Titles do not give true power. When you practice mindfulness well and you radiate joy, stability, and peace, you acquire a much deeper authority. When you speak, people listen to you, not because they have to but because you are fresh, serene, and wise. A good leader is one who exercises only this kind of authority. She doesn’t strive for it or want to use it, but it comes naturally. She inspires people by her way of living, and people listen to her because of her authenticity. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Who is lullabying me with the 'Eightfold Path' now?
Will Jendha accept her new position as a 'psychotherapist'?
Well, just to treat me with mental issues such bipolar, PTSD, or hypnosis
Why are you looked so sexy today, Jendha?
Wait! I need to print out Jendha's pic first so I could use it to lay on my chest while sleeping tonight
Of course, to make me voluptuous!!
Yes I look sexy Jendha