By FRAN, May 31, 2011 | Source: Franspiration
Friendship is one of the greatest gifts ever bestowed upon mankind. While making friends may be easy, finding true and loyal friends who provide a lasting and fulfilling friendship is a much greater challenge.
F: “F” is for forgiveness. I believe that when you are truly friends with someone, you are free to make the occasional mistake. With mistakes, there is sometimes anger, sadness, hurt and, hopefully, discussion. After the discussion, if the friendship is true, there should be Forgiveness.
R: “R” is for respect. Friends are really important to me! They Love you for you are, they trust you with their deepest secrets . Everyone needs somebody to respect and trust.
I: “I” is for inspiration. My friends always inspire me to do more and to try hard. I hope I do the same for them.
E: “E” is for encouragement. My friends always encourage me to be a better person. They also encourage me to keep spreading Love and Gratitude! There is a beautiful quote that fully explains this point. This quote says: ”Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow.” – Helen Keller
N: “N” is for nice. Your friends will treat you with kindness. There is no need for excessive drama or for being mean. Friends should treat each other nicely.
D: “D” is for Doesn’t give up on me (my friends). When I have a problem or a challenge to take, they are always by my side.They will never give up on me an vice versa.
S: “S” is for support. For me, this word is one of the keys of any friendship. It has happened to me a lot of times this year, that I needed the support of my friends and they were there for me… Sending me beautiful messages, phone calls, etc.
H: “H” is for happiness. Happiness is a great gift, and it comes from within. Pursuit of happiness through friends is the loftiest thought of being spiritual, as friendship is immeasurable. And most of all, our pursuit of happiness through friends encompass continuing pleasure and peace of mind.
I: “I” is for ingredient. Friends are one of the most important ingredients in this recipe of life.
P: “P” is for platonic Love. Platonic Love is very much a part of any close friendship. But such a Love does not always stay platonic. Sometimes it turns into passionate Love. Crossing that line, between friendship and Love, can be both beautiful and extremely difficult.
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