+Jendhamuni Sos Since we all fall in some way or another, shouldn't the act preventing harm from falling be mutual? Simply curious since I seem to constantly tumble and crash while traveling through life.
Well, to Emilyn: If you just trust , wait and asked God with faith he will putt a good one in your way, without you to be looking for it! if you are a good person it'll happen…
Bonjour to all!!! Nice qoutes and lovely white sparkling flower fren +Jendhamuni Sos….the right man will just come in un-expected way. cant tell when or where will it be only time & God will set for both person to be together…
Women should be strong enough not to fall and as a good spouse should also be caring enough to hold the man they care for when he falls. Ultimately time will decide the transience of togetherness. Make your life work for you mutually the best you can-there are varied levels of perfection you can discover and achieve in one lifetime. God Bless you
When you find your other half, you don't let them go out walk away because life isn't always peaches and cream. You have to work through the good and bad , side by side. If you aren't willing to do that, your relationship will fail. So be thankful and remember that life is short, but when you have found that person that amazes you and that you can't imagine your life without, that you fall in love with over and over each day, more and more… treasure what you have and show them how much you love them
It seems like we have the concept of romanticism and love mixed up. Love its just like snowflakes everyone will express it differently and uniquely, the problem is everyone is looking for this cookie cutter ideal, and following everyone else's idea of it. Our ideal of love comes from the latest book or romantic movie. The result is we are miserable and constantly searching for a new model, ideal to make us happy. smh
A man in a serious relationship should treat his lady with respect be the gentleman have fun times but when tough times are ahead specially be there for her when she is fragile or hurt moral support care for through thick and thin that is loving for from ron
Sos u are so right. Because I don't need a man in my life that's not born again, don't love the Lord, not committed to nothing and always full of jokes. I don't like that! That's not my cup of tea.
But to make sure if your man not giveing u no money and he dont do nothing for u then u cant be always waiting on a man if u ask him money and he dont give u none that means u wasnting your time dont always depend on a man if he say his going to give u money he might not even give it to u dont always trust him or waiting for him u might as well go get it for your self and to go look for what u want and recieve
Take care of your own self makeing money for your self and makeing it happen and doing it big your dreams that u trying to accomplish and to take care of.your self cause u have your own money and that u can take care of your own self
What ever u wanted u might not recieve it from your man how u say u love if his not doing the things that u want and his not treating u how u suppose then u can just move on and do all those things for your self if his not beening a man for u miss
Good and TRUE words Something for all of us men to think about and realize. Women are a treasure to be guarded and loved. Not a conquest to brag to your buddies about.
Ohh that is so sweet! But really a man who stands by your side, supports you in everything that you do and untiringly shows his love for you is really the one who deserves to be loved.
This site is a tribute to Buddhism. Buddhism has given me a tremendous inspiration to be who and where I am today. Although I came to America at a very young age, however, I never once forget who I am and where I came from. One thing I know for sure is I was born as a Buddhist, live as a Buddhist and will leave this earth as a Buddhist. I do not believe in superstition. I only believe in karma.
A Handful of Leaves
Tipitaka: The pali canon (Readings in Theravada Buddhism). A vast body of literature in English translation the texts add up to several thousand printed pages. Most -- but not all -- of the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although only a small fraction of these texts are available here at Access to Insight, this collection can nonetheless be a very good place to start.
Major Differences
Major Differences in Buddhism: There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposedly Judgement Day ...read more
Problems we face today
Of the many problems we face today, some are natural calamities and must be accepted and faced with equanimity. Others, however, are of our own making, created by misunderstanding, and can be corrected...
so nice…
gd mrng sos..:)
I like a lot…sunshine
+Jendhamuni Sos Since we all fall in some way or another, shouldn't the act preventing harm from falling be mutual? Simply curious since I seem to constantly tumble and crash while traveling through life.
Really really true he will nvr let u down
I like you a lot…2!
The patient one
Yes its very true
Yes I catches y when fall n than y stand on ur two feet y r ready to move on. Than what do i do?
its true…
So true
Good morning?, yes he's and will always be there with you at all times
Secretly? No necesarilly, beautiful message and rose, but a person that will never let you fall is just wonderful!
