2. The moment you realize God had greater plans for you that don’t involve crying at night or sad Pinterest quotes.
3. The moment you stop comparing yourself to others because it undermines your worth, education and your parent’s wisdom.
4. The moment you live your dreams, not because of what it will prove or get you, but because that is all you want to do. People’s opinions don’t matter.
5. The moment you realize that no one is your enemy, except yourself.
6. The moment you realize that you can have everything you want in life. However, it takes timing, the right heart, the right actions, the right passion and a willingness to risk it all. If it is not yours, it is because you really didn’t want it, need it or God prevented it.
7. The moment you realize the ghost of your ancestors stood between you and the person you loved. They really don't want you mucking up the family line with someone that acts anything less than honorable.
8. The moment you realize that happiness was never about getting a person. They are only a helpmate towards achieving your life mission.
9. The moment you believe that love is not about losing or winning. It is just a few moments in time, followed by an eternity of situations to grow from.
10. The moment you realize that you were always the right person. Only ignorant people walk away from greatness.
~Shannon L. Alder
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Mannish Kanz
This 'll give a lots of coureg to broken hearted ppl ! Great post!
Lyrech Nallano
Niranjan Patil
Hemant Dave
+Jendhamuni Sos thanks for the lovely post.
garylee joy
Thank you for sharing this Jendhamuni Sos. Yes may we trust our Heavenly Father who knows best.
Jayesh Thakkar
You may be right from your point of view but action of a heart never cares for a positive or nagetive reaction. Have a sound sleep Sos.
Jayant Sahu
Very Nice
Dau Lyambson
Absolutely ts a gud pst
umar khan
هل تعرفين الاسلام ؟
Narhari Maharana
Very nice
Ajay Agnihotri
Very beautiful thoughts ..Jendhamuni. .thanks for encouraging all. ..have a peaceful night. .good night. .
Shiju Thomas
You are so good yaar
Mamta Rani
+Shiju Thomas yes i am so good
Kelcey Putri
Nice post
akram shaikh
very nise
saidu samaila
Melissa Canseco
That's so pretty
murali karthi
rupavathi vathi
Junny Lodowica
I whont see more
Sandra Washington
Very well said
Jasvink Jasvink.
Elizabeth Villanueva
I like…!!
Sherry Anne Cunanan
Mudassar Subhani
susmitha pingili
Jerilee Orina
I like that" very good" 🙂 Jerilee Orona 05/18/14; 10:28pm
it's awesome
Linda Septina
Nice …
rashmi kaveesha
Indri Lyn
Marcia Rose
xia eiu
Hester Goncalves
Beautiful and true…
Jasvink Jasvink.
Really awesome..place
Mudassar Subhani
Rochelle Guibani-Lazo
i can relate with # 1….not just a simple headache but a terrible one!!!!!
Dabhi Dipak
Hey fd
אור טבו
קול and in English: cool
Darlene Antoine
Marivic Aguillon
Very nice place….
אור טבו
Susan Sevilla
silvaraj nelapati
Tarah Eaton
Beautiful! Thank you!!!
Marieta D
why u're alone'ly
koh billy
You do not know how to give n take – love between 2 pax is about sacrificing. And he is in the flesh. Not a thing which you cant see or touch.
Samad Khan
Geramott Tan
April Hernandez
I love this n can totally relate at this point in my life…
Olunike Akintola
Humm bitter truth
Jessica CPZ
its nice……….
Loan Lipato
Josie D.
Nice words it is really helpful for me….
CrystalCumbs Cumbs
What a pretty sight
Arfa Naz
Priti Vyas
Wan Syazwan
ေနေကာင္းလား who are you.
Chitra Khilnani
Never read or heard such garbage
Kris Mandery
gideon dabok
U get good poin for healing heart. Dear God blessed u.
Susan Campos
Greatness is and will always be. No matter the circumstances. Divine intervention may occur, His ways are not our ways. It is acknowledging and knowing making a choice and taking responsibility for that decision. The Heart is love and love is unconditional and forever, love is love. Little or large it is still love. Risk happens, and trust occurs, if it does not it was not meant to be, but love is acknowledged, not lost. Always there, as a small spark turns to a roaring raging flame that love builds. The ancestors may guide you, they want the best for you too. Any negative feelings are shadows in the wind, warnings. Love is love.
