Below is a great message from Mother Teresa that I love so much. No one could say it better than this:
“Humility is the mother of all virtues; purity, charity and obedience. It is in being humble that our love becomes real, devoted and ardent. If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are. If you are blamed you will not be discouraged. If they call you a saint you will not put yourself on a pedestal.” ― Mother Teresa
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Nalaka Chaminda
Yogi Jain
Dam sexy hot chick lovely
Charitha Jayashri
Good luck for your Love
lukah ng'ang'a
u 2 dear have agood day
Alabama G Man
What do you Really need anyway?
Not as much as you think.':-)
Ravi Nithy
hi jen ur simple words refresh my mind. thank jen. & keep every day smile. nice photo.
Ravi Nithy
hi jen ur simple words refresh my mind. thank jen. & keep every day smile. nice photo.
John Said
Thank you Jen. Your words are helpful
Chitra Khilnani
Now this is something the fat slob with a huge belly from andheri has to learn selfish hijara won't even last a day without his sports cars huge bathroom and trips around the world . I think ugly bastard will die instantly
Dwight Preston
Good morning sweetie? Nice post this one and the love post.I'm being humble Jen,I like if we could talk,I know you're busy.God bless you Jen 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
J. Verma
so sweet …is it you..??..lovely post with a very highly motivational message..i liked it too much..thanks for giving motivation to us to live a good and couregeous life..keep it up..
Good Morning My Friend.
babar salam
Good morning
ashok sharma
A nice text on your wise post. Gd morning.
sudhagar R
Goluchakki Chakki
+babar salam
Paresh Patel
I think you are in love….sos
sudhagar R
Marian Steere
Needed that, Thank you.
Ravi tiwari
hi good morning jedhamuni ji
David Rodriguez
Love the pic
Marilen Rowena
Nice photo my fren:-)
Reena Verma
hi dear Sos, it feels stimulating to start fresh day with your encouraging Quotes, Thanks dear…..
Phyu Phwe
Ana Marie Polintan
Your bless
sudhagar R
+Ana Marie Polintan nice
Sohel Bangladesh
Nice photo
Sohel Bangladesh
Nice photo
Nico R
The election results are in ! Miss J is now duly appointed as my vice president.
savita patole
so true sos mam"good morning!
Shubham Tate
Whats Your Mobile Cell No.
Sohel Bangladesh
My numbers
jaya kumar
Jendhamuni hru? Give miss call +9665
Subramanian M R
This the age , this is the day , this is the hour , where there is no true love . Gone were the days when every word had its true meaning . Every one sincerely followed the path of the meaning of every word . Can we expect another Mahatma ? Another Lincoln ? or even another Teresa ? They are the gifts of God to mankind .
Elvira Young
Nice qoutes miss Jen.I love the way u smile..thank you for sharing..keep on smilling there..coz me too..always happy face here..whatever happen..i smile yeh!<3
Barbie Mahajan
Shubham Tate
Hi How Are You
Rajgopal Ramachandran
very nice quotes Sos, have a great Wednesday +Jendhamuni Sos
thomas namunje
Wow! so beautiful and a very inspiration message. God bless you.
Javeed Khan
Looking good. ..
David Gery
Good morning Jendhamuni, beautiful picture of you lovely words so true, God bless you and have a wonderful day.
Zahid Ali
Nice picture
Michael Cammock
Nothingness: all you have to do is clap your hands and you know that something is actually there: the tingling feeling left in your hands, means that "something" just happened…. the sound you just made, means that your ears just heard " something". And so there is substance in everything. Even your own Spirituality. You can not see Electricity, but you know it is there as something that is invisable that powers your phone, computer and the like 🙂
chandarkant kuwar
So beautiful and very nice
Zahid Ali
How r u
Mayur Shah
Nice pose!! Have a Great day, Jen
shaji george
test nice word's
shaji george
test nice word's
shaji george
very good word's
Kenneth Chow
Beautiful words >> sweet smile +Jendhamuni Sos
Ur word is nice & feelins too be…..
Shiju Thomas
That is true but
ramesh sinha
Beautiful as usual . u r looking graceful SOS .
shameer gudalur
very nies..
Tanvirsiddique80gmail.com Siddique123
Sweet smile
hi Jendhamuni!?
Niranjan Patil
Sunday Peterson
keep d smile going,i luv it
Kimberly Heupel
Beautiful hair what do u use to make it so full and healthy
Tdv Pathy
Good morning dear friend thanks for the quote you're telling life in a simple way so that everyone can understand thanks for the good work please continue this as much as possible.
Sekhar Mohan
thank you jendhamuni Sos for inspairing thought of mother teresa
Good morning…..Thanks
Ghazanfar Ali
Husssain Sadikot
Keep smiling.free from tensions
Richard Martinez
You shouldn't have a Problem with that Smile you Carry Everyday +Jendhamuni Sos
Maestro specialist cosmology Science
Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang
Kneading soul and psychological professor
Profesor ngrogo sukmo
Renowned expert the eight trigrams
Pakar terkenal Padmonobo
Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan
Manoj Swain
Love in my thought " U sit with some body and say nothing but when u leave the place you feel you have had the best moments of life".
Richard Martinez
Sorry! But I don't Agree with You.
Inturi Brahmananda Rao
Very good postong on true love of human being.