The preventing act has to b mutual & that is oneness.
Hope i could find one
Well, to Emilyn: If you just trust , wait and asked God with faith he will putt a good one in your way, without you to be looking for it!
if you are a good person it'll happen…
Wow so nice post
I agree
You are correct
Gm friend
Good morning friend have a nice day. beautiful lines
Hmmmmmm,very romantic.
It's True.,… Gd morning
Yes true
what of the right woman..?
Everything is in Devine order.
Bonjour to all!!! Nice qoutes and lovely white sparkling flower fren +Jendhamuni Sos….the right man will just come in un-expected way. cant tell when or where will it be only time & God will set for both person to be together…
Apsolutely and Thankyou for being there daily ….Treasure you like a rare gem
Truly agree
He didn't catch me he watched me fall
Women should be strong enough not to fall and as a good spouse should also be caring enough to hold the man they care for when he falls. Ultimately time will decide the transience of togetherness. Make your life work for you mutually the best you can-there are varied levels of perfection you can discover and achieve in one lifetime. God Bless you
So true good morning sos
Their should be some one behind you watching and never let you fall
That is so beautiful.
Yeah nice
Absolutely right
100 percent agrer
That's very smooth and very glamarous
Hey how is everyone doing on this hot evening.
hi ka dyan fuck you bakla ka
Why are you saying fuck someone like that
100 percent agree
So true.
Yeah life is so precious.don't take it for granituded
Do ya have family in the military.
So true thing.have A great day..to you
Very beautiful
Beautiful flower like you
+Elizabeth Antonio pilipina
So true
So Nice
So exactly true! Wish my Micheal was still alive!
It avails the experience of true love. Have a good day
Amazing real sound shine share the heaven alright. Thank Muslims ya That Daughters of FATHER of world yes. Ameen. Thank Jendhamuni Sos.
true c
Agree a real man would tell you how he truly feels up front you or send love cards if he gets a nervous break in your presence
Good one
Could you send the one who catches you when you fall if he 's in your country please send one for me ha ha
i like it
be the first to separate your boyfren before he he separate u and break ya hrt
Thats true
Hi. This is nice, words are true in so many ways. The Photo is lovely.:)
Wonderful luv it.
Cool . beautiful.
Wonderful nice one lovable rose thanks jsos goodmorning to all
Very very very nice
Yes the right man comes into a woman's life in unexpected ways..or vice versa. True Love should stay between each other through out their lives.
S o very nice
+KK Kiren. I agree with what you said. Love is Special. Should be and stay true
Goin overboard has never been my style,i've always been laidback and still kinda shy.
nic vryyyyyyyyyyyy niccccccc
so beautiful
Bangladesh sex
Bangladesh sex
This is so true and a man like this is a blessing.
True. The quiet ones in the background are the ones whose love are true
So beautiful Jendhamuni sos.
Let everyone's life shine like this
"Jealousy is that pain which a man feels from the apprehension that he is not equally beloved by the person whom he entirely loves."
+Crystal Lopez if u have faith time to THE ALMIGHTY GOD
He will caught u before fall by way some good.
that's right
jxt nice!
Good morning
Where can I find one…
Love you
Awww! Bless it!
good morning jedhamuni,i am glad seeing your post, i love it.
Woow! nice
Nice rose
This is beautiful.
beautiful rose….i like it so much
+Crystal Lopez I know what u mean.
Very Nice
So beautiful post.
Waw God made love & love made human go crezzy!!. Nice.
Nice one
Na tru
When you find your other half, you don't let them go out walk away because life isn't always peaches and cream. You have to work through the good and bad , side by side. If you aren't willing to do that, your relationship will fail. So be thankful and remember that life is short, but when you have found that person that amazes you and that you can't imagine your life without, that you fall in love with over and over each day, more and more… treasure what you have and show them how much you love them
Vry true. ..
Amen ms. Roberts!
Wait and believe to the GOD.
Wait. GOD has already made ur partner
Wait for right time to come.