Sherry Kaleem
SO SO TRUE. Beautifully spoken & nice scenery…
Melisa Holmes
Love it♥♥♥
Stratos Antipariwths
Rizan Almonte
Relate…given me a lesson. ..nice
Chitra Khilnani
My ancestors can see my tears and feel my pain and know all the people responsible for my sufferings
Continuously for years . They know what to do to the man responsible for torturing me and they will only time will tell and I am waiting for that day
Chitra Khilnani
I want up see that man at my feet begging for forgiveness
Jyotsana Chokshi
I am……………………….only.GOD know…………
Vilas Shirhattikar
So true
manika younas
Wounderfull amazing
Chitra Khilnani
Jitna rulana hai rula ek din tu Royega aur Mai hasungi bas kuch hi Dino ki Baath hai itna aitbaar hai muje apne aap par
mizghaan kakakhel
Susan Sevilla
Its hards to accept the reality that im live in the dark way of life
Belive In Allah
Diana rose Sangar
Thank's sweet friend +Jendhamuni Sos
very nice shared! God bless you <3 U …
Chitra Khilnani
You are a darkness that has shadowed my happiness , burning fire that is turned my life into ashes
mizghaan kakakhel
thanks for that note
Chitra Khilnani
Your acts are so devilish and your talks satanic you are nothing but trouble a walking talking famine floods and thunder lighting which has made me life a barren land where nothing can grow now
mizghaan kakakhel
Amanda Guajardo II
International truthful externally teacher
Chitra Khilnani
Where once there was spring today there is winter a very ugly sad dark night that has no hope of light
One look at me and everyone knows you have killed my soul
Chamalee Wijayarathna
wow beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful picture…………..
Yua ToA
How can you even believe in any religious book while using all these modern inventions?
F.equestrian Madness
true XD
Chitra Khilnani
Cold has gripped my hands and feet and negativity my heart bitterness runs in my blood which has turned blue and will be frozen soon all u will get one day is my cold body which u will have up burn Lolz Lolz Lolz Lolz
Chitra Khilnani
Those who invented religion are nothing but actors
Руслан Краевский
.гнить.xd chaяяъъннммииъъфф
Chitra Khilnani
Satsang Bhajan kirtans are all actions to show people not to get close to god
leticia montano
so nice
gurmeet bindra
Chitra Khilnani
You are a hypocrite and very bias person you show people you are very kind and humble which u are not in realty you have a very cold heart and a conniving mind your soul has turned dark and your head turned away from god towards the devil
Chitra Khilnani
All that I have gathered about u in the last 5 years proves you are. A very ugly soul and man who has no value for others happiness. And life who thinks that he is the best and the rest of the world shud be his slave who only believes in snatching and stealing luck and opportunitiesz from others who has sold his soul to the devil
Diana rose Sangar
Hello who ????? +Chitra Khilnani
Chitra Khilnani
So far I don't see one good quality in you that I can call u human all your acts are so inhuman and viscous
Ann Mwanzia
:-):-) nice
Chitra Khilnani
All I do everyday every min is regret that I was born and hate the people who are responsible for me to be on this earth . I can never blame god becoz he wanted me to be happy but it's my dirty fate that I met people who have been nothing but jealous I exist
Chitra Khilnani
Every cell in my body is trying to do something in this life to achieve something but my ill fate ( sunny boy ) has done everything he can to prevent it
No I won't forgive u for coming in between my dreams and me no one will one day that day you will curse your own self becoz it will be too late
Hemant Srivastava
Very nice.
Chitra Khilnani
Anyways I am tired and broken may god teach u a very good lesson. For all the hardships that u are making me go thru . If you want to walk towards hell who am I to stop u SO BE IT
Suleman Muhammad
Sad mouments , tears in the hart
shirley afonso
Very touching …so true
Althaf Devala althu
Nana Aulia
Yes"thats true..
elijah mbugua
Very true
Michael Peterson
the only thing that i can say about all that is. You have to be true to yourself and follow your heart happiness is found within dont let anyone take away from yourself no matter what life dishes out. GO GIRL
Chitra Khilnani
Only thing I can see is that you are going to fall on your face and smash it at the same time till all the ugliness is poured out of your system one day
Chitra Khilnani
Like I said the man is smart and ugly he keeps repeating words of encouragement from his satanic lips but wants you to fail deep inside his heart . He thrives to see me fall and loose he grows stronger whenever he sees. Me cry in pain he rejoices with his gang when he hears my heart break and bleed
Chitra Khilnani
Fake encouragement fake feelings fake love and fake hope nothing but fake
Suleman Muhammad
Imp Quotation :
Kya Yahi ha kmal ishq-o-mohabat karny ka
K umar jenay ki ha or shoq marny ka
Clementine Craig
Wow! Thats so sad.
