seems like a pretty mean place.
That's why animals are so soft and huggy.
― Bill Watterson
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― Bill Watterson
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Alicia Calimlim
I thought cat and dog are mortal enemies but look at the video their having a good time.Oohh gosh!!!
jungwoo yoo
Very cute..
Charles van Dijk
The lesson of cat and dogs. Tail high the cat is angry, dog is happy.Tail down the cat is relaxed the dog is scared. Lay on their back the dog surrenders the cat fights. Once they understand this they become friends and trust each other. We should do the same learn the language of other cultures.
Raghav panday
Good morning J.k.m. madam,,,rare video,but some time when see dogs are making love ,birds are kissing each other ,when rain comes all the tree and plants become happy ,,, when my time will come ,,,,,??? I'm so alone ,
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alicia Calimlim Better than us, right? 😉
jay nargass
Lovely an wonderful
Gwendolyn Davidson
Thank you Mr Charles van Dijk for the valuable sweet lesson abt dog and cat behavior…..:-) ISMILE
Charles van Dijk
+Gwendolyn Davidson you are welcome 😉
Gwendolyn Davidson
Have a peaceful night…sleep with the angels! ! ISMILE
Alabama G Man
Love like the animal love . With out inhibition.
Gwendolyn Davidson
I like that position taken, AlabamaG Man…ISMILE
Kathryn Dennison
We should all love like this… Nice
Onisivoro Qio
Cat Barbecue for me eh……………
Belly Mohloki
Alicia Calimlim
+Jendhamuni Sos Yes
sister they are better than us they have a good life and no problem at all.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alicia Calimlim Good morning, dear sister.
Alicia Calimlim
Good morning too my beautiful sister.How's ur day ?
Emmanuel Onyia
+Charles van Dijk thanks charles I agree with you its a life time lesson.
elisa smith
Luisa Roman
hey good evening
Luisa Roman
They ate both so cute and so friendly with each other .and oh so careful.
Luisa Roman
The video is so cute they are both so playful
Kathryn Dennison
Great! Thanks…. Hope you're awesome.
Luisa Roman
That looks so cute they are both playing and having fun