We should not say bad things about anyone, whether or not they are bodhisattvas. It is not the same thing, however, if we know that pointing out someone’s mistakes will help them to change. Generally speaking, since it is not easy to change another person, we should avoid criticism. Other people do not like to hear it and, further, laying out their faults will create problems and troubles for us. We who are supposed to be practicing the dharma should be trying to do whatever brings happiness to ourselves and others. Since faultfinding does not bring any benefit, we should carefully avoid it.
If we really want to help someone, perhaps we can say something once in a pleasant way so that the person can readily understand, “Oh yes, this is something I need to change.” However, it is better not to repeat our comments, because if we keep mentioning faults, not only will it not truly help, it will disturb others to no good effect. Therefore not mentioning the faults of others is the practice of bodhisattvas. ~ 17th Karmapa
Jayesh Thakkar
Hi, hope you and all your family members are fine. Good evening from here Jen.
Dave Lavis
Hi again Jen, I am no longer on social media and lost my hard drive a few months ago. Going through some backup drives I found your website again. So good to see you again and read your simple and heartfelt words again. Keep up your stand for compassion and truth, and know that you will always be loved.
At 72 years old I no longer run a webpage and spend far less time on the computer, but still trying to put Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings into daily practice.
My life is thus beautiful and fulfilling, so I wish you heartfelt joy, courage for your future, with hugs and smiles to you and your family.
Dear Dave Lavis,
I’m so happy to hear from you again. I’m doing well, but just like you, I spend very little time on the web. I’ve been busy practicing meditation and enjoy doing it so much.
May peace and happiness be upon you and your loved ones always, Dave!
Happy New Year to you and your mother, Jayesh!
Jayesh Thakkar
Happy new year, feeling good to see you again. Was little bit worried about you because could not hear you since a couple of months. Thank you and happy new year Jen.