
+Dexter Yesudas This poem has nothing to do with me. I only share this with g+ friends.
Dexter Yesudas
OK +Jendhamuni Sos
Dexter Yesudas
How are you +Jendhamuni Sos ?
Jendhamuni Sos
+Dexter Yesudas I'm doing fine. Got back home late from the funeral services. Was pretty tired last night.
Dexter Yesudas
+Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
Olenka Prochka
+Olenka Prochka
hitesh gadhia
Whats beuty
Judy Haughawout
Olenka Prochka
The solution would be to destroy all the anger and hate that is inside of you so it won't change you or ruin you in any harmful ways. And would be to stand in that marvelous scene. Above….