I just place my hand over my heart
and its there I will find you, because
even though you are out of my sight,
you will never be out of my heart.
~Rashida Rowe
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Carlos Bation
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
It's very nice…but some of your posts are disturbing. I do not like some of them at all.
Michael Cammock
I get that same feeling with a lot of people I know…. And there is only so much we can do about all the suffering in the world, so be careful what you post.
Deane Sagato
Michael Cammock
+Loveandjoy Andhappiness we all need Love and Joy and Happiness!!
Deane Sagato
hendry nugroho
nice happy friday +Jendhamuni Sos
Kishan Sondarva
Nyc love n quote my frn Jen…
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
I chose this name as a sort of prayer. When I setup my passwords, sometimes they will be acronyms for prayers, so each time I log in I say that prayer over and over.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Loveandjoy Andhappiness Don't allow certain post you don't like disturb you… We have to learn how to face it. That's when we know how well we can respond to real situation.
Timothy Mckiness
It makes me think of my daughter. It's a beautiful post Gen thank you.
Michael Cammock
Maturity comes with time and experience….
Geoffrey Okot
Beautiful, I like it.
Ronald Harris
Be very happy Jendhamuni Sos
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
Tears and laughter each day. I suppose I'm blessed this way.
Lawalabdul Dauda
Beautiful Post
David Gery
Hello Jendhamuni, beautiful words and pretty picture, hope you have a wonderful Friday, take care my beautiful friend.
jabed babu
Hmm…very interesting….
Michael Cammock
I have heard of this kind of thing before. It is good to retain ones own privacy.
Sent from my Nokia phone
——Original message-
—Kirit Shah
Kiran Lama
sweet words +Jendhamuni Sos have a good day
Jayesh Thakkar
People having place in hearts of their beloved are really very lucky. Good morning Jen.
rogelio perero
muy lindas palabras Jen
Alicia Calimlim
Love Eternally……Superb thanks sister Jen for sharing a beautiful words of love……Have a peaceful weekend to u and to all gplus friends.
Raja Rafsan
Wit my heart
Shiju Thomas
Dont bee too tensed
Satish Jangid
raj kumar pandey
very sweet coment.
nesha shrma
Shripal Sharma
Really very heart touching word
Raghav panday
I got it now I won't disturb you so much ,,,,,,,
Ramdarash Bharati
Love you ….my..dear friend
Very nice heart dear friend and love you
Satish Jangid