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This post has been reshared 37 times on Google+
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Patel Patelp
Yes!!! Its absolutely true.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Patel Patelp Glad to hear that 😉
Chet Banks
God is faith
Ivan Alves
That's right
Chet Banks
Santosh Nagwanshi
Beautiful rose
Chet Banks
Paris said I can drink her bath water. $140.00 a no show
Lucky Triana
To be rejected by someone, sometimes it's not because "You're not good enough" for them. Sometimes It's just because "They don't see enough the good in you."
In this case, it's their loss then. Not yours.
Patel Patelp
Yes !! You always welcome my dear friend. I always read your lines its really nearby my heart and I feel its like originality of life. Well done and keep it on. And thanks for sharing with me.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Lucky Triana I agree. That person does not deserve you.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Patel Patelp Thanks so much. I'm so sleepy already. Almost time to go to work again. Good night from USA.
Eileen Vasquez
Why you posting stuff
Chet Banks
Good night
Adnan Khan
Good morning
Ajay Agnihotri
Good morning Jendhamuni. Beautiful post and as usual nice lines. Thanks and have a great day.
jungwoo yoo
wiwsky khwan
Very beautiful
Ravi Nithy
yes that is true words.
Jayesh Thakkar
Rejection is meant only when you hope for a return something back against your love. Have a good day Jen.
Ruth Estigoy
Annette Marie Harlow
Well said ..Thanks for sharing
Annette Marie Harlow
Good night Jen♥♥♥…lt seem everyone Loves u…Sweet dreams
Tdv Pathy
Yes if they reject it is their problem not ours I think , i go with the terms of Lucky Triana, Thankyou.
To you Jendhamuni
Amrita K
Thanks for solving my problem
unoma uzoh
Beautifulul Rose
Nico R
Miss J You have some much wisdom.
I mean that in a nice way 😉 Keep on sending them.
Amrita K
That's really great though
Evans Ochudi
I agree
Thomas Farr
I agree they know y that well to the true y thank y
Tashana Compass
So rite
Shahid Hussain
very right indeed.
Chua Weiming
Love yourself and remember always love a one you love so much.
Sajjad Ali
Sajjad ali
maraga kora
sardar kok
Anil Rathod
Elenia Apal
I agree
Jakir jaan
I like red rojes