Thats beautiful said. I wish it was so simple in and out. Join the place of true men and woman and it will be so..Although when in the wrong place at the wrong time take your warriors soul…..This world has changed and the values and morales like this have been forgotten and not all people have the same souls. Nor do they really want them. I am in acceptance to which that we all feel the same emotions.. as I feel these emotions. so I can relate but, how do you relate to the people whom which are born in dark places , taught dark things, that only harness and breed hate, mistrust, and crulety. Only those feelings will pass through That doesn't mean you should ever Give up on them or there humanity. Ever!!! Everyone and thing our mother earth deserves to be embraced, loved and given a chance or three to enlightment..What feelings c ome from the minds of twisted tortured souls born not to light, only Dark.!! "You might not save yourself throwing flowers at swords" (Scorpio)……Tony DeLuca
Subdue you don't have to maim or kill. This was the original meaning of Judo. Ju gentle Do way. This was my first introduction to an Asian sport by origin.
This site is a tribute to Buddhism. Buddhism has given me a tremendous inspiration to be who and where I am today. Although I came to America at a very young age, however, I never once forget who I am and where I came from. One thing I know for sure is I was born as a Buddhist, live as a Buddhist and will leave this earth as a Buddhist. I do not believe in superstition. I only believe in karma.
A Handful of Leaves
Tipitaka: The pali canon (Readings in Theravada Buddhism). A vast body of literature in English translation the texts add up to several thousand printed pages. Most -- but not all -- of the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although only a small fraction of these texts are available here at Access to Insight, this collection can nonetheless be a very good place to start.
Major Differences
Major Differences in Buddhism: There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposedly Judgement Day more
Problems we face today
Of the many problems we face today, some are natural calamities and must be accepted and faced with equanimity. Others, however, are of our own making, created by misunderstanding, and can be corrected...
Aldair Cota Machado
Amar as pessoas e uma maneira de ter uma vida feliz!
Rajan P.
nice view…..,
Ghazi Riman
Sublime words, and a very expressive nice capture.Thank you +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
guru vernekar
Gud morning. …..Jendhamuni
Allister jane Lynrah
compassion..we are born with it in us,but as we grow we r 'educated' bout our differences in colour,race n religiön,thus forgetting compassion.
Guilherme Siddhartha
Tracy Hang Tran
Beautifully said +Jendhamuni Sos
Robert Swann
I my phone number is 3252629332
Rose M
No Worries 🙂 Love you Jendhamuni ♡♥
rich spitler
What an amazing lady
Rajgopal Ramachandran
yes, Sos, good morning, have a nice day
Robert Swann
Hi good night
Charles van Dijk
Create peace within yourself, before delivering it to others.
Rashmal Jayewardene
Nice beautiful photo
Tony DeLuca
Thats beautiful said. I wish it was so simple in and out. Join the place of true men and woman and it will be so..Although when in the wrong place at the wrong time take your warriors soul…..This world has changed and the values and morales like this have been forgotten and not all people have the same souls. Nor do they really want them. I am in acceptance to which that we all feel the same emotions.. as I feel these emotions. so I can relate but, how do you relate to the people whom which are born in dark places , taught dark things, that only harness and breed hate, mistrust, and crulety. Only those feelings will pass through That doesn't mean you should ever Give up on them or there humanity. Ever!!! Everyone and thing our mother earth deserves to be embraced, loved and given a chance or three to enlightment..What feelings c ome from the minds of twisted tortured souls born not to light, only Dark.!! "You might not save yourself throwing flowers at swords"
(Scorpio)……Tony DeLuca
Anurag Mishra
very nice pic………………………
Rob Robinson
Wise words if u av self respect u will respect others, if u see urself in others u can show mor empathy…very nyc pic, I hope ur prayers r fulfilled
Ven Suvanna
Did you pay homage to the Buddha?
Uday Joshi
Very Nice words
Good Morning How are you
Sudhansu Gangdeb
Pray and wish to eliminate violence from all over. It only destroys.
Kenneth Martinez
Jendhamnui Sos, just wanted to say I love u my friend ..Ken..
Raul Lorenzana II
Wasim Akram Halder
The divinity is the best.
Stephen Ward
Very nice words +Jendhamuni Sos
Evy Mothes
Very good quote, thanks a lot dear Jendhamuni! 🙂
Have a good start in the new week!
Kiran Lama
real thing. we must know thanks
abhijit sengupta
Kapil Goyal
Kapil Goyal
Shamala Mahesh
Charles van Dijk
Subdue you don't have to maim or kill. This was the original meaning of Judo. Ju gentle Do way. This was my first introduction to an Asian sport by origin.
Stephen Ward
Me too +Charles van Dijk I'm a 2 dan
Piseth Muoy
Gamini Jayathunga
Chamling Rai
great bhudda
Pete Karas
Hello Jendhamuni, this is a good way to look at it, thanks
Rao Yenigalla
see yourself in others–is solution for all problems in the world
Sanjay Sharma
Violence..should never be resorted to in any given situation…it only gives pain and scars…
Jim Ashman
Good quote Jendhamuni…Pretty picture of you also!
Charles van Dijk
+Sanjay Sharma how do you suggest the world deals with psychopaths? Don't say cure them, I work in mental health, believe me there is no cure.
Aathi Prabhakaran
anytime anywere be ur self….. no one can beat u………………
Sha Coop
Beautiful picture, capturing words. <3
Audrey Beasley
good morning wise and idealistic Young girl have a good week
Elie M
Super. Bab
Livin M.Miranda
Or see God in others
samir ali
nice pic
Reg Dawn
Elie M
valdair bruno chilantti
linda linda essa foto
Gamini Jayathunga
Harit Doshi
wise words.. why so serious?
Elie M
Love this.. super. Friend
jay Patel
Vernon Laviolette
nice wrds
Umeshika Thathsarani
this utterance in Pali language……………
parag koli
I like you thoughts
mady sach
nice portrait
Thilakarajah Jeyathilak
God will help you………..
Elie M
Look Inc..grate
ledi myftari
Elie M