Michael Peterson
when life gets us down and breaks your heart and leaves you feeling empty inside its not that your a bad person God loves us more than anything he is teaching. us a lesson beyond our comprehensionm everything we do good or bad is for a higher purpose even if we dont understand at the time
neha nishchith
its so sad
Shravs Singh Rajpoot
truth……totally raw…. 🙂
Gona Govender
great food for thought
tinyiko chauke
I would upgrade him and make him what I want him to be.
mujeeb saaedi
Super photam
June Benson
Beautifully stated.
Zin Mar Khin
Thanks for nice photo.
Dairo Mariam
9ce 1
Dalia Busico
Ys love is love ..
.. hmmm nice wrds
mujeeb saaedi
Very very nice
fatma ahmed
Super like
costantine canisiusi
samanta picari
Severin Vhora
Welcome AngkorWat
ជើងមេឃពណ៌ខ្មៅ ហៅបងលែងលឺ ស្រីណាមិនឈឺ ដួងចិត្តសោកា បើប្រុសក្បត់ សម្បថស្នេហា ហ៊ានរៀបការ ផ្ទឹមនឹងគូថ្មី តើសល់អ្វី ឲ្យស្រីសង្ឃឹម? ស្តាយព្រហ្មចារី ស្តាយវ័យក្រមុំ យំមួយម៉ឺនឆ្មាំ ក៏មិនបាត់ដែរ អោ!ស្ពានអើយ អាណិតខ្ញុំទេ តើត្រូវជេរ ឬមិនត្រូវជេរ? ប្រុសក្បត់ស្នេហ៍ ចិត្តរេដូចភ្លៀង អោ!បងអើយបង អូនមិនខឹងទេ អូនមិនជេរទេ នៅតែស្នេហ៍ជានិច្ច ឲ្យភ្លេចមិនភ្លេច ថ្វីបើប្រុសមានល្បិច ស៊ូយំសស្រិច ម្នាក់ឯង ពីតូចដល់ធំ ខ្ញុំយំធម្មតា យំព្រោះស្នេហា មិនដែលយំទេ តែពេលនេះ ខ្ញុំយំគ្មានល្ហែ ខ្ញុំខំទប់ ទឹកភ្នែកណាស់ដែរ តែទឹកភ្នែកនៅហូរដដែល ។។
samanta picari
c`est le temps pour les vacances!!!
Archana Jevengekar
Beautiful and words encouraging towards life
Maggie Rogard
love this.
Meraj Ali
very good
wunmzo babe
thats true cos if u fail to let him/her go u loss all
Eric Capulso
Gunjan Sharma
Well said
Stephen Kigen
You're ateacher nc one Jend
Nice picture
Thank you!
Mahlodi Mahuma
Thus true
Obaro Blessing
tru talk
Charmaine Maclean
Meraj Ali
very nice
Jeganathan Mithula
i like to watch sun rise,but i can't
rose janat
So true
akinkunmi oluwafemi
I love this it is well understood, be who you are be yourself
akinkunmi oluwafemi
I love this it is well understood, be who you are be yourself
Chuchi Trasona
very nice and beautiful!
akinkunmi oluwafemi
I love this it is well understood, be who you are be yourself
good words
Chitra Khilnani
I spit on your face Bain choth soni ka dalal you are not worth respecting one bit
mehra hardeep
nice dude
Animesh nandi
nice post
Eunice Tai Tai
Beautiful place, paradise?:-)
Lesley Winyard
Thats so lovely, the place im in at the moment
Zahra Amani
Very inspiring!! Thank you!
Bader Shaheen
She us vry lonely n broken heart
Bader Shaheen
Nyc view
maher karar
+Chitra Khilnani be cool…just forget him and stay happy that will be a best revenge…
maher karar
Great post Sos…
Bernadette Keating
i like This i Think its Beautiful Sitting There Watching The Sea Flow By.To Me it Would b Calm And BreathTaking.
