The son of my little sister who passed a way 9 months ago. He’s such a tough boy. He’s wearing a picture of his mom, my mother gave him. His lips are dark because he just had a blue ice cream. His name is Kyle, but my little sis called him Boo-Boo, so we all call him Boo-Boo. Kyle is 5 years old. His mother died one week after his birthday. ~Jendhamuni
Knowledge and action should be one. Words and actions are two exterior manifestations of our inner thoughts; but most people’s words exceed their actions.
Being concerned with gain and lossbrings us the feelings of happiness and sadness. We should transcend the concepts of good and evil, gain and loss.
Most people pursue fame and fortune, but think of how much there is in nature that you own already. The stars, the moon, mountains, rivers, flowers, and trees all for you!
Coming to understand the big questions in life has to be done by oneself, no one else can do it for you. Maintaining other people’s ideas is like the mimicry of a parrot – it may be speaking, but it doesn’t know what it’s saying.
Movement was originally easy, but we have been shackled by so many worldly rules and restrictions that it is sometimes difficult to take even a single step.
The truth of things does not reside in some unreachable, distant place: it is in our minds.
You don’t need to travel to some illusory world to find the principles of life: just pay attention to the details of life and experience them. When you begin to doubt, an answer is most likely found where the question begins.
He who is the master of himself does not change through influence from his surroundings or from others.
Author: Tsai Chih Chung, Brian Bruya
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