People fall in love
not knowing why or how.
It's so special a feeling that
does not require much answers.
You just love…
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When emotions play their role
Heart cries…
When heart cries it does
not make any sound
and the person who listens
to the mute sound is called "FRIEND"
+160 This post has been reshared 42 times on Google+
Weekend is
a wonderful opportunity
to take a rest,
to forgive,
to dream,
to smile
and to spend time
with Mother Nature.
~sms modified
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May your weekend be beautiful, peaceful and tranquil.
May your night be warm and pleasant,
filled with beautiful dreams.
May you always wake up with a super
cute smile on your face.
May you be the reason behind someone’s
smile each and every day. ~Jendhamuni
Link to Google+
Happiness is like a perfume. You cannot spread on others without getting
a few drops back on yourself. Always be happy to make others happy.
~sms4smile Link to Google+
Happiness is like a perfume.
You cannot spread on others
without getting a few drops back
on yourself. Always be happy
to make others happy.
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