but I know he listens.
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This post has been reshared 37 times on Google+
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Stacia Thomas Bello
I see god in everything
ratna poon
you are right friend
Jendhamuni Sos
Wishing you a beautiful day +ratna poon
fazlul alam
I like u so much
Jeremi Douglas
Love the picture the flowers are beautiful.
ratna poon
thank you
He's always there and listens to us
Alicia Calimlim
yeah absotely true good morning jen have a great Monday to u
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Alicia Calimlim Sending you many smiles also.
Deepu Sk
Parthiban Pather
Rest assured, he definitely listens
Lagrimas Lucy
+Jendhamuni Sos Im not feel alone no matter how I am far from my family because I know God is always with us' goodnight dear sis keep smile:-)♡♡♡
Jendhamuni Sos
Dear +Lagrimas Lucy I am so happy to hear that. Faith is very important for our lives. May Peace be upon you always.
Jeremi Douglas
God is always with us
Margaretann Hudson
Dwight Preston
Amen Jen,he listens to us ,bless you 🙂
Reg Dawn
Thank you!
lamin pakhrin
Always keep clean heart and pray,one day u can see God. If u didn't see him come to me i will drop u in his home.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Dwight Preston Wishing you a beautiful day.
Jendhamuni Sos
+lamin pakhrin Sounds good!
lamin pakhrin
Jendhamuni Sos
+lamin pakhrin Meaning, I agree with you!
lamin pakhrin
Means you are ready see god?
Jendhamuni Sos
No, meaning, I will keep clean heart and pray +lamin pakhrin
lamin pakhrin
OK you can meet him after death.
lamin pakhrin
But always i can see him,Bcoz he is living inside my heart.
Elenia Apal
Have a nice day jen
Ivan Alves
Amen jendl
Zakiyah Purdy
He here's everything because be is awesome
Ebony Carter
Julius Mwaniki
Sure and he is on our side
Ahmad Tawfek
U alright we dont see him but we can think of him
Ahmad Tawfek
So when we think of him we will see him around us always
Maestro specialist cosmology Science
Maestro spesialis ilmu terawang
Kneading soul and psychological professor
Profesor ngrogo sukmo.
Renowned expert the eight trigrams
Pakar terkenal Padmonobo
Helmsman/ferris/ferryman/steerman life destiny
Nakhoda/jurumudi takdir kehidupan
Arja Grafane
GOD is always with us!
Emilyn Odrada
He never tires of hearing our prayer
If one is pure in thought, mind & deed that is devinity. Such people dont even need to pray. God stays with them
Shital Kumar Harnal
When I pray I speak to God. When I meditation I listen to God. Good morning
jay nargass
I have to register my name in waiting list
Shiju Thomas
Good morning
Shiju Thomas
That id thr only prace we have
Saijyothi raj singh
Good morning Sos have a great start of the week n a nice day
S. R. Singh
Very True.
mohammedkhan ibrahim
Helal Uddin
Thanks for your help
Jayesh Thakkar
Yes, he listens our pray and knows everything about us. Have a good day Sos.
prasanth sivadasan
Very true… Good morning
chanda teli
Good morning .you are right friend.
Tdv Pathy
You are right I believe that he listens Thanks for sharing.
Tdv Pathy
He listens and sometimes answers also if we are eligible for what we pray he sanctions also I have experienced it Thankyou.
Geoffrey Okot
He is present all the time
Shirley L Smith
Yes my dear He hears your prayers. For He knows the number of hairs upon your head, & He catches our tears in a bottle. Yes my dear He loves you!!!
Noman Jani
Very nice
mahesh garg
it's nice
mshetwa Ibrahim
Your suppose to love and thanks god every time
Mohsin Ali
Absolutely correct allways God listens.
Farzana Siddiqui
Yes you are right !
Ali Nawaz
V nice
Rajeev Kalia
sopha hunedu
Mohamed Nizar
Very Nice
Francis Okeson
i every tin. love, faith, truth. we all nid it
Carlos Diaz
Amen! You're so right Jendhamuni, He is always there. I want to use this .opportunity to thank Him for His grace…
Alinah Moletsane
Gurvinder Singh
U too
Armona Thomas
S.Enayat Mehdi Rizvi Rizvi
I never feel my self alone….because by the grace of God you are always with me you fragrance are always with me
Talib Nagari
Francis Okeson
We all know dat. Dat GOD is right thire with u. But ones u always say u prayer al the time one day u wil start 2 hear the voice of the lord and u wil c GOD
Saranyasherind Ak
omotola felicia
bright nd lovely
Francis Okeson
Saranyasherind AK, wt do u mean.,….beutiful
omotola felicia
yes He listen…but with my commitment in faith and belief His presence manifest..
abdul khaliq
Saranyasherind Ak
beutiful mens bhagavan kya kya loko me bhanaya ye sabh mense flower varity
ho ga but smell ache ho gda smell acha nahi dekene acha ho gh that is
Francis Okeson
I got u
caspian Lundgren
its true
Rajeev Kalia
yes he does..
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
Yes when I pray…when I send msg I don't see you but I know you watching ! J…Sos.
Francis Okeson
great truth