Conquer anger with non-anger. Conquer badness with goodness. Conquer meanness with generosity. Conquer dishonesty with truth. ~Buddha, The Dhammapada
They blame those who remain silent, they blame those speak much, they blame those who speak in moderation. There is none in the world who is not blamed. ~Buddha, The Dhammapada
ម្ចាស់ស្ទឹងសង្កែ by Koy Vanna
Machas Steung Sangke ម្ចាស់ស្ទឹងសង្កែ
Written by Prum Kim Choeun | Sings by Mr. Koy Vanna
Dedicated to Mr. Kong Bun Chhoeun
When one has the feeling of dislike for evil, when one feels tranquil, one finds pleasure in listening to good teachings; when one has these feelings and appreciates them, one is free of fear. ~Buddha
Photos courtesy: Um Sovanrith
Dedicated to Mr. Kong Bun Chhoeun…
Khmer poem: Machas Steung Sangke ម្ចាស់ស្ទឹងសង្កែ
Written by Prum Kim Choeun | Read by Jendhamuni Sos
Khmer song: Dong Steung Songke ដងស្ទឹងសង្កែ
Written by Kong Bun Chhoeun និពន្ធដេាយ គង្គ ប៊ុនឈឿន
Sings by Sinn Sisamuth ច្រៀងដោយ៖ ស៊ិន ស៊ីសាមុត