Soon after it left the Port of Oakland, California, in February 2004, the shipping vessel Med Taipei hit a strong winter storm with violent 30-foot-high (9 meters) swells. Amid rolling waves, 15 shipping containers came loose and toppled overboard, sinking to the icy seafloor inside the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Just four months later, scientists surveying the seafloor with an underwater robot found one of those lost containers nearly 4,200 feet (1,300 m) below the surface. They turned their chance discovery into an opportunity to study how aquatic life reacts to deep-sea pollution. Read full story
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Rachhpal Singh
Good morning sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Rachhpal Singh
Timothy Mckiness
As a scuba diver this container can be removed from the sanctuary very easily with inflatable wraps around it without disturbing any of the sea floor. Also it will get rid of contaminants from our oceans by removing it.. monetary bay is 200 meters to the ocean floor except for the canyon area which is 500 meters at its deepest point.
jungwoo yoo
Nico R
Why is the 'caution' sign intact yet no other label ?
Timothy Mckiness
+Nico R can you say contaminants
Nico R
Tripple E class vessels do loose some…..from time to time !
Mohammed Falqi
الله وأكبر
sopha hunedu
My god.
Ibrahim Stanikzay
بسیار یک منظره خراب است
Ibrahimkhan Firoz
Richard Jombo