As you grow up, the number of friends doesn't matter. What matter is the number of true friends that you have.
When we suffer a loss, a break up, a painful change in our lives, we need to remember to take all the time we need to heal emotionally. Moving forward and getting back on track with our lives doesn't take a day. It takes a lot of small steps to allow us to break free from our broken self and move on. ~Unknown
Polynomial -C
Wonderful, thank you +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Have a peaceful day +Polynomial -C
Polynomial -C
+Jendhamuni Sos Thank you!
Have a nice and magical day my lil friend
george almajid
interesting advise
Gale White
Very good advice and I agree it takes time to heal from being hurt 🌼
Mujeeb Shah
+Jendhamuni Sos, is beautiful, good afternoon dost
Jayesh Thakkar
You right Jen only true friends are the everlasting friends and healing is a time taking process. Good morning and have a good day Jen.
Jesse H
Life can be very painfull but time heals.
Very nice one Jen. To have a true friend or to expect to have a real good friend depends on how good & helpful we are to them. Excellent picture too!
Shiju Thomas
Octomus Prime
it is all about at our wit''s end
Jang Won Soon
Autumn raining is very nice. It make me placid! Thanks!!!
Carlos Bation
Hi jenh tama nabibilang ..hi good evening
shaniece munchi
that is so true
Good Evening My Friend
al thealchemist
When we suffer a loss a small part of us connected to the said loss dies within. This paves the way for a genesis within thine self. It provides us the opportunity to birth a new part of thy self in its place. Take hold of this unique opportunity life provides and utilize it with confidence, wisdom,and faith. Love and light be well
Aldair Cota Machado
Bom dia Jendhamuni!
Carlos Bation
Good night jeanh..
Divakaran V
Dr. Hitendra Jani
Nice one……………Good Morning…………..
Balasubramaniam Somu
jasim hawlade