Shuhaiba Faizal
Nice pic
varada Sharma
Heyy nice
Susu Zak
Very nice
uma poudel
Great people great thinking….
uma poudel
Great people great thinking….
jennifer aras
wow what a nice place
Jennifer Orcino
Evee Malisa
jennifer aras
the right place to relax
Ibrahim Seid
Very nice
Chitra Khilnani
Mahar karer i think u are not reading my comments ignorant piece of shit
jyoti bala
Chitra Khilnani
The son of a whore called nanda is. Afraid of that insecure pimp is all around my life now u get it kuthi
Ranjeetha jain Rajani
Alone,be happy to be alone,
nice pic**
Chitra Khilnani
Randi meher hingo ki kuthi
Alal Mia
Very very nice photo
Jayshree J Patel
Well said…
Nancy Guzman
huma akbar
Very true
Johaness Dickson
so nice
Lerato Swarts
true dear but God says accept the person as they are…..Love them unconditionally.
Jassy Carera
Rreal a fact!
Abosede Adekunbi
Md Azim Uddin
very nice
JacquelIne Wright
sopha hunedu
Your comments are correct wow.
Andy Woodward
There’s a lot to be said a big Shlong my dear!
Sorry to spoil the moment.
Pheyi Gold
Awesome deat
Sylvia Rodney
This is so true, I'm facing the same thing righr now
Mary Howard
What a piecefull setting/poem I draw strength from it I lovel sitting by the ocean as the waves roll n I say Father handle it u can do a better job with this person/problem than I can! When the tide rolls out I know it is done… thank you
Sylvia Rodney
Thats so true
Antionette Patterson
So fuking true
jhelay fazli
copy clip
maame edith
That is good
Prakash Parwani
Good seen
Why you seet alone on the beach?
Sylvia Rodney
+jhelay fazli yes when you see something that hurt your heart you want others who are hurting to know that they're not alone and this copy clip touched everything I'm going through right now
Veronica Hernandez
Very well said…
pravi veera
really superb
Chitra Sachdeva
Very nice
Sylvia Rodney
Sometimes you dont have someone close enough or who you can trust but there is something with the ocean that when you sit and watch the waves then the calm it renind yoou that life is like that with its up and downs and through it all there will be a calm and peace that you're seeking
Qureshi Irfan
Wr from u r
Jendhamuni Sos
+Sylvia Rodney Very true. One of my favorite places to sit and contemplate.
nice one
Chitra Khilnani
Thukthi hu tere gaandu words pe hijara tujhe ek Gandi bimari ho jaye meri badua hai tuje
Nastexa Dahir
L7kk .0oko0lo I.m I 0 9kzl m lpZ let hi. 9
Shermanita Dorsey
peninah wambui
does your help come from the waves. or heaven?
Georgina Lebosada
Nerissa Castro
Palesa Ngwenya
Palesa Ngwenya
God can't give the things u dnt need
Sylvia Rodney
Our help cometh from the lord bur we nust also remember he did find a quiet place on the mountain, by the sea, and he also in the carden to pray so something we have to have a quiet place to make that connection with our lord and master because we are all flesh so we all have to find our quiet place to seek his face and here his voice
Andrea Love
olumide akintola
hmmm nice post
Felicia Eziashi
Lovely post. So true
Ankita Shah
Natallie Margallo
I love it
Patricia Barnes
Love this…An it is very well stated..
khadidja khadija
emma lambard
this picture is awsome lol xoxoxo
faith loveth
Lovely post
Marium Saleem
its feelng full….. 😐 realy…!!!!
Nur Bd
Ruth Fernandez
Life is good when u have God in youR life. You start feeling peace and happiness
Alphonsa Maria
njn irikkunnathu kando?
mandeep kaur
Thumbs up
Paula Fenton
Just fabulous
Pauline Raphuti
Veronica Alcala
Thank you, for the uplifting words, great way to start my Monday and the rest of my days.
faith loveth
Thats true my dear friend
faith loveth
faith loveth
God bless you
I am Nina Chen
God bless us!! 🙂
Marlene Nallada
Nice line
Hayley Whittaker
Love tha waves and the low sunset
sadia manzoor
so nice
Lisa mj
Meilee Chew
Very real
Michelle Antonopoulos
Simply beautiful.
