to laugh together, to smile with your heart
and to trust one another.
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This post has been reshared 31 times on Google+
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salim khan
nice pic
Roxanne Santiago
That's true!…♥
achuthan vatakketath ravi
and it's a great way to get the best way of life from unknown to known. that's how friendship culture love civility and all the attributives one should carry with them for a fine human transmutation from rough to chiseled.great dear jendhamuni.
Tudor Dumitru
Love love
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning!
Vrushali Rana
Good morning jen…..
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Vrushali Rana
Jayesh Thakkar
Love comes out only from a smiling heart which results laugh together and trust is the product of love. Have a good day SOS.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Jayesh Thakkar Good morning!
Kiran Kaur
Arjun Paswan
good morning
happy day
Jayesh Thakkar
You are welcome SOS.
Azaad khan
Very good morning
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Azaad khan
Patel Patelp
Good morning!!!!, JS Very Beautiful pic Have a nice day
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Patel Patelp I know right. I like it too!
Shiju Thomas
Farzana Siddiqui
Amazing !!
Azaad khan
Helal Uddin
I am adding smile you I trust you and I am living in the future
Ajay Agnihotri
Nice post Jendhamuni. …
Debbie Martin
Elvira Young
Love!love!love!anyway..good morning to each and everyone!!have a good day..
Arif Hossain Arif
very excellent
Dipika Ahluwalia
sarfraz khan
same of life
Angela Joan
Good Afternoon +Jendhamuni Sos.Have a great Wednesday!
Abul Kalam
+Dipika Ahluwalia
sopha hunedu
I think so.
Fara Riyaz
i think so………………….
Margaretann Hudson
Very breathtak7ng
Tadesse Kebede
I am looking forward to hearing from you again and again in the morning
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——– Original message ——–
jay nargass
Lovely post jensos
Ismail Khan
mildred baraza
Lovely jen
betty evangelist
Very nice pictrue ..
Abu Minar
Edibau Eke-spiff
As beautiful as you are do you know Jesus died for you so that you can be reconciled to God through him? Would you like to ask Him into your heart so that He will be your Lord, He really loves you, I have asked Him into my heart over 23years ago and I am enjoying all the benefits, why not do so today?
Kone Quang
True, nice
Kishor Kumar
Ma.Theresa Cainglet
i need those message about borken heart…