Tulip is one of the most beautiful and most popular flowers in the world. There are 75 wild tulip species and over 3000 varieties of tulips created via selective breeding. Tulips originate from central Asia. They were brought to Europe in 16th century, when people started to cultivate them on a massive scale. Today, tulips can be found throughout the world. These beautiful plants live in temperate climate, with cold spring which lasts extended period of time. Specific weather conditions (especially low temperature during the spring) are required for the growth of the seed. Number of certain species of tulips is decreased in the wild because of the over-collection and habitat destruction as a result of increased human activity. Source: SoftSchools
He’s been called “the clown in the cloak of a philosopher,” and this loveