1. This morning…


    Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.

    The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

  2. Heart that is filled with love


    Happiest is the person whose heart is filled with love. A heart of loving kindness enjoys greatest happiness. ~Master Cheng Yen

    Photo credit: Randy Neufeldt
  3. From a distance…


    We are not very close in distance,
    We are not very close in miles,
    But, I hope… this beautiful tropical rose can touch your heart
    and my thoughts can bring you smiles. ~santabanta

    Tropical Rose. Photo credit: Randy Neufeldt

  4. Life is full of colors


    May the vivid colors of the HOLI decorate your life and family with hues of happiness and fun. May you enjoy them at their brightest shade. I wish you that even after the HOLI, those colors be there in your life and always spawning around you creating beautiful world. ~kiwichoice


  5. An infinite number of doors


    In life, there’re an infinite number of doors. If you’re diligent, you’ll open some of them. If you’re brilliant, you’ll open many of them. But if you’re vibrant, they’ll open for you. We must be strong enough to admit our mistakes; smart enough to correct them; and wise enough to learn from them. ~santabanta

    Tropical Flowers. Photo credit: RandyNeufeldt
  6. Learn from it…


    Everything happens for a reason.
    Live it…
    Love it…
    Learn from it…
    Make your smile change the world.
    But don’t let the world change your smile.


    Purple Variegated Orchid. Photo credit: RandyNeufeldt

  7. A bright new beginning


    Rise and shine. Whatever was bothering you yesterday is gone and today
    is a bright new beginning. ~santabanta

  8. In life


    Tropical Flowers. Photo credit: RandyNeufeldt
    In life, there're an infinite number of doors. If you're diligent, you'll open some of them. If you're brilliant, you'll open many of them. But if you're vibrant, they'll open for you. We must be strong enough to admit our mistakes; smart enough to correct them; and wise enough to learn from them. ~santabanta



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Live & Die for Buddhism


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