you have one need not to be taken away.
Your Dignity, Feelings and your Reputation
as a human being.
~Jcalex Maneja
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Shari Garrett
I totally agree with you
Carlos Bation
100% truely
Sally Nguyen
Good morning my sister !
Jendhamuni Sos
+Sally Nguyen My dear sister. Goog morning. So busy this week, but will take some break for gplus after work tomorrow!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Carlos Bation Thank you.
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Shari Garrett
Carlos Bation
Welcome at Mabuhay ka
ghiasuddin ahmed
very true-for:: dignity lies within and its one's possession!
Shital Kumar Harnal
100% Agree. Good Morning Friend.
Sally Nguyen
Busy but do not forget to take care !
Sonakshi Sharma
Very true. +Jendhamuni Sos ji. Good morning. Have a great day ahead.
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Diana rose Sangar
Hello +Jendhamuni Sos You are right, thank you! Blessings to you. Warm regards sending…
Jayesh Thakkar
Its the strength of our positiveness. Good morning Jen.
Bhupender kumar Airi
Very rightly said.
Zahurul Alam
Jendhamuni I do agree !!!
Bhagaban Panda
save child labour
euge in utah/ Be safe
Its the strength the lord gives us, alone were nothing(TRUTH)
elijah mbugua
Good morning sister,i totally agree with you may Good bless you.
Draha Kučerová
krásná řeč
Maria Dib
very true my sister Jen..
Sandeep Priyadarshi
Cathy kish
This is true.
Kuldeep Singh
goswami krishan
in india
Saphon In
Working and Stirring endlessly from the childhood , and for life ! Thanks. I reminded this stirring applied a lot within this continuity flow of actions and matters . Thanks .
Stiring for the pure nature !
Ana Kurisu
Very true my friend
Suzana Untan
I agree
Vipin Rathor
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
terence williams
Your dignity,feelings, and reputation, are the gift you make yourself- TO yourself -that is called your sense of 'honour' Jen. I am sure you know this. Lovely boy.
Latifah Lidres
U correct. Good morning.
peetala swarna Kumar
yes so..true dearest Jendhamuni..
Steve Anderson
Praise and blame. Fame and disrepute. The winds blow.