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This post has been reshared 17 times on Google+
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sriman kamma
Hmm its true gen
Michael Cammock
Fear is most often put upon one's conscience and soul by bullies…. most often, from My experience…. and so to learn to be fearless in the presence of bullies and tyrants is a great achievement 🙂
Sally Nguyen
Nice pic and good saying ,my sister !
Cgh hogg Th
Sara Zinnera
We should give up the fear to make our bond strong and lastlong
Michael Cammock
+Sara Zinnera Yes you are right and correct 🙂
Carlos Bation
Wow TAMA ( true )
Alicia Calimlim
Good thoughts and lesson to all of us
Muhammed Nasir Uddin
Julius Mwaniki
Tis true. Fear is the real poison of love. If only we can conquer it, we can live love life to the fullest.
Mayur Shah
Nice pic, and thought, Have a Great Day, Jen
Alabama G Man
Girishekhar J. Chaudhari
Yes,Jen.Love makes our existence lively and meaningful.
Meenakshi Sharma
Nice thought.
Crosmen Bacasno
Wow beautiful
Isabella Diaz
I love you pics.
dharmendra yadav
Lovely & so nice **
abdul rehman
Nice ooooo
Monique Patterson
I really like what you mentioned.. I never thought the opposite of love is "fear" and it really makes sense…Everyone is cautious to give 100% of their heart to someone due to "fear" of being hurt or rejected… Thank you for enlightening me on this subject..
terence williams
Very beautiful and evocative image for what it is to experience living and existing while also sensible of 'being' something within. Jen I am delighted to say you are quite evidently so filled with good spirit- a thing of metaphysics.
Raghav panday
I have started smiling ,,,,,
Thank you my sorce of
Fragrance ,,,,,,
shine more,,,,,,,
Love u r post ,,,,,,,, !
peetala swarna Kumar
yes dearest jendhamuni..