Sylvia Rodney
+Palesa Ngwenya its not god who cannot give the things we dont need but we as flesh who were born in sin seek the things that seems pleasing in eyes instead of waiting and trusting him for what is best for us myself included it's the choices that we all make thats why we get hurt in stead of waiting for the lord to bless us. Remember the garden of eden what was gods words but he gave us choices and we at times believe that all that glitters is gold myself included
Meghanne Bitar
Number 10
faith loveth
Margarita Serrano
I could just sit their for hours..Simply relaxing , peaceful. 🙂
Mercy Wandia
Marium Saleem
i nvr evr go dr….:(:( want 2 seee n feel peace :):) innshaaALLAH…
iwegbue kenneth
Nice lines
iwegbue kenneth
Nice lines
Sylvia Rodney
Trust me it's a wonderful feeling
Brianna Parker
Connie Litton
So true I know a few ignorant people.
Asif Hussain
Sithembile Mthethwa
been there, had lots of headaches
Connie Litton
Welcome. Loved the story
Almond Lee
Very nice thought.
faith loveth
Thank you
Sylvia Rodney
+Chitra Khilnani you may not understand it now but one day you will and when that day come you will remember this
Rafi Parwana
A wonderful lesson to learn
Sylvia Rodney
+Veronica Alcala thank you also and have a bless day
Beth Bunch
Love this!
Debbie Mfenyana
Donna Johnson
an aha moment
Beth White
Very nice. Some really really encouraging thoughts.
charlotte moreno
Priceless words and true wisdom.
Christine Nkatha
Oh my word!
elizabeth muli
Wow these are nice quotes.
Athar zaman
George odindo
This encoureges those who dont understand why not loved……a good one
Kritika Shukla
pls forward this link to every1… lets do it for d sake of humanity…
SHAKIRA – My Friendly Sparrow
Vidya Shinde
i agree dear lover punitji
vini sharma
Very nice
Kritika Shukla
pls forward this link to every1… lets do it for d sake of humanity…
SHAKIRA – My Friendly Sparrow
apurva kashyap
Nice pic:)
Aftabkhan Chd
Aniqa Arshi
such a fantastic quote, Superb
Michael Langat
Well put
Twinkel Wearing
Would love to be sat there rite now
Hassan Abdallah
Hi baby
George odindo
Thx for the efforts made to enable pple know fucts that are hidden.
Kimberlin Simpson
Very uplifting post
Teresa M-Y
This is spirituality full circle within itself.
George odindo
Thx for the efforts made to enable pple know fucts that are hidden.
connie powell
So true.
Sylvia Rodney
+Kimberlin Simpson thank you my friend may god bless you always
wangui kinyanjui
m loving that coz life cannot be lived without a sec help from such courageous words..
Sylvia Rodney
+Teresa M-Y thanks god bless
Jacks Alex
Kasali Modupe
Nice quote
Azruddin khan
Sheila Couvion
Nothing more painful than finding out that the one you loved is a rapists. That is true pain!
Sylvia Rodney
Thank you jack may god bless you and remember me in your prayers
Debra Ohrazda
Get a dog they dont leave or demand
Liezel Fernandez
Nice place…
madhavi purohit
looking real
Jakir Jakir
ISLAM bangla
Letícia Alv-Gar
Stephanie Dairsow
I certainly understand.
Judy Steenbock
We are all grains of sand but. Together form a beautiful beach.
Peggy Englanr
Wished I was there,with no worry at all!!!
Tshering Zangmo
love sometimes turns into worst than enemy, and leaves great pain as a memory in our life!!!
Kusum Bhatia
Nice post
winfrida mdachi
thus very bad
Betty Adede
Waw! Gd.
Sylvia Rodney
+connie powell my friend this is my life struggle this is my real pain so please remember me in your prayers I'm mot one to sit and have idle comversation I'm a god fearing lady and with all that happen I feel that if there are someone out there felling the same pain I'm going through at I want to let them know that they are not alone and to be honest talking about it ease the pain a little may god bless you my friend
Gainesville RYDC
wow!!!!! Needed this today !!!!!