Who its very true
niw. them. words. sound. loving. togetherness. care. Beatuful. WORDS. now. i. need. a. man. like. that
TRUE/so. so. TRUE
and. Don^t be. with. a. man. thats. not. showing you. no. feelings
It is true but many don't understand.
Hi jendhamuni.
Its very true
So true
Really true.
well said
And thats wat u called real love…
Nyc 1
Rlly nyc
truelly said
truelly said
Thats self expainable
mst h
WOWWW…..!!!! Too beautiful
What if he catches you falling while flirting a bit? Talking with you girls is such a pleasure, let this italian tell you that
That's trueeeeeee.
So Lovely
Very nice
oh so pretty
Nice rose love u friends
Its nice
Awww… Sooooo… Sweettttt……
Wow nice
Its so wonderful….
Ryt………. N true
V nice
i like rose flowers
So true.
Very shiny flower
Oh God, we need ur divine intervention, right man oooooo!!
Its nice
so pritty
Beautiful picture
Am happy to see this morning
i love that.
nce pic
Just amazing
Tankz God
Very Nice…..
I hate relationship
y r right
True ..
its the one who never leaves ur side
your thoughts supports to me to live better life, thank u
I like that one its.so.true keep sending them quotes
that's naked truth n full of romantic
♥♥♥♥♥.loved it
Lol cnt wait for that man to catch me
Ther is no right man anymore
Yes is true
So true
Beautiful flower, and an even more beautiful quote. Thanks for sharing both Jendhamuni.
I lIke that my dear
I lIke that my dear
Agree with u .
Wow beautiful
Very nice
So much beautiful
Nice one unfortunately no one wants to fall so that she will be catched neither is any man ready to catch you when you fall.Observation
Looove this rose looks so pure
Awesomely Beautiful
Pretty cool
So Beautiful
So beautifull
Beautifully said.
i agree..
True, and I am Blessed with that man Greg Bishop.
Nice excellent
Real fact
It seems like we have the concept of romanticism and love mixed up. Love its just like snowflakes everyone will express it differently and uniquely, the problem is everyone is looking for this cookie cutter ideal, and following everyone else's idea of it. Our ideal of love comes from the latest book or romantic movie. The result is we are miserable and constantly searching for a new model, ideal to make us happy. smh
A man in a serious relationship should treat his lady with respect be the gentleman have fun times but when tough times are ahead specially be there for her when she is fragile or hurt moral support care for through thick and thin that is loving for from ron
wow it's beautiful
itis very beautiful
yea u r ryt
i lk ua thinking
What makes one great is the attitude of always standing back after a slide or a fall
Nice talk
Go girl thats right love the rose
Sos u are so right. Because I don't need a man in my life that's not born again, don't love the Lord, not committed to nothing and always full of jokes. I don't like that! That's not my cup of tea.
Thats true and u right about that
That's so true wish I had a man
Be glad that u have one ms.lady
That loves u for your self and his going to treat u right
That is so true
But to make sure if your man not giveing u no money and he dont do nothing for u then u cant be always waiting on a man if u ask him money and he dont give u none that means u wasnting your time dont always depend on a man if he say his going to give u money he might not even give it to u dont always trust him or waiting for him u might as well go get it for your self and to go look for what u want and recieve
Very nice
Take care of your own self makeing money for your self and makeing it happen and doing it big your dreams that u trying to accomplish and to take care of.your self cause u have your own money and that u can take care of your own self
What ever u wanted u might not recieve it from your man how u say u love if his not doing the things that u want and his not treating u how u suppose then u can just move on and do all those things for your self if his not beening a man for u miss
How beautiful
So nice
so nice
Ilove it
I love that
Vary Beautiful
Nice gee
very beautiful.
Thanx G
yes,its right
D Flower look spotl.ess & pure, dats d
mindset we ought 2 have always. Stay blessed!
Happy birth day
Its kinda gentlemen love
Great words,
acchi hai
Wow amazing….
Ha ha
very true.
kal bat karte hai k bye goodnight
k bye
ok bye
Wow beautiful love it
True so cc
Utopian desire. Hope it comes true for all those who read it
am one
Hello hi
Think I lost that someone
Sure its more than true
I lov all ur motion images
I like it
A test for true friend is always at the time of adversity.
