Swearing Imposes a Personal Penalty
It gives a bad impression
It makes you unpleasant to be with
It endangers your relationships
It's a tool for whiners and complainers
It reduces respect people have for you
It shows you don't have control
It's a sign of a bad attitude
It discloses a lack of character
It's immature
It reflects ignorance
It sets a bad example
Swearing is Bad for Society
It contributes to the decline of civility
It represents the dumbing down of America
It offends more people than you think
It makes others uncomfortable
It is disrespectful of others
It turns discussions into arguments
It can be a sign of hostility
It can lead to violence
Swearing corrupts the English language
It's abrasive, lazy language
It doesn't communicate clearly
It neglects more meaningful words
It lacks imagination
It has lost its effectiveness
Source: Cuss Control
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deborah rockmore
Kintail malindi
Buetfull flowers
Kintail malindi
You are correct
Matthew Hinthorn
But it can be a guilty pleasure: (
Jesse H
I love you too my dear. You couldn't be more right. 20 years in the military and working construction they all swear. No way getting away from it
Jendhamuni Sos
+Jesse H I understand. I hear people swear, everywhere I go 😉 Never knew you were in a military that long! Stop swearing, would you? 😉
Mahesh Thorat
Love you dear
Annette Marie Harlow
I am Working on this …
Jendhamuni Sos
+Annette Marie Harlow Good luck 😉
Jendhamuni Sos
+Matthew Hinthorn 😉
Syed Mostafa
Good morning.thanka
Patel Girish
Same to you too dear jendh
santhosh kp
Love too..
m saleem saleem
Ajay Agnihotri
I agree with you Jendhamuni. ..and so beautiful roses. ..I like it. .thanks.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Ajay Agnihotri Thank you. Not many will agree with this post 😉
Harender Singh Rawat
Good morning.niec pic
Jahangir Shaida
Thank you for information
jenny bailey
this is so lovely
deporte univicionMarciano Hernandez
Sara Hamd
Love u too have a nice day
deporte univicionMarciano Hernandez
Mahesh Chainani
Good night +Jendhamuni Sos inspired post thanks
Elvira Young
I love you miss Jen..correct!!
Samad Khan
Ohhh nice
mj casper
Nana Aulia
Thats true ,and nice roses"
MOhammad NAbi khan
I love you 2
Timothy Mckiness
It shows lack of intelligence in oneself and reflects to others the lack of self respect.
Van Zing
Thank you
Lagrimas Lucy
+ Jendhamuni Sos
good morning♥
nice post' have a good day
always smile 🙂
Robbye Thomas
A very good reminder; esp for those who did not swear/curse until we morphed n2 our surroundings or reverted back to what we heard and learned eaely. A couple of foul words seem 2 b the way to express anger and frustration when another disrespects and will not listen to gentle reasoning. Man… remember your true value, qholesomeness, and the care you want from others.
Be caref I L little ears what you hear and little tongue that carries a Big Sting. Think of the most respected (children included) in your presence★★how would you React and Speak in a tough or intellectual setting??
"Quick to Listen Slow to Speak" (book). 2 Ears… 1 Mouth.
Some curse out of pain/anger
Some curse 2 appear hip/migjty
Some curse 4 lack of patience
Some just don't care
Some just don't know better
Some just lack self control
Some Needed Your Reminder♡
Nilesh Rana
Oh sos,very good morning.you & flowers same same very nice & love u.
Haze Ad
Good to know thanks sis
Vinod Raj
Very good morning.. Lovely thought
Inturi Brahmananda Rao
Sudhansu Gangdeb
Lots of love +Jendhamuni Sos.
naginda rai
Very lovely
Basu Khadka
Masum Rana
Mashum rana
Abdul shakoor
love u
Atewe Josephine 'Jossiebaby'
Love love love… Just stopped swearing tho….
Nawal Kishore Malhotra
Beautiful quote, Sos not easy to reply .
kiran jagtap
I like u baby
Mohammad Idrisi
Mohammad Idrisi
+kiran jagtap hi
arifsultan mohamed
Chitra Khilnani
Teri maa ki chuth
Chitra Khilnani
Bhadwa Teri gaand phadungi ek din
Chitra Khilnani
Tere Baap ka lauda tere moo pe rakh
Chitra Khilnani
Teri kuthi maa ka chuthya beta tu muje badal nahi saktha at least not the way u have been trying to since 2010 fucking wrong ways and sinful acts can't make me change me I am never going to do anything by force
Force does not work with me
By taking away my business you only prove how weak and characterless chuth you are
Ratirat Teeranitiwath
…Every Dream's Possible…
…V.Good Luck always…
…Dear Jen…kd…
…I Love U..too…
…V.beautiful..likes U…@
babu khan
saeed ahmad
Haja Syed
Syed haja679
sandamali pahatirana
Nishu Sharma
sandamali pahatirana
Thanks you
Nishu Sharma
Vishesh Panwar
I love you to
Yaani Boorhan
Virendra jain Jain
Very lovely
Janu Vijay
+MOhammad NAbi khan hay fr
aftab ahmad
Full Time good
Nellie Eide
Like ah shit?
Chitra Khilnani
Tera lamba kala lauda JL ke buyer ke moo mei rakh tujhe bahut Aram milega restlessness willl also go and you might be able to sleep tonite if u do as I say
Suha Rehman
anisha ammi
zenzile magada
mujeeb ur-rahman
i too
Onkar Marwah
Suliman Khan
DeAnna Paris
Fuck that.
Ajay Yogesh
Sharms J
Love you to
Jagadeesh Jagadeesh
mary ames
I agree
David Gery
Good morning beautiful roses and very nice saying, I agree with you. Have a wonderful day.
rupavathi vathi
V beautiful flower
mary ames
I have this ex friend she swears like a truck driver and my landlord heard her and shook his head and then she tried to move into my place and wonders why she was turned down. How embarrasing
Aboobakar Sidheek Pc
sarat chandra acharya
U r right
dave hitesh
love you dear
harpreet kaur
luv u toooo
rajesh sharma
I like
Vijay Nehra
Love u dear
Jashim Alam
Atiq Rehman
Me to
Abraham Velez
yousuf satham
Ejnz Kiani
Love is love
ppkk99881@kamal 8899
Anhreke fidale
ppkk99881@kamal 8899
Anhreke fidale
Necole Chambers
Elizabeth Gonzales
Bad if you can't comply…when you swear,be true to it.
Abraham Velez
Yes indeed!
Emmanuel Onyia
I love you too.
لهخ كحن
Wawe lavliy
Khalil Rahaman
Abraham Velez
Usama Khan
Abraham Velez
Hallo "
Porce Buta
Nice flower
Abraham Velez
Helen Fernandes
Kool lavliy flower
Abraham Velez
Porce Buta
+Abraham Velez hi
Usama Khan
Porce Buta
+Usama Khan hi
Anil Maurya
Abraham Velez
nice rose
Porce Buta
James Celestine
Very nice
rathna samy
Nice baby
Sarla Soni
Sparkling love
Khan Saiful
+Vinod Raj
Arif Abbasi
Abraham Velez
Hallo "
Arif Abbasi
Hiw r u
Abraham Velez
Okay "