taj yar
Chitra Khilnani
Sylvia I have seen enough and been forced thru enough shit to know who my really enemy is . Don't give me this shit about one day been hearing that for years I am sick to the core of my heart listening to fucked up empty Gandu words like that nothing will change nothing will be solved my friends were taken I kept quiet mother fucker kuthi ka beta ruined my business I did not loose hope I started all over again guess what the mother fucker sits hiding behind pussy and plays with my small not yet developed business as it is standing on stills he is breaking those stills and throwing it back in. Water this time I will fight with everyone if I have to I swear on my sons this time I will do what I have never done before
Just wait and watch ………,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I am waiting to show my colors sometimes dogs have to be shown hadi first then thrown in a well forever
michuzi blog msiba
Chitra Khilnani
Mather. Choth muje malum hai tu balls khareedna ke liye 2015 ka wait kar raha hai . Hijara !!! Gadi gadi mat dikha type karke thak tha nahi hai kya everyday I know u are showing me 2015 directly indirectly don't worry I will wait till u grow your balls face to face ek kamzor kuthe ko dekhna hai . Ek aur saal wait kar lungi tere par thukne ke liye
panjan taweesup
so nice;)
TiTi Titi
i like the waves..
Gainesville RYDC
I needed to hear this thank you universe !
Girija Vishwanathan
Hira Qasim
Claudia Chee
so true!
Ray Cundiff
idk what to say
Penny Bechstein
I like just need to keep reading
chantelle follwell
good post!
Maws Shamsi
jabbar love
not bad
jabbar love
any girl chat with me
jabbar love
im new user
chantelle follwell
ok then
Wynette W
The moment I realized… it's not about me… it's about pleasing God, who created the world and its contents by speaking them into existence, it's all about doing His will, pleasing Him, following His agenda and working within His plan… His agenda is: saving the whole wide world!
Sylvia Rodney
+Penny Bechstein my friend there's are people out there hurting as much as I'm hurting so I'm reaching out to all you wonderful people out there that are touched by what I'm going through at this point in my life for strength
Dewi Ena
Sylvia Rodney
That take the time out to listen and send me your words of encouragement I truly thank you all may god bless each and everyone of you thanks
Sylvia Rodney
+Ray Cundiff just send a word up to the master for me thanks and god bless
chantelle follwell
so strong and powerful
Jainab Gani
Yes that right…..
belarmino alberto
Smart thought
Nirupama Chenna
Almighty knows da best
Aftabkhan Chd
belarmino alberto
Smart thought
Miosotiz Contreras
Awesome post!
Annetjie Machimana
So inspiring
heart touching
Zainon Zainal
So grateful for the text n give me the courage to love n give love.
belarmino alberto
This view is just as much interesting as mother`s love
Tuan Thanh
Rayhan Ahmed
Hi kitha koro valo ahso ni
Olumide Olumakinde
Don't underestimate yourself, because you are valuable.You are the expression of God's image, and don't try to change people, if you do, what you are simply saying is that you are better than that person.Rather see them the way God sees them.Give them the of God, and allow the word to make them what God wants them to be.
Mosleha Musliha
Vinod Malik
Could not be more truer.If only we all could understand the depth,the world would be a happier place.Not that it is not happy.Have a great day.
Breenda Hetan
kati ramro ho !!
Bobbi Jo Mills
Kristyn Brown
This is everything I needed
Jessica Hicks
Modesto news
masa hasani Ashighwa
Mwito bem
Mesert Tilahun
Roxy Morro
Thembakazi Nosenga
Very heart soothing and courageous
narthaki priya
Kamil Alshawwa
What a beautiful scene!!!
Sanjiv Yadav
Kya baat h dear
So I had no proper friends and Mick done it cos he had to I mean so b it I'm just glad there gone
Amina Sumar
+Chitra Khilnani
masa hasani Ashighwa
Ni nzuri yani mungu naitwe mungu
Niro Arul
amazing pic!
zameer ahamed
I like
Stephanie Lewis
Yes it is ..Peaceful
Awais Ali
Anuja Tike
dawn adams
Well said
Awais Ali
dawn this girl broken angel
Anuja Tike
Its totally wrng
vijay kalra
thats wht clld rel lif
Judith Lungu
I like it!!!!!!
Anita Byers
Starting to realize more every day I love this post
Cindy Burguss
Stephanie that was enlightening and beautiful! I wish I could read something like that everyday. Thank you
vijay kalra
Mosleha Musliha
Apah jiah engkok lok paham
Susan Fuchsman
I love this
flourish tanimola
+vijay kalra
Anuja Tike
Amir Bhalli
Kimberly Houston
Mk that a very good message thanks Jackie send
Susan Fuchsman
Thus is Awesome. Thank You needed this <3
Paula Hardin
Loved it.thank you!!!
