1. You can very well transform


    Many of us are not capable of releasing the past, of releasing the suffering of the past. We want to cling to our own suffering. By living deeply in the present moment we can understand the past better and we can prepare for a better future. You can use your life in a very useful and intelligent way. You can very well transform that negative energy into a positive energy that empowers you and makes life meaningful. ~Thich Nhat Hanh



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  2. Lessons to learn…


    Each day a new page with adventures to experience,
    lessons to learn and good deeds to replicate.
    Have A COLORFUL PAGE Everyday.

    ~sms4smile    Link to Google+

  3. A book of life


    Friends are like a page in a book of life.
    Every page with a different subject.
    But best friends are the index page,
    covering every subject.
    Thanks for being the index page of my life.


  4. Cold night…


    On this cold night, in my small room,
    I look at the bright stars in the dark sky,
    thinking of you and the genuine smile
    on your beautiful and peaceful face…

    ~sms modified    Link to Google+


  5. Not by running away from things…


    Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world,
    or by running away from things, or by turning solitary
    and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn
    an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be.
    We must learn to penetrate things and find God there.

    ~Meister Eckhart

  6. I give you mine…


    If care is a wave, I give you sea.
    If respect is a leaf, I give you a tree.
    If trust is a planet, I give you a galaxy.
    If friendship is a life, I give you mine, for free.


Live & Die for Buddhism


Me & Grandma

My Reflection

This site is a tribute to Buddhism. Buddhism has given me a tremendous inspiration to be who and where I am today. Although I came to America at a very young age, however, I never once forget who I am and where I came from. One thing I know for sure is I was born as a Buddhist, live as a Buddhist and will leave this earth as a Buddhist. I do not believe in superstition. I only believe in karma.

A Handful of Leaves

A Handful of Leaves

Tipitaka: The pali canon (Readings in Theravada Buddhism). A vast body of literature in English translation the texts add up to several thousand printed pages. Most -- but not all -- of the Canon has already been published in English over the years. Although only a small fraction of these texts are available here at Access to Insight, this collection can nonetheless be a very good place to start.

Major Differences

Major Differences in Buddhism

Major Differences in Buddhism: There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposedly Judgement Day ...read more

Problems we face today

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Of the many problems we face today, some are natural calamities and must be accepted and faced with equanimity. Others, however, are of our own making, created by misunderstanding, and can be corrected...

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