So cold!
Need to hide under the blanket for a while. Have five layers on, but still feeling very very cold!
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Need to hide under the blanket for a while. Have five layers on, but still feeling very very cold!
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The world is so broken and sometimes it leaves you cold.
And at times you can’t feel the fire to guide you home.
The demons will haunt you and try to steal what you know.
But the angels, they brought you, and they’re gonna hold you up.
They’re gonna hold you up. They see the fear in your eyes,
heart sinks like a stone. ‘Cause when you’re afraid,
it weighs on your soul. It’s not easy, no.
Finding the words to say. When you’re feeling lost,
you’ll find your way. ~Shane Haper
Be back soon. Need to hide
under the blanket for a while.
Have five layers on, but still
feeling very very cold!
+215 This post has been reshared 3 times on Google+
The world is so broken and sometimes it leaves you cold. And at times you can't feel the fire to guide you home. The demons will haunt you and try to steal what you know. But the angels, they brought you, and they're gonna hold you up. They're gonna hold you up. They see the fear in your eyes, heart sinks like a stone. 'Cause when you're afraid, it weighs on your soul. It's not easy, no. Finding the words to say. When you're feeling lost, you'll find your way.
~Shane Haper
+399 This post has been reshared 85 times on Google+
Sometimes, even the sun brightness
is overshadowed by clouds.
No matter how dark
and dense the clouds may be,
sun will shine again…
And will shine brighter.
than ever. ~sms modified
+150 This post has been reshared 8 times on Google+
We only have one life and one body to care of, and we better do it right. You never know what tomorrow may bring and so we better live this life the best we can and be grateful for everything we have. ~Novak Djokovic Link to Google+
Been shoveling the snow for six hours, alone! And still have plenty of smiles for you!
I wish my smile could melt the snow, I tried, but did not work! Link to Google+
Snowing again! I'll stop by to visit some of you later
"We only have one life and one body to care of, and we better do it right. You never know what tomorrow may bring and so we better live this life the best we can and be grateful for everything we have."
~Novak Djokovic
+438 This post has been reshared 16 times on Google+