Shirley Hauer
I think that the deep thinking that went into this will help many a person. Including me. The person that follows this, or reflects on it will be much happier
Paula Hardin
Loved this
Miss Attia
Wow what a seen
kalpana palani
Asirvatham Anandam
eppadi ethellam super
nosipho mngoma
Agree with you
Sanjay Singh
very nice
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
Yes great words.J…Sos.
nosipho mngoma
Powerfull like it
chantelle mattison
#'s 4,8,10…agree
angel beni-mangli
And the moment you realize all of these or any of these..u are free! 🙂
Karen Groudas
Powerfully beautiful.
Zainabu Kileo
Days very true,I like ur post,u made my nite dear
Rasheed Khan
+rashmi kaveesha
diane kehs
Rasheed Khan
+Arfa Naz Mughal
Rasheed Khan
+Melisa Holmes
Irja Eve
I like
Rasheed Khan
+Melisa Holmes
Lucy W
Neepa Dasgupta
I liked it so much , I read at least 3times a day . Very encouraging .
Judith Lungu
I look back at a time when I was a very bitter person because of the pain I suffered at the hands of a loved one. I now feel I would not have suffered so much pain if I had known and believed in the loving God who is always there with me. I would have shared my pain with Him. I would have asked for peace of mind.
sarita neotech
I realy feel better n I can come back again
Ava King
How to develop breast milk
Neepa Dasgupta
Even I have lot of ailments problem but only wt my prayer I can walk forward .
Raju Shrestha
Awesome headche, ya it is
Sharmin Rima
I love this…
Sarah Kimbrough
This is a true fact
Lynne Warrington
Gma Melina
Need someone to talk to about life's issues or relationship problems?? Or just want to talk to someone??
I'm here to listen and advice. 🙂 grandma Merlina!!
lorie little
Beautiful and true
Erica sian
Raju Shrestha
+Gma Melina ok grandma
Angie Tucker
This is so beautiful!
Pratiksha Sharma
Superb & really true.
Neepa Dasgupta
By d way , I d'nt have any relationship problems . Grandma . I put in my prayer all shd be live wt joy & happiness .
Raju Shrestha
+Gma Melina grandma did u believe in God
I have something to tell you all I'm not angry at anyone I'm proud you all believe in me what I did was from the heart and that's enuf payment for me so I'm not taking any mony xxxx
sunday dan
Thanks u all for sharing with us.
Raju Shrestha
+Gma Melina if yes then y he did not like to see us happy.
sunday dan
Thanks u all for sharing with us.
Maria Benjamin
Very torching and educating
raja sekaran
Hai h. R. You.
Nonni Martinez
Truer words were never spoken.
Linda Morana
I would never move from this spot!!
sunday dan
Thanks u all for sharing with us.
vimbiso juliet
Paula Hardin
+Gma Melina
Silence lol I no but as you have all seen I have very strong values over life look at all the people and children web save that's priceless to me
Nonni Martinez
+taj yar
Zala Hren
Santi AK
Really very close to my heart……………..
Amiea Hines
true amen
Fats Abdullah
sadiq khan
Raju Shrestha
+Tshering Zangmo that's y lv unselfish not others,ha ha
Amuda Hadizat
Nice one
andrea sheppard
Very well put hope more to come
+VIVEK-R VIVEK rrrrr haven bad day lol
Suzanne Schumacher
Judy Meadows
Eliza Montibon
Thank. I feel that your words of wisdom helped me to realize that living in the moment embraces what makes me smile with joy n laughter that captures my soul to be free!
columba montsinos
I like that nice
Naveed Naz
Eliza Montibon
Ooops. Thank you for your words of wisdom, especially for today. I was just fumbling via internet and hsppened to receive this. Meant to be!!
