Most people suffer from being afraid of themselves, afraid of not being able to liberate the thought or emotion that is about to arise. At the moment the thought arises, they single it out as no good. You often hear that negative emotions are bad, but you don’t know how to let them go. All these negative traits have been in you. But you can’t not be how you are, so what do you do? For the unrealized person, there is only one solution: be depressed about it. All spiritual systems say negative thoughts are bad. You cannot find any that say negative thoughts are good. Really, are there any? Maybe some of them say that you should express them, let them out, but that is still because they know that negative thoughts are not good, that if you did not let them out you would just keep them festering inside. It is merely a different way of phrasing the same depressing information. ~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche
good night sweet dreams dearest jendhamuni
good night sweet dreams dearest jendhamuni,honey
good night sweet dreams dearest jendhamuni,honey,waiting for you
Have a wonderful day Swarna Kumar.