The motivation
of all religious practice is similar:
love, sincerity, honesty.
The way of life
of practically all religious persons
is consistent.
The teachings
of tolerance, love, and compassion
are the same.
~Dalai Lama
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S. R. Singh
Very True.
Carlos Bation
Very true thank U Dalai Lama..thank U jenh ..stay happy and more blessed..Ingat my Love my Lady
Jayesh Thakkar
If we follow deeply the history of earth scientifically firstly it was the birth of micro organisms and after that it were the modifications from small to big creatures and we are one of the link of this modification process and called the intelligent and best animal on earth who discovered the words and languages for interpretation of ideas , ideologies which came to us in form of religions. Religions are not the subjects of contradiction but these are the chosen ways for how to live the life where there is a constant there a primary religion called " HUMANITY" . Wishing you peaceful dreams +Jendhamuni Sos.
Animesh nandi
Good morning ,
Have a nice day..
rajesh tiwari
Good morming
rajesh tiwari
Good morming
Shital Kumar Harnal
Hi Jen,
Beautiful post
It's not a Religion
It's a Relationship.
God Bless you Sister.
Always be happy.
rajesh tiwari
Like is ok
Ken Bruckman
It's because they are all based on the same scientific principle. Our purpose in life is to improve the quality of our individual consciousness. By doing so, we improve the quality of the larger consciousness system, of which we are all a part. For more insight, I recommend: Tom Campbell: Faith, Religion, and God in the Big Picture:
Praful Bhanushali
Yes all religious are very good
George Bolton
You looking very hot
Ajay Agnihotri
Beautiful post and true lines..have a great weekend ahead Jendhamuni..
Rajesh Verma
beautiful post
Trebor kabogo
like it
Lea Mae Benedicto
This is so beautiful.
S.Enayat Mehdi Rizvi Rizvi
In deep spiritual love ….
Cathy kish
Carlos Bation
Hi jenh good morning..Ingat my Love
Michael Cammock
Religion is just being natural. Man made Religion, puts restrictions and unnecessary burdens upon you that sometimes can never be fully met…. So I choose to be natural.
George Bolton
Man made is not natural?
Saumu Ali
Michael Cammock
+George Bolton In the sense that all Humans are natural, by virtue of being born that way, "yes" we are all natural, I was just pointing out how religion has become institutionalised and put in to dogmas and religious repetition where the more natural state is more spontaneous, I believe. There is nothing wrong with people meeting on a regular basis to praise God…. But when it becomes a bind upon one's conscience then it looses something, that is all I am saying.
Ahmet Mircan
jyotsna kumar
Vert true
Syed Wali Shah