that love is apart from us.
Actually there is nothing but love,
once we are ready to accept it.
When you truly find love,
you find yourself.
— Deepak Chopra
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Deepak Mahajan
Shital Kumar Harnal
Good Morning My Friend
Octomus Prime
just a year,month,day,hh-mm-ss statistics of the findings can give the deapth of that..
Efriel A. Aguirre
Good morning my dear friend…
Octomus Prime
nt' to measure in one mind, to get it in other also..
Sk Mizanur Rahman
Love knows no difference between Life n Death.
jone deka
Love is life…good morning
Akhtar Jannat
Good morning all my lovely friend
Ghazi Riman
Denisemichele Thompson
For the love of a rose….your keepsake forever..
Jahangir Shaida
beautiful red rose in box
Maria Elizabeth Silva Santos
Sensacional Rose linda
kiran kumari
very beautiul
Rajesh Kumar
Octomus Prime
lovely call…
kiran kumari
zafar ali sarki
Gordon Lee
+Jendhamuni Sos I hope the homeopathic doctor searching for your help wasn't looking for the information I sent you and 12 other people. I wrote his email down before it abruptly "disappeared." I hope you told him I am the original researcher, and would send him a copy of the 70 page document I authored over a 27 year period. Now widely practiced clinically by over 180 million Russians, and others throughout the world successfully curing many diseases and lives.
tracy shechter
imagination may ,play a minor role but no comparison when u llook in the
EYES of ur love one. Urr.eyes r.the soul a person the
sialkot daska
Can anyone help me
Gordon Lee
+sialkot daska If it is possible, what can I do to help you?
sialkot daska
+Gordon Lee i think yes it is possible
Octomus Prime
open the door which u hv closed urslf..
Sekhpa Paravesh
zafar ali sarki
b muhammad
Anilkumar Sharma
david martin
I think you are absolutely right
This is true sometime very difficult to find true love
+Efriel A. Aguirre
rupavathi vathi
its v nice
columba montsinos
Give me one please
tajmal shah
Oh my GOD
jay nargass
Lively an lovely post jensos
Efriel A. Aguirre
Abdul Ghofar
If you
Shalvi Patel
Adam Monk
I wish I could find true love.I have saw much to give.
Sayed Muslim jawed
Hi dear, I am looking to find a real love, and let me know if you accept my requests, so come to through my face book adress check and we can have some reall saying and chating this is my Facebook address:
Muslim jawed
Choudhary Javed
Auino Jacob
It lovely
shaniece munchi
muhammad nawaz
So lovely
Chitra Khilnani
My Facebook friend Has a very strange address
Gwee mein charya and lali mein Lambo
Hahahahahaha so funny
tracy shechter
U need to find urself before u may e ever find a person who u can share u with
lena othem
oh my god…how? wooow