and you're scared to look ahead,
You can look beside you
And your best friend (me) will be there.
Source: fundootimes
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md nepali
Hello iove
Jayesh Thakkar
Thanks . Good morning Jen.
Firoz Rahi
Nice post , Thanks for share.
Shital Kumar Harnal
It's not about who hurt you and broke you down.
It's about who was always there to make
you SMILE.
Severin Vhora
Very nicely said
bahurdeen hameed
Baree Naushad
Very nice
HanumanthaRao Vempati
Nice to meet you Sos madam,your heart like red rose,take care of your self by meditation
jay nargass
Nice one
Ravi Nithy
hi dr sis.
nice post .
Md Jewyel
Mama Clinton
Thanks for being there. ..
Diana Rose
Thank you for being there for always
Md Jewyel
I know you are my best friend so this causes you will be stay always beside me for ever
Amrita K
Thank for being my friend
Diane Garland
Red Rock Rose
Thomas Almeida
Great ! thank you
Rob Christopherson
so nice
mildred baraza
Thank you my dear. U neva sieze to touch my heart. Love u
Have a wonderful week!
hetal gohel
Ohho…how sweet of u
Stephen Kigen
U inspire…!
Mamta Aggarwal
How sweet☆
Sudhir Golatkar
Thank you for always being there, Jen.
bening putriutia
huuuuum 🙂
Faridahadam Adam
thanx that all i need
Mahesh S
Tks nice lines!
mj casper
So nice single flower
jack prince Chilunjika
okay thats good to hear
Elvira Young
I really like to read all what wrote J.sos..u inspire me my dear…ur so sweet…
Tonya Dunfield
Very inspiring
be blessed.
Alinah Moletsane
Thank u
Elenia Apal
Very well done
unoma uzoh
So nice
Stacia Thomas Bello
Gorgerous thanks jen
Jendhamuni Sos
+Stacia Thomas Bello Thank kyou.
Shawn Howard
Angela Joan
Nice red flower. Dont worry cause I will also be beside you all the time
Jendhamuni Sos
+Angela Joan Have a wonderful morning, Angela.
Helal Uddin
You coming here tango I see you quickly love you too deep
Ibrahim Kabia
Really? Are you going to be there Jen?
Jalow Williams
So so beautiful… Keep your head up. When your Fed up. Im your true ftiend 4ever Jalow Williams
desmond ngetich
thats very true.
Chuckowry Maneesha
Lovely flower
Efriel A. Aguirre
Joseph Nathan
+Rob Christopherson
Lien Tinning
it reminds us about Gods love
mohammed nimnas
Beautiful flower
Harindra Kumar
Not a bad idea perhaps it may heal
Madan singh
Very nice beutyfull
Rajeev Kalia
You are so nice…
I love love simbols as I am a loving person
Mohammed Mahmoud
I. Trusted. U. When. U. Say. That. U. Love. Me. I. Love. U. So.. My. Dream. Become. Thrue…