Saad Ali Saad
ماشاء الله♥♡ رووووعة I ♥ it.. very beutyful
+Naveed Naz hi I no you I bet x
Saad Ali Saad
ماشاء الله♥♡ رووووعة I ♥ it.. very beutyful
Marion Ksal
encouraging to change ones persprective on ones role and own happiness in life
constantinescu liliana
priYan Mgr
wow! what a nice view
Steve Hetrick
Were are you my friends toe lotas. Wolf don't no who else is here but uno were all friends well mostly …..iv missed you so much xx
Denitra King
naqi haider
I dont understnd that how I can explain that u r so great
abdulli saidy
philip ibharoganjoria
Nice one
Marnie Christensen
Rupesh Rele
Beautiful & excellent
naqi haider
Only lovely itni kanjoosi
Munis Khan
Lily Prichard
soklin ngoun
Hi don't no which ones you are bit missed you why hasn't Mick or noe come o its OK ….I'm not special uno I'm just me and all of you had a part in this we should b proud of are selves uno some times its so nice just for someone to take a few minutes put of there life to say hi how are you cos that could b the only kind word they get all day o I no I can b cow bit were all dof that's what makes us all special cc bbs
Ashok Thumar
Pat Mcgrath
What inspiring reflections….these are truly words of wisdom!
Kimberly Natividad
olayinka sikiru
Facts, are word of wisdom.
Gina Montemayor
i need that moment
william lumbasi
Joanna Emanus
Sheba Erika Viena
Great words…
Samkelisiwe Gwala
Now dats wat we mean wen we talk abwt frank talk
Gloria Thompson
This is great
Ndumi B
Wow! This is great!! I love it
Margot Harper
Very True
Ermelinda Diaz
It's been a long time I have done that it's real nice
Marie Mercier
Magnifique<3:)comment ta fait pour faire ca c trop bien fait:)
Sylvia Rodney
+Chitra Khilnani god bless you bitter people I don't want to talk to stay in your darkness I will be forever in the light and please do not respond to me again I refuse to have people like you talking to me you need god in your life your so bitter please don't respond to me, your words I truly do not need goodbye
Jessie Fisher
It hurts me sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Manik Mani
So nice
Abdul Jaleel
Yeas true
Manik Mani
Nancy Mc Fadden
Wow, would like to post this on my Facebook
Mariafe Villas
+Hemant Dave hi
Baksh Majhi
Delma Riddy
leckai zkai
Best reminders while we are struggling in day by day.
Nan Lacy
Wow! That says it all!
Edith Scott
Manik Mani
Today my birthday
ViAnn Delarenzo
I love that photo with the moving water! How do I do that ? I am blown away!!! please please share!!!
Thandekile Ngwenya
Well said
l like it
Valerie Plancarrte
lol love itttt <3333333
Ruth Henry
Truly messages to live by
Audra Farrow
#10 helps me a lot today
kathleen pfeiffer
so cool!!!
Hadiya Wade
Is that natural.
With part of the earth you are on
kathleen pfeiffer
Mary Smith
Shut yo mouth and keep on tlkin…. Enough said.
Stacey M. Brewster
I enjoyed the words….GOD gave us grace with his only begotten Son. We are blessed for our lives. We are blessed for each & Every moment!
We being human take for granted our blessings…We all do. GOD gave us…The choice. Times we rush in….see red flags but still choose to stay for whatever reason. We forget…..
& regarding technology. …The Tree of Knowledge. ….GOD is all!!
We all need to Love, be loved, be heard ( respectively)..Listen..Trust
We are all the same here…..human being…GOD'S Children….
kathleen pfeiffer
so true
Ogbonna Bethel
Very true and lovely. I'll share this
Jennie Owens
So true
Amanda Perez
That os so Cook
Stacey M. Brewster
Manik Mani
Welcome my dear friend
Manik Mani
Today m miss my all life
Lydia Chioma
kathleen pfeiffer
Wareesha Shaikh
Manik Mani
Stacey M. Brewster
+Sylvia Rodney…hi…I actually never posted before…
I thought your words were very true, comforting, full of wisdom. Please don't allow ignore posts that are hateful. They're just having a either horrible day or have a horrible life & just feel the Need to spread their ugliness. …Do not allow this to invade your space….
Please have a wonderful day!! You are still here…Enjoy everyday….Look at the very day beauty. …really. Even the shades of the grass…wow…It's the littlest things that means & stands out so much. You are a blessing. I'll be thinking about you…GOD BLESS.. You, your words made an impact…..Thank you…
Negatively is wasted energy.
Manik Mani
M now Bahrain so steel m all ready enjoy
Susan Watkins
So true, luv the movement of the ocean!
McCaila Wright
that's relly pretty
Manik Mani
You living whir
Pascalina Cleti Shed
ramsha mehmood
Joi Eiland
naqi haider
Whts doing now
Kim Nwankolo
Nice this really shows your feelings
Sagie Queveks
it looks like that girl is sad
Rebekah Runion
I love this