"The goal of life is to make your
heartbeat match the beat
of the universe, to match
your nature with Nature."
~Joseph Campbell
If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees. ~Rainer Maria Rilke
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Sarady Kim
Victor de la isla
Carlos Bation
I LOVE mother nature no ONE..inspiring post beautiful messages..thank U jenh..Ingay my Love
Michael Cammock
Everything was in Perfect Harmony once, I believe…. So it is just a matter of time before it all gets right back on track…. 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 ;0….
Your love lift me up so high, like a bird flying in the sky…
Sherry Indar
So sweet
Timothy Mckiness
Michael Cammock
Luv Ya 2 +Jendhamuni Sos 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 ;0
Margaretann Hudson
Love you too sister dear
Dwight Preston
Wow Jen that's Beautiful,Have a Blessed Day 🙂 🙂
murugan powergrip
So Sweet
Bhagaban Panda
good morning sis jen, so sweet
Sarah Rabb
no you don't
Swarna Shanmugalingam
I feel the beat. Lovely Jen.
Carlos Bation
Good night jenh have a beautiful and peaceful dream ..Ingat my Lady my Love
John Said
The beat of the universe is a beautiful quote jen 🙂
Praful Bhanushali
Very beautiful.,God is great
raja nadeem
Gopan Gopakumar
Lv u toooooo
Balasubramaniam Somu
good morning
Animesh nandi
wow lovely..Good morning,to you and have a nice Thursday
Geoffrey Okot
Much love dear friend Jendhamuni Sos.
Jayesh Thakkar
Thank you.
Asad Hussain
Love u To
Ravi tiwari
Lovely gm
Animesh Ankhi Pal
Enormous pic n splendid feeling
In the words. Welcome
Animesh Ankhi Pal
Ver Very Good Morning
Animesh Ankhi Pal
When we will be able to match the Rythm of the Universe Mother Earth???
Daniel Francis
Nice gudmoni
Android Mobile
I like
Rajeev Kalia
Beautiful post….
Michelle Sabatino
Elsie Evardo
Wow very nice
Rajesh Verma
so nice and sweet
Michelle Sabatino
Yes .. You must connect with yourself first and then your Universe will show you and give you the magic if you just believe in …… To be continued .. 🌎🌠💋🌠
Maria Szennyai
brad shuell
How true
Mayur Shah
So natural!!!
Ada Brown
So enchanting!!!
Android Mobile
This is so beautiful
Geethika Sriyani
Sweet pic
Nafis Copeland
Nice really nice
Nafis Copeland
Nice really nice
shirshah shahzid
The rotating picture of the lovely white & pure heart & the couple heart shape of the 2 ducks reminds me of my holy pilgrimage journey to Makkah alone in 1996 & with my wife in 2000 & going around the holy KABAH 7 times, in harmony with God's natural way, that is the anti-o'clock or o'clock-wise's way…It is unforgettable so sweet memories…