Many times when we help we do not really serve. . . . Serving is also different from fixing. One of the pioneers of the Human Potential Movement, Abraham Maslow, said, "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.' Seeing yourself as a fixer may cause you to see brokenness everywhere, to sit in judgment of life itself. When we fix others, we may not see their hidden wholeness or trust the integrity of the life in them. Fixers trust their own expertise. When we serve, we see the unborn wholeness in others; we collaborate with it and strengthen it. Others may then be able to see their wholeness for themselves for the first time. ~Rachel Naomi Remen
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Danny Brutout
Gaurav Kareer
Really Impressive Words..!!
Naeem Ali
Asalam u. ..k good morning
Shri Ram Singh
Very True.
Pieter Hibma
Oceans serve all of the world by taking the lowest position. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is the same. We serve by our contribution to the sustainability of the environment. Before anything else.
Stephen Waterhouse
Water seeks its own level, yet do the oceans all follow the same plane?
Petha Jatt
Very nice
Archana Sanju
soooo nice
Petha Jatt
yogesh kumar
light is life
Hassan Zaki
Petha Jatt
Petha Jatt
Diana Mcrae
Only you have the power to fix yourself, we can only encourage change in others and pray they will learn to fix and to believe in themselves
peetala swarna Kumar
yes dearest Jendhamuni…good morning be HAPPY