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bilal ahmad
Lesby Rodriguez
Look relax mmmmmmmm
Timothy Mckiness
Beautiful Jen thank you for that wonderful reminder very beautiful post
saadia munir
Jamshad Sultan
Kishan Sondarva
Nice picture Jen, beautyful quote dear…!!!
Uday Joshi
Life is Beautiful
-One Day
-One Hour
-One Min
It’s not come Again so please
-Avoid Fight
-Avoid Angry
-Speak Lovely
Spread your Smile
Enjoy life… Good morning..
Have a good day
elorn rolle
Sometimes I can
Sadia Amir
Hi fatima
Mayur Shah
Jen, Lovely Morning!!! Very Nice Msg
Raju Dhauni
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
wow very nice
Harender Singh Rawat
So nice
Lesby Rodriguez
Irene Edwards
Perooru Jaru
Prayer for umbrella when rain lashes!
Meenakshi Sharma
Nice lines
Danang Setyawan
forgive me for my behavior that is not fun :(.
I would be much grateful if you open the link below.
I'm seo contest and I really hope to memenangkanya
please please open the following link and provide +1 for me. Thank you so much if you please
Waoooooo beatuiful
Jayesh Thakkar
Yes we can hear it because we are the micro parts of the universe. Have a peaceful night Jen.
Visith Sok
My lady's in red you sooo beautiful!!!
Jade Kimura
I've been listening for billions of years. I love to see that people are finally noticing, maybe peace will finally come to this planet I once lost all hope for, and i will be honest, only a little bit of that hope has been restored.
siddik Ali
Beautiful wow very nice
Pic +Jendhamuni Sos
chandarkant kuwar
Very nice life is beautiful
Shanti AM
showers of blessing…..awesome!
sufia ali
Lovely post
Muhammad Razzaq
Enjoy raining season
nishi kashyap
so beautiful picture
Ricky Daniels
it could be the Universe, or it could be a Demonic spirit. the proof is not the Whisper.
Mehdi Abdollahi
Hi….good morning my dear
Animesh nandi
so lovely .May the whole day to have only smiles
Chitra Khilnani
To spread smile and enjoy life one has to be happy . One has to have something to be happy about . Emptiness and loneliness only creates anger fight unhappiness and loads of bitterness . Say what you want here rand ka beta you also know that I don't have anything to be happy about
Ajay Agnihotri
Very nice post Jendhamuni. ..
Soumosankha Mukherjee
R Zan
heart touching post really i have tear to see this post ….
mitesh patel
Beautiful. post.nice
Ritchie Macalinao
Milly Echevarria
Very nice lovely ;))))
Ambika Sharma
Much needed … beautiful
Zev Feldman
Govind Shaw
monica wambua
Like me and you
shan siddiqui
Shan siddiqui
hhl 482
Listen! Hear that? That's the cosmic background radiation! The big bang, man! It's anisotropic, and one of those beautiful clumps is going to be you in ~ 14 billion years! What's that? You don't hear it? Hold a seashell over your ear…hear it now? Got ya! That's the ocean, man… didn't you know about that? If you wanna hear the big bang you need a great big microwave dish, or just a microwave oven. Find the safety interlock, tape it down so the oven works with the door open, turn it on high and stick your head right in there! Hear it now? Keep listening – that sizzling is God talking!
Carlos Bation
Picture like in philippines rainy season ,beautiful
Raghav panday
Universe is wishpering , common this is the time , last chance , fall in love , drive , ride , dance , play , otherwise it will be too late , universe is wishpering , u are "47, years young now , so common ,,,hurry life is short ,,,,,,,
Rushikesh Sanas
Abdul Khader Nebil
jefthe solomon
I like that; relates to everyone.
Harikesj Srivastava
Mrudula Thaker
Jossie Delos Santos
Nice picture jen.
Aala ilham
Shayan Shakil
Hi mrudula
Shayan Shakil
Zabi Saif
Wanna a shower in a rain like this
Linda Hinton
This is so true, this is why I gets up at 5am to read my Words of God, then I talk to God. Amen
Sudhir Golatkar
Excellent post! " Meditation has been the process in which I listen to God.In contrast to that. prayer is sometimes described as process when I speak to God. To speak to God is very important, but it is also important to let the mind become quite, stable and open to receive whatever God wishes to say to me. Sometimes we may feel that God is so far away, so far out of reach that it is impossible to have a living relationship with God. We may be contented to just perform rituals, devotion and prayers, or perhaps even lose interest in the subject of God. But it is only a question of time until we come to the point where we say. " well may be God exits, " or "May be He doesn't." Without focusing on the inner aspect of religion and spirituality, or on any way of reaching out to God, we have lost that inner experience and strength needed in our lives today. The soul feels those rays of peace and love coming from God reaching the soul. It is very beautiful discovery." Thank you Jendhamuni Sos. God bless you.
Evelyn Wanjau
Nice picture jen
Leonard Lee
Love the post and picture.
