Photo source: flickr.com/photos/photosadhu/2462280366/
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Photo source: flickr.com/photos/photosadhu/2462280366/
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Joseph O'Brien
very nice, Jendhamuni
prakash b
The bhikshu we call them
Hu leaves home an attains saint hood
He leaves one home bt he makes hundred of homez as his home
He lives own food bt he is served by hundred of home
He makes everything less fr himself
But people an follower make more fr him
He is fr salvation
He attains fr that
More r less doesnot matter fr him
One change family knew him
Now world knows him tx sos
Patrack Muyambo
…when you are homeless, you live in the biggest home-the world
…when you are homeless, you belong to the biggest family-the world
…Next time you see the homeless, know that they are part of your household.
Be blessed +Jendhamuni Sos
Sofie Løve Forsberg
Om Mani Padme Hum
Roland Wolfgang Friedrich
The less you have, the more you have to give for humanity..:):)
Jesse H
mady sach
nice !!!!
neomi rios
That's right
Mohandas Kumaralal
Sadu..sadu.. ape hamuduruwane
jetaime gandah
very nice post my dear friend +Jendhamuni Sos Love the photo..
happy and blessed day to you my dear friend… 🙂 😉 😉
christian .T
Fine photo! top-inspiration!
Sonaam Rana
Very explicit thought! With matching picture. Keep it up.
Radha Santadharma
The quote matches my own "less is More" motto e.g. less Internet is more liberating. How can you volunteer for the homeless from inside your computer room?
Dominic Kabwe
nice once!
Dominique Lamidieu
Dear friend I.m so happy you are coming with us , thank you for this splendid picture .
jungwoo yoo
+Jendhamuni Sos good morning? Have a nice day my friend
Dominique Lamidieu
In France it´s the night it´s 22h42 and you in USA it´s morning . I think often to you and your family sincerely. I hoppe that boudhism help you, I ´m listening many books of Thich Nhat Hanh . Friendly yours .
Reg Dawn
Thank you my dear sister Jendhamuni. Your words are good wise and true! +Jendhamuni Sos
Larry Shannon
It is when WE have NOTHING that we find we have EVERYTHING. – ** Take nothing for granted. Be thankful for each breath, each day, and enjoy the beautiful Nature of the Earth that God has given to us all. – Love one another. We are ALL FAMILY. – God Bless.
Donna Lopez
So true . Back in the simple days . I didn't need much . Today that's all I hear is complaints from younger group .
Larry Shannon
The complexities of a simple life, and the simplicity of a complex life.
Chethana Repalle
I believe in it 🙂
"The less u have, the more u have"
wonderful words 🙂
Larry Shannon
Try. :). I learned from experience the hard way.
Larry Shannon aka Daga
Ramdarash Bharati
Fine photo &mind
peetala swarna Kumar
yes dear jendhamuni..