Allot Sizwile
Janak Chand
Sajjad Khan
nice cute smiling face
Nothy Thando
The smile iz the one thng dat u do
Satish Kataria
Hi.beautfell. Hi.friend.i.want.to.white.friend.ship
mj casper
Carlos Bation
Lovely,so beautiful MAKATOTOHANAN
mj casper
Alin ang hindi
L.rahul Singh
Gud day take care……….. Nice smile
Priyantha Liyanage
Do you like send your photos whdn going old
Fazlur Rahman
Very nice
kailash singh
nice giurl
naheed zakir
outstanding thought….superb…
Jayeeta Keesoondoyal
i agree 🙂
petey pete
Zainon Zainal
God bless you Jend.
Demone Torain
Thank you for the inspirational word have a wonderful day
Emmanuel Onyia
Beautiful as always ,nice smile .inspireing word.you're blessed.
Michel Levert
..". beauty of nothingness" . Thank you, Jendhumani
Leonard Lee
Very beautiful
Razaq Razaq
Hello nice
Sakthi Vel
moses gutierrez
Go on christian mingle.co.
Alicia Calimlim
Everything is beautiful for u sister Jen just keep it up.
Mohiuddin Baba
It is not new thing. It depends on the approach of individual. There are people having lot of assets but are not happy whereas there are people who do not know where from the second meal will come. They live happily. U have to change ur approach to get happiness in life.
Janicewilliams Williams
A man thank you
Anwar Khan
Nice Text. You are looking fresh with nice smile.
Raghav panday
What a beautiful thought , that's why I like u ,,,,, wisdom,,,
Saijyothi raj singh
Hi sos what a lovely smile.
Jeremi Douglas
You look very beautiful
Geoffrey Okot
A great message!!!
lena othem
you are so sweet :))
Atif Ali
mark bolds
you"re so pretty!
Bernard Coldwell
Great smile
Deepesh Maru
I love you so much
Mehdi Abdollahi
Woooo nice and sexy photo
karim dhanani
You look vvv good. An god bliss you
murtuzaali handia
Nice post
karim dhanani
Ver good mesage l like it. You send me. You photu
santhosh santhosh
sweet smile <3
Bojon Sil
garylee joy
Jendhamuni Sos, our love should be real. Thank you for sharing the quote from Mother Teresa. By the way, you have a beautiful smile.
Nizarmkpm Nizar
U nice hhhhhhhiiiiii
karim dhanani
Jayesh Thakkar
You are right Jen, to never expect anything from anyone in this world is the key of happiness, because life offers the real and endless happiness through a feeling of humanity and positiveness. Good morning Jen.
Jayesh Thakkar
Looking beautiful JEN.
Jayesh Thakkar
Yesterday I was not feeling well and was suffering from a mild fever and went to bed earlier. Just I waked up and saw your post. Have a good day Jendhamuni Sos.
Patricia Gaxa
So beautiful
Mora The Model
Ugly b*************
rusty nuts
+Mora The Model I hope your life gets better for you.
alisha jaffarally
Rose Joseph
Beautiful warm inspiration from Mother Theresa. She really had a heart and touch many lives with her Love and Compassion. She Is dearly missed by all who knew her. God bless you, Jen. Thank you for sharing!
Hi…you..Love me?
Jose Lukose
Truly it is genuine:)
ibrahim inuwa
Yeah! agree with you,that is why i see your own smile on your face.
Rehema Chande
Ilove this
Silvia Gill
Nice pic dear
shaniece munchi
so true
kailash singh
nice girl
Diana Mcrae
Jendhamuni, I am a huge fan of you and love your quotes and beautiful scenery but I have something that was on your comments about the nutcase the FBI arrested with all the weapons. I am a Christian and American and because our country was attacked 9-11 we retaliated by going after the terrorist who bragged about him and his Taliban. You guys over there complaining as our men were dying fighting them. Helping the good Muslims that were killing their own people. I thought after they got the main guys that by their owning up to it
Diana Mcrae
That the Americans should just pull out. For that is a way of life forever you guys fighting and killing over in the mideast for religion sake? America has done many wonderful things for many countries. We stand or at least before Obama for freedom and have helped our allis fight for theirs. Go back and help rebuild after the wars over. Think about Hitler. He wanted anyone not blonde and blue eyes slaughtered and was well on his way through the countries if the lousey Americans hadn't of joined in those freedom wars. Yes our media isn't totally truthful and biased. But what do you expect when we have a liar for president. Our guys should have been out of there long ago. And the deal about Americans accusing Muslims of all being terrorists, the terrorist themselves say they are. And are Christians imbeciles? In the Muslin bible, doesn't it say death to all imbeciles? I know the Koran is the bible Muslin s
Diana Mcrae
Practice from, correct. Please explain for I don't understand the part about killing imbeciles and going to heaven with how many virgins awaiting him. Seriously I don't get it. As far as the majority hating North Americans, is we need to take care of our seniors and starving children and families here first before we do or give money to other countries. For there are many millions here that can't get jobs, and I am tired of people we try helping by food, money, or anything at this point if the Muslin people and the other majorities out there actually believe that because our government is cautious by not only muslin that are associated or anyone else claiming who they are and do evil,
aftab ahmed
aftab ahmed
Am your fan
ibrahiim aweys
Did not found ur love
Bradley Slocum
i was wondering what country do you live in
Wilbert Lequin
Hi jen goodmorning,,,
goswami krishan
hi nice pic
aftab ahmed
Why . . .
karim dhanani
edet john
Bernard Musau
Abdulqaadir Hasan