Vere Nic dear freind
Nope. Thats a pervert in the background.
hold the one u loves tightly!!!
Yeah correct
yessss yeah correct i love this that think
Hi friend
Nice thought
I thought I had this at one point of time
Am the ryt man to……?????
yesss true love this is right man i agree
It's 100% true
I like your picture it is very nice
True Talk
So true
Wonderful,from wonderland.
So sweet
gorgous! i wish i could have one
Ang ganda
So truly said:)
Pretty coloer
Stunning and blushes with eyewater
Very beautiful….would love to have that person!
Do you believe in that?
So true lol.
They r so rare ..they only watch u fall
let the truth be said…and men…bat-up!!!
It's so cute
Good and TRUE words
Something for all of us men to think about and realize.
Women are a treasure to be guarded and loved. Not a conquest to brag to your buddies about.
Wow nice one
Looking beautiful and flowers
Hi priya negi how are u
Amen my friend!
U are funny
It is true
I love it…colore..
it sparkle nice
Ur posts r always good.
that looks beautiful
True so true.
This is the golry of god
you are correct i couldn't disaggreee
The flower look like u My lady
Day's true
if you're complimenting me thanks
It's true
soo yeah umm awkward silence
That is so true
Lovely flower
Dat's true
Love that and very nice
Nice flower
So pretty
Yes yes
This is so true…
Wow hope they have a men give me like that
It's true
You are so right.
I like this one allot. Loving the picture…
So natural
Masyaallah nice
Thank my touch text well by bless. Ameen.
I like it.
thank for experiencely opinion Jendhamuni sos
Wow -.-
love love1!!!!
You are right
brilliantly areisn't row
yup true am waiting for the one who never let me down
Hi sweet how ara u
am preety well +Jack Tieyekikiba
Thanks lil sister . You are my teacher. I am am learning to be a noble adult. Thanks to you and many other great teachers.
Simple truth
Hey. Bayb
How do that
thats so true
And celebrates with you when u succeed.
Its true
Well said
Yes well said
Thats very pretth
Love it!!
So true
How do you that
nice line
Wow I like it.
Wow I like it.
I love it
So true
so cool
Lovely rose
I luv Roses.,looks Golden.,
So true
that is beautiful
Yea u r ryt
The right man is there for you before you fall. Why stand in the background. Frontline!!!!!!
+Raheemat Abdulraheem . Thanks touch text of call me prayer for me alright Ameen….
+Rick Herranz Sr. .Sweetheart ya Ameen.
+Raheemat Abdulraheem . I am proud happy promise of Muslims too Ismaic Allah Ameen.
that a nice flower
What a lovely flower
Amen, but I also love having respect for each other. I lost mine when my husband passed away last August.
Don't be fear me
Belivble though my heart Amazing of Muslims too Ismaic Cause of Daughters of FATHER in heaven
True that
I Love that saying, its Perfect!
cute i want it
What up
Chicgo is.snow
This true message. I believe in this someone.
That is so true
u got really inspired with this flower. but it is pretty
That is so true
Real man is who is there no matter what. Love u for u
Wait n mr.right will come in time
Nice..i like.
I want him
Beautiful photo!
So he is your DAD!
Cute flowers
That is so beautiful
This is so beautiful
Omg I want it its so pppppppprrrrrrrrreeeeeeettttttttttyyyyyyyyyy
Thats prefectly right.
You just spoke my sentiments exactly.
Omg sooo beatyful
Right on
Right on
Girl we are on the same page:-)
right !
I love this message
Love it
Omg love it
That's amazing
I love you
very lovely and nice
what a pretty rose
Very nice.
wow… very nice rose..
That rose us genuinely lovely!
That's really pretty
Ohh that is so sweet! But really a man who stands by your side, supports you in everything that you do and untiringly shows his love for you is really the one who deserves to be loved.
Beautiful flowers. Wow!!!!
It's nice
I wish I could. …
I have to pause for a moment for this is so real so true