~Dalai Lama
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Ivan Alves
Cause n effect is so strict .thanks jendl
Rajgopal Ramachandran
good morning Jend. have a nice day. great words of Lord Buddha
ramesh sinha
GUDMORNING dear jend. I was a but tense but found solace from your words. Thank u.
achuthan vatakketath ravi
the buddhism was not formed as an overnight process.it was a great questioning against brahmanical authoritarian treatment on a social set up. but later it was also not grown and spread to wipe away the above said authoritarianism. yet the quotes of buddha; especially that of zen buddhist have great value and meaning.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Rajgopal Ramachandran So happy to see you. May Peace be upon you always.
Niranjan Patil
l like it this picture ……………….& very power full word jen.
Jendhamuni Sos
Have a most pleasant day, dear +Ivan Alves
Jendhamuni Sos
I'm so happy to hear that +ramesh sinha Only love can conquer hate.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Niranjan Patil Me too. Wishing you a most peaceful day.
Niranjan Patil
Thank's jen. have a great day
Dwight Preston
Good morning Jen have a blessed day today 🙂
elaine anctil
Very true
Charles Meekins
Hi ms jendhamuni sos
Shital Kumar Harnal
4 Hardest Tasks on the Earth..
1. To return love for Hate.
2. To include The Excluded.
3. To Forgive without Apology.
4. And To Be Able to Say'I was WRONG'.
Good morning my wounderful Kind heart Friend
Jendhamuni Sos
+Shital Kumar Harnal Kind deed is not easy to do. Otherwise, the world we live in would be so peaceful already. A peaceful world begins with us… Good morning.
elaine anctil
Alicia Calimlim
i like this post much,have a beautuful day/night to u jen
Jendhamuni Sos
+Alicia Calimlim Thank you. I like this post too.
Helal Uddin
I m not hate yo because I love you
Jendhamuni Sos
Have a nice day +Helal Uddin
Diane Garland
Right on
noori rana
Buddha was boarn in lumbini nepal
Animesh nandi
Joyce Massey
Peace and love
Durga Giri
Gamini Rodrigo
Budusaranai !
khan za
Jayesh Thakkar
Hating the wrong persons you can not change the wrong things in them. Have a good day Jen.
GOD is creater not creature. Think May Allah SWT guide right path.
al faras
Santosh Kasare
नमो बुध्दाय.
goswami krishan
budhay namah
Joyce Massey
Shahid Hussain
good post.
deanda Garey
Hashim Ali
kamaung rk
Namoo buddha
Shyam Joshi
In Nepal….