to simply forgive, but a lot of healing
takes place when you do.
― Elizabeth George
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― Elizabeth George
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Muhammed Nasir Uddin
Aftab Ansari kingdom
+Jendhamuni Sos beautiful
farook faruk
Danny Brutout
Michael Cammock
Reserve your forgiveness for those that need it, otherwise it is wasted.
Kishan Sondarva
Super pic n nyc line dr Jen…!!!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Michael Cammock It's never wasted to forgive. Instead, it makes us happy every time we do it, whether the person deserves or not.
Jendhamuni Sos
Wishing you a beautiful day, +Danny Brutout
Kishan Sondarva
Danny Brutout
Cool thank you i hope that you have a,blessed and aawese day
Michael Cammock
+Jendhamuni Sos Sorry, it depends, from my perspective. And so I will keep to what I believe until God in Heaven shows me differently. Too many times with tyrants in other words.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Michael Cammock I totally understand… May your day be peaceful and beautiful.
Danny Brutout
Have an awed
Have an awesome day and stay blessed
Gwendolyn Davidson
This is beautiful…and the words associated with it are true and WILL SET U FREE !!!ISMILE
Kishan Sondarva
Wishing u many many happy returns of the day…God bless u always..dr..Jen…!!!
Michael Cammock
+Jendhamuni Sos Thankyou so much, Ms Sos, I really appreciate your good will and very beautiful quotations form various sources. Keep up the great work.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Gwendolyn Davidson Very true. Always happy to have you here, my dear. May Peace be upon you every moment.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Michael Cammock Thank you so much. Thank you always for your feedback. We are here to share our knowledge.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Kishan Sondarva Smiling.
Michael Cammock
+Jendhamuni Sos Yes, and likewise to you. My day has just begun, so I will see what else the day holds and hope that your day goes well also? 🙂 🙂
Danny Brutout
Have a peaceful day
Jendhamuni Sos
+Michael Cammock Thank you. Yes, things have been going well. Just busy, that's all. Sending you many smiles.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Danny Brutout Thanks so much!
abulkher maiha
Good always
Danny Brutout
Jendhamuni you are so wellcome you ard awespme
Alicia Calimlim
good morning sister how are u ?
Robert Johnson
Sheer unadulterad beauty. You got to love it
apd drda
U r always great and
Wonderful.Thanx for doing it uninterruptedly.
Jendhamuni Sos
+apd drda Wishing you a beautiful day.
Octomus Prime
nice lines to learn. dear J.sos..
may not the good be the side,but worse should not touch..
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you. Wishing you a beautiful and a peaceful day +Octomus Prime
Octomus Prime
+Jendhamuni Sos thanx., it is my nice feel,
mathan tony
hafiz ge
chanda teli
Good morning jen.nice pic.
hafiz ge
Kathy Heard
I really think that's just beautiful!
Bernice Weise
Dhana .d
Emily Mills
Very true
Musa Uddin
V v v v nice
Sherry Verma
+Jendhamuni Sos nice post . Nd true .
Rajesh Mardaniya
Nice pice.
Jayesh Thakkar
Grace and forgiveness are the signs of matured mentality. Good morning Jen.
Darren Koopman
Hey gorgeous!! I appreciate the beautiful pics….love you dearly xxxxx
Usma Farq
Very nicc
Alfred Ashburn
Jendhamuni Sos you have and enchanting face and eyes. They make you outstandingly beautiful.
Danny Gregorio
Nice post n very good qoutation..thnx Jen..
Patricia Jennings
great post
Radha Anand
nice jen
Nandanavanam Bindu
Wonderful !!
Terry Nganga
Forgiveness is a request from God for us to forgive each other
mj casper
Good one 🙂
Raman Thampi
good one
Sudhakar Yadav
Waiting for your loved one's.
Darren Koopman
Wow!! Yeah right…don't spoiled something beautiful now
iruguru lakshmi
Raman Thampi
Ann Marie Juliet Griffiths
This is so true. Forgiveness relieves stress and heaviness
Renia Andczem
Sara Zinnera
So nice
fathima ifha
Evelyn Wanjau
Very true. Thank you so much
Madhura Bapat
Sooooo true..
Zarina Masoud
That is true.
Anwar Ali
Great quote . Thnx
Robert Johnson
+Madhura Bapat so beautiful
Raman Thampi
Sooooo true.
Raman Thampi
nice post . Nd true
vijayasankar koilpillai
ya TRUE why this pic ins'of U
Suganya Ramya
very nice
Carlos Bation
Beautiful super lovely
munawar khan
Raman Thampi
rain is strong
Dewicymuth Mhuetz
Ibrahim Yahya
This pic so especially for D ………
sriman kamma
Very nice such a beautiful eyes it says something
Xavier van wijmeersch
so lovely; and thank you for these words
zafar ali sarki
Raghav panday
Hi jen good evening,,,, nice words ,forgiveness
Is needed in our day to day life in relationship also we need to ignore some mistakes and forgive our partner for many things which hurt us we don't like some time ,,,, so let's keep doing that to hv healthy relationship,,,,,don't like the pic but i love u r post,,,,,,,keep smiling ,,,,
rebeka sakthi
"the weak can never forgive .forgiveness is attribute of the strong hearten person"
says( mahatma Gandhi ji)
Janet Pfeiffer
+Jendhamuni Sos I'd like to invite everyone to watch a very powerful and #healing video on #forgiveness at http://www.FromGodWithLove.net. It is the only path to inner #peace.
rebeka sakthi
that will be great.
Derek Matthews
jefthe solomon
Good words, very deep.
oshin yadav
nice 1 !!!!
Mohandas Cherkkara
Dee joseph
Really nice post thanks for sharing …. It's hard for some ppl to forgive cuz they're still focusing on the event that occurred in order for you to forgive you have to be able to let it all go .. I often wondering why anyone would want to hold on to a events in their life that caused them so much pain.. When you forgive it take a heavy burden off of you… Where not perfect ppl we all fall short jst keep that in mind
Divakaran V
Jil-Israel Olayinka
You free from nursing grudges, bitterness and hatreds in your heart. Ability to forgives will help you have peace in your heart you will be able to move forward , good ideas will flow into your heart and when you see the person you are free though it is difficult try it you will enjoy it.
Raja Riaz
Nice Love it
Jamal Alota
Jamal Alota
Aiwol Facebook
Rudolph Tooks Jr
I like that
Gwendolyn Davidson
I did not deserve to b 4 given but JESUS forgave me so I MUST FORGIVE TO RID ME OF THAT HEAVY LOAD….GGD
Mohaimen Mama
Yes very true
Dee joseph
+Gwendolyn Davidson nicely stated… Bless you
Michelle Steele
It easy to say I forgive you and be the big person but in your mine the hurt is still there
penny joel
sure thing
Gwendolyn Davidson
The epitome of pure beauty
and metamorphosis.!!
Jamal Alota
On 16 Jul 2014 00:26, "Jamal Alota" <****@**> wrote:
Gwendolyn Davidson
When I forgave, there was a freedom n me I cld not begin to explain…then I began 2 understand why Jesus took the cross and cleansed me from my dirty sin….my my, what blood washing! GGD…ISMILE
pavitra kumar
Afroze Qazi
Nice qoutation.
pretty missy Burrows
Well said
Niranjan Patil
that's beautiful woman
balbir singh
very beutyfull
samit sharma
mario mangaoang
So pretty.girl
Chuckowry Maneesha
sheila maresi
hi my dear friend Chuckowry Maneesha
Pankaj kumar
Quiti Quiti
harpreet verma
sourov sopon
habib khan
Hosea Peter
True Talk Baby.
Ma.Theresa Cainglet
luv it…pretty pics
Stacey Lopez
Food to soul
Kayleigh Windless
It is so beautiful and nice
Nadia Sabir
Kayleigh Windless
It is Beautiful
Kayleigh Windless
Can we be friends Nadia Sabir
Bonga Ngcobo
Jendhamuni Sos thanks i understand i don't want to be a slave of anger and i don't want forgiving to be an obligation; these words reduce the level of anger One day i will face reality.
Folayemi Anthonia
Forgiveness is divine
Ma.Theresa Cainglet
Kayleigh Windless
She is very nice and Beautiful girl.