~Justin Mayer
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~Justin Mayer
This post has been reshared 84 times on Google+
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rosyid kurniawan
Meenakshi Sharma
Nice. Good morning.
SuWan PanMNeE
Thank you my worries is over.
J. Verma
Hi jen….
I have read this….
Really nice….very inspiring.
Lovely post…keep it up…
Michael Cammock
It takes quite some work for me some day's to follow in the words here today…. but I keep trying and stay positive.
Perooru Jaru
Worries must made way to achievement, not simply leave in the dark them. Dark comes repeatedly.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Michael Cammock I'm sure one day, you can do it, then you will realize how peaceful it is. I lived in the killing field for many years. Most of my friends and relatives were killed. But I chose to move on so I can share my smiles with those surrounded by me today. The past I cannot change. I can only control the present moment… Best of luck. Sending you many smiles too.
Jendhamuni Sos
+J. Verma Thank you so much. May peace be upon you always.
Jendhamuni Sos
+SuWan PanMNeE Happy to hear that. Sending you many smiles.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Meenakshi Sharma Wishing you a peaceful day.
J. Verma
+Jendhamuni Sos u r.very humble too…tc
Michael Cammock
+Jendhamuni Sos Thank you again, Jendhamuni, for sharing from your life experience. It is something that I can hardly even comprehend?, what you had to live through. And so all I can do for now, is pray that your days will be filled with even more peace. And that the voices of tyranny will end one day.
Meenakshi Sharma
Thanks Jen. Have a nice day.
Jendhamuni Sos
+J. Verma Thank you so much.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Michael Cammock I'm always happy. I have been through all kinds of suffering in life. But I never live my life in hatred or revenge. I am a happy person. Cannot think of anything serious. Inside me, I am still a little girl. I only like funny stuff!
Michael Cammock
+Jendhamuni Sos There is no law against being happy and yet there are those that tried to stop me from being happy, so I do not like to dwell on that too much, because things are changing for the better. And that is why I get such a lot from your very good and positive Posts and why I like to encourage you to do so. Thanks again.
Geeta Jha
Garry Godinez
sounds like inspiring jend,like flower looks like happy every day when sunlight touch theme..
Balbeer Singh
Deep grewal
Jendhamuni Sos
+Garry Godinez When we are happy, everything is beautiful and we can make those around us happy too.
Ajay Agnihotri
Very nice advice Jendhamuni. .good night and sweet dreams tc.
ŘẫŠŠèĺ mohamad
+Jendhamuni Sos
Yes , We smile ..
Not Because everything Is Fine
But Because when we – smile-
everything is going to Be Fine☆..
Optimism beautiful
Rose Jasmine
True ,good morning with sweet smile
Ravi Nithy
mm nice post jen.
Good morning my friend.
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
Good morning my friend
Anita Campbell
Jayesh Thakkar
Worries and happiness are like two faces of a single coin. Good morning Jen.
sangharath surwade
good morning so happy mi
Emily Mills
Geoffrey Okot
A good beginning makes a successful ending,
Mustapha Alabi
Good morning jend! You've always reminding us of what should always be remembered. U are indeed an Angle for our generation coz ur eyes sees What no eyes sees and that's why u just say it out like knowing what someone is facing. Thanks for been there!!!!
sonia singh
Asifa Ali
Srinath M.S
naina chahat
most beautiful
Tushar Anande
Very refreshing
Kishan Sondarva
Very gud na8 at ur place. 1:45 am…nyc pic n quote 2, hv a great monday n joyful weekend 2 u. With ♡♡♡
Amox Nyamambaya
It's amazing flower by Amox nyamambaya
patra rosongnern
sometimes i can do
Terry Nganga
Goodmornin Jendhamuni
Lim John
so soothing,,,@acesse
Jude Kailou Pongap
Very encouraging, some of us needed that 😀
Neha Kumari
nice flower………
Lucy Lagrimas
+Jendhamuni Sos
thanks dear sis for
inspiring thought God bless you always and send more smile
to anyone:-):-)♥
Mami Boytlung
May GOD bless you my friend have a nice day.
Mousumi Sanyal
Beautiful post dear sis +Jendhamuni Sos , lovely pic and very inspiring words … If can be followed , one can be truly happy … Wish a lovely night ahead to you 🙂
Saqib Riaz
great saying…
antony munuve
wow…thanks be blessed too
jungwoo yoo
simran kaur
Uday Joshi
If you can't find the right words to certain situation
just give a smile….
Words may confuse
but a smile always convinces.. !!
Carlos Bation
TRUE and GOD bless U
Abdul Khader Nebil
khan asadhul
Flower is bad see and love fling….
narender singh
very buitiful
Priya Chaudhary
luisara pinto
and my GOD do as you say
silpa kancharlla
so nice
praveen reddy
emmie kamvabingu
vaishali saxena
Beautiful! !
Riyasath khan
very beautifull like heart that beats for seeing any lovable
Meena Uthappa
The past is history, the future is a mystery, what has been presented to you is the present, – make the best use of the present.
Shiju Thomas
Rb saini
Umama Ahmad
so nice…
Subrata Chakraborty
Animesh nandi
wow so beautiful..nice..
Afroze Qazi
V inspiring thoughts.
Safiullah Khan
Afroze Qazi
Inspiration. & experience teaches right path of life.
jay nargass
Lovely flower with cool colour an nice reflection
Jayshree Tilala
Good quote jen
Gokak Shruti
Very Nice lotus
Prabhu G
Beautiful quote
Kelcey Putri
Very good
Leonard Lee
Have a peaceful day Jen
Rafia malik
praveen reddy
kiran thakur
ashok kumar
chanda teli
Very nice
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
Very nice first thought for the day.
praveen reddy
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
why no
praveen reddy
no means no haha
Murty Krishna
praveen reddy
sathar piyem
Lashun Whatley
praveen reddy
Divakaran V
ramazan. evlice
So beautiful
ctg bd
Raghav panday
Sorry , I was very busy with my directer since morning ,,, now only I'm getting chance to visit to see ur post,,,,my day was successful and blessed no doubt,,,,,,,
because of prediction,,,
Tommorow again I will be with my Dir ,very busy let's see when I get chance tommorow,,,
Thanks jen , for wishing us all the best , may God will fill ur day with
lot of smiles too …….
Asma Khan
Hmmm nice
Deane Sagato
Very nice arrangement. Thank you, Jenh. "Awesome"
Carlos Bation
Good morning jenh
Jendhamuni Sos
+Carlos Bation Good morning!
Viji Naidu
Gd morning…:-)
Carolyn Dania
Words of inspiration and to live by
Sara Zinnera
Stacey Lopez
Stacey Lopez
Good to soul
Martha Hardy
+Jendhamuni Sos t
Martha Hardy
Thaats a very good way to be joyful happy dont let nothing change you in any way God will bless you in msny ways do you go to church
Saffron Wetter
Thanks for sharing this with me! O how i needed it!! I LoL flowers!! This is not the Saffron flower! but its the same color! LoL it
kiran thakur
rogger santos
muito linda
Jay Mehta
Leonard Miller
Thanks for your inspiration
dhruw hemant
prakash das
Sabia Khan
i can't believe it.
Yousaf Hasan
balbir singh
aap sa hasin sayed koi ho.
Sabia Khan
Very nice
saidi walele
Good morning this is a good advise to me
Sabia Khan
Good morning
Good evening
Nirguna Rane
Its v lovly
balbir singh
Neha Kumari
nice flower………
Sabia Khan
Aklesh Nagle