Prayer is only another name for good, clean, direct thinking. When you pray, think well what you are saying, and make your thoughts into things that are solid. In that manner, your prayer will have strength, and that strength shall become part of you, mind, body, and spirit. ~Richard Llewellyn

The Areng Valley in Koh Kong province. Environmental impact assessments on a dam project there are pushing ahead. International Rivers
Shital Kumar Harnal
Beautiful words. Good Morning Jen my sweet. Sister.
Julius Mwaniki
A new and true meaning of a prayer. Morning friend +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning, my dear +Julius Mwaniki Sending you many smiles!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Shital Kumar Harnal Wishing you a most gorgeous day, brother +Shital Kumar Harnal
Girish Data
Good morning dear friend have a nice day
Leonard Lee
Beautiful country Jen
M.hashim M.hashim
Jendhamuni Sos. .very early Good morning. are you
Beautiful Cambodia
Jendhamuni Sos
+M.hashim M.hashim I'm doing fine. Thank you. Wishing you a most peaceful day.
Carlos Bation
Meaningful prayer..have a beautiful morning /evening ..Ingat Hawak Kamay
Kathy Grimm
Good Evening dear sister. Beautiful words Sis. You always brighten my day. Enjoy your evening Jen. Happy Halloween; I loved this time of year as a child. When my little ones then my grand kids were little, I would take them out for tricks and treats: all those little kids bumming candy; I miss that. Have a fantastic weekend Sis, love you. 🎃😱😵😨👿
Jendhamuni Sos
+Kathy Grimm Thank you so much, dear sister. I too, love Halloween, but more meaningful when my little sis was alive because this is her favorite day. Today, we only went with her little boy, no her. She would be very happy if she were here to see her boy's costume.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Girish Data Good morning! Wishing you a beautiful and warm day.
Jendhamuni Sos
Wishing you a peaceful weekend +Leonard Lee
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Carlos Bation May your weekend be beautiful!
Carlos Bation
Maraming salamat jenh ..same to U ..Ingat Hawak Kamay
Raghav panday
Pure wisdom Wishing you a most peaceful lovely , friendly weakend beauty full girl lua ,,,,,,
mahendra mistry
I miss you
Kathy Grimm
+Jendhamuni Sos I'm so sorry for the loss of your little Sister Jen. But she is watching from Heaven; to see her little boy grow.
Good morning Jen, you are doing a great job and let me urge all the people who love you to be the change they want the world to be Wonderful!
Louisa Lee
yes, thank you!
Jayesh Thakkar
You are absolutely right Jen.
margaretann hudson
I pray everyday and night
U R Saini
So good
H,. Highlander
Dear Jend, Prayer is the only direct way to God, being good, clean and thinking of God and when my saying to God makes me a God child having strength and that strength shall become part of me. my mind, body and spirit being solid.
I am Gods' warrior and will one
for ever.
Thank you lady Jend
Ajay Agnihotri
I think it's a true meaning of prayer Jendhamuni.
Louisa Lee
Swarna Shanmugalingam
I always pray my loved ones with my heart. If they are not near I touch their photos and pray for them everyday. I love praying.
Armon Sigur
Louisa Lee
yes, you are so right.
Armon Sigur
On Nov 4, 2014 7:26 AM, "Google+ (Louisa Lee)" <
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