Saisailasri Misra
have a shower of joys friend
Meena Uthappa
What is there in the macro cosmos is also there in the micro cosmos hence all the sounds in the universe is present in the body in a miniature way. This can be realized in deep meditation and persistent practice. Listening to these sounds within is also spiritually beneficent.
Anita Girish
Awesome lines n beautiful post
Nivetha nivi
superb lines nice……………
Raja Riaz
Beautiful rain
Rebecca Burrola
Beautiful. …..well said…..Amen
mj casper
Yes 🙂
Keshav Sharma
Snehal Patil
satish chandra
Wow amazing…….
كنوال تبسم
u need time to listen these whispers bt rainng is blessing
shafiq muhammad
+mj casper
shafiq muhammad
+satish chandra
John Connolly
You see the beauty in the rain
Fernando Chaj
Beautiful rain
Dee joseph
That pic remind me of a song by Military Go outside in the rain… I love when it rain it's refreshing
Ekm Kar
Mushtaq Ahmed
Sex imaje
mangee lal
Soooooo beautiful I like it
saeed hassan
Margaretta Hare
I love ..the rainy days…I put on some "jazz" music, a delightful drink in hand….
Bill Hawthorne
This is bbeautiful.
~♥~ Dear God ~ May a day never go by that I neglect to wisper sweet
prayers to you. Let me wait in the stillness and quiet to listen to you. There I will gain the awesome knowledge needed to live a great life.
Anoma bandara
very -very nice%%%%%
Ryan Ballon
That is some deep shit. I hear the universe whispering. Thank you for such an enlighten post.
marissa miller
awesome sooo true
Elisa Zita
Yes my lovely .
I can hear it .
Beautiful post ..
Cool calm collected in thoughts and so totally focused.
Allen Gilmore
This is my question why went god heal some disease
Sandi Gehring
Very beautiful!
Consvelo Patiag
William Buffalp
Like it alot
saba mehar
Arlyn Jordan Tenaja
I like it
jungwoo yoo
Rose Jasmine
Lovely pic
mohd siraj
very nice
Madge White
Michael Cammock
God is everywhere all at the same time, in the Universe, in your Heart, all around this Planet. He hears the prayers of every individual, even right from the times of Adam & Eve. And so "is God speaking to Me"? or "is the Universe speaking to me"? I think; "both" in their own ways 🙂 and that makes me very Happy.
Widya Reni
Beautyfull ..
Michael Cammock
+Widya Reni Jendhamuni Sos has some great wisdom, that is for sure.
Sheila Vand
Love this!
Michael Cammock
+Sheila Vand When you hear the Rain…. Is that God talking to you? When the Storm rises…. is that God being angry? some say "yes" to both those Questions. And so I say that God would speak to you however He will. And it is all open to interpretation and opinion as to how you perceive that which God is saying to you. Many an argument has happened on the premise of one person saying over another persons interpretation that; they are "more right" and "more correct" than the other. And so I have learned to avoid these kind of arguments. But keep my own peace and encourage others when I feel that they have got it "Right".
Hanie U. DuBois
How did you get the rain to wash over your photo? Great fx
Rose Joseph
Excellent post, Jen! Nice words…
jube mohammad
Hi good mrning to you
Carlos Bation
Morning jenh
Teresa lambert
That's so ..Breath Taking ..Thanks for Sharing ….very beautiful
Christina Gomes
I love the universe… nice!
John D
Take a moment to stop and smell The Water.
Benjamin Grosz
How come he never acts on what he "says" he'll do?
Hussain Ahmed Ahmed
I love u so much
Blessing Ruth
Darren Koopman
I believe in prayers..God is so good to us say thankyou God for a wonderful person as you never thought that I fine someone who care so much for me…One thing I that I can be proud of is you..Brighton my day in so many whys that why I love you for that my dearest
Benjamin Grosz
+Darren Koopman he is good to us, but he is terrible to small children in Africa and the middle East who have to grow up with constant violence and hunger.
Darren Koopman
C you have the right to be angry!! Y'all"at me if you like to I knw how you feel forgive me for I'm not worthed!!!
Blessing Ruth
Yes oooooo
Darren Koopman
Thankyou c love you have awesome!!! day love try my best to stay in tatsxxxx
Terry Nganga
The rain and the beautiful lady looks awesome
Mohamed Munawfer Mohamed
Ilove uoy
Armando Merino
Very beutifull
rebeka sakthi
jendha every step of our life we get lesson for our daily life, but we are not at all listening why u know we are thinking we are so smart but we are not was not u think jendh.
samantha wickramasinghe
Rabia Shehzad
Sohel Hossain
Armando Merino
The bible says that the havens speak of the glory of God yea I believed that the university speaks because what u see it is made by somebody & when they discover new things it tells us that somebody made it & everything that we see in the university is made perfect has it is with out a mastake it tells u that God made it amen
Seada Seada
Wow very nice
Khaled Phone
+Ambika Sharma
Uzma Shireen
Abubakar Ahmada
Nice picture
Dnyaneshwar Bichukale
Very beatiful Your all Photo's
Iram Jannat
Mm Dilo
Live it.beauuuuuuutiful