One day, I was very upset, because my best friend got laid off. I love her so much and didn't want her to lose the job. I was just a very young girl around those days, didn't know what to do, when coping something like this. So I cried. In the evening, I went to see my Buddhist Master and told him the story. This is what he said to me:
"You are crying, because your co-worker
lost her job, so you are not happy.
You want her to return to work so
you can be happy again…
My Little Girl, you are very selfish!
Your happiness is very conditional!
Did you realize that?
It's all about making you happy,
so you can stop crying!"
It took me a while to understand his message.
From then on, I learned how to conquer my mind,
and try my best, not to let anything disturb my inner peace…
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Keith Charles
This is a great post +Jendhamuni Sos. I also trust in the higher awareness and continuous presence of great masters who have gone before us, and I believe these beings hear our prayers and respond to them. The Buddha Presence is everywhere, and Universal Spiritual Compassion is always there for us to call upon. This is the greatest lesson I have learned thus far in my lifetime.
Sameer Uppal
Hey My Angel Sister!!!!!!
Keep Smiling Always Dear!!!!! +Jendhamuni Sos
Charles van Dijk
The same thing at funerals? We cry because we miss mum or dad. Well they are in heaven at least my mum is I don't know about dad. So there is no reason to feel sad 🙂
Chadamas Plainkim
Don't cried my dear, smile on your face. !!!!!
+Jendhamuni Sos
Aldair Cota Machado
Viver somente pra nos mesmos tambem e egoista ! Boa noite!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Keith Charles I agree! Good deed of a spiritual practitioner will shake Heaven, while bad deed of wrong-doers will shake Hell.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much my brother +Sameer Uppal !
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Aldair Cota Machado Good night!
Jendhamuni Sos
So nice to hear that +Charles van Dijk Your mother must be very proud of you right now.
Jendhamuni Sos
I will not cry, my dear +Chadamas Plainkim!
Chadamas Plainkim
Glad !!! Take care .
What a Beautiful face you have , Looks like you had a Great experience and I am Happy for you , Have a Wonderful Peaceful Night !
Vinaya Dass
Beautiful photo……great story.
Patricia E.F.
Wise master and you so sweet story dear sister +Jendhamuni Sos But I can't follow that advice completely because I'm human and i've deffects and weakness….I cry because of joy and sorrow 🙂
Karla Cain
Anatoliy Urbanskiy
Patricia E.F.
You look nice with that sweater sister +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
Luci Young
Very good advise
Alan Peto
Love the message +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂 Buddhist masters always have a great way of 'waking' us up 🙂
Randy Neufeldt
You've given me something to really thing about. Thank you! 🙂
Ghazi Riman
Wonderful story and a great wisdom +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
vidya sagar
well said and an excellent expierence of urs which u have shared and making others to understand is really superb sos. Much liked ur expiernce friend.
Patricia E.F.
+vidya sagar still doesn't realize it's me Patricia Errazuriz and I closed my account. Hope you're doing my friend..
Disai Sallu
very nice '
lovely …………………………………….♥♥♥
vidya sagar
Nevr miss the first opportunity
the second opportunity
will b much difficult than first 1
Gud Mrning
Shavul Hameed
Divino Rezende
Sabr Dawood
very beautiful ,,,, nice photo
Dave Lavis
I think we have to contemplate these things on a daily basis :o))
mady sach
nice portait of you
Dietrich Lombarde
I thought it is natural to feel for ones friend and even cry over her/his misfortune.
I cant be happy if my friend is unhappy and afraid.
I think there is more to it ,then be happy in your self.
rvinod kumar
rvinod kumar
you so cute
p.swarna kumar
yes,dear jendhamuni… are so..lovely..ha,ha.
Darrell Darner
Its ok to share ones pain if only to comfort one another.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Darrell Darner +Dietrich Lombarde It is true, normally. But here, my master wants me to reach a higher level of inner peace. So a bit more abstract, not concrete.
romeu alves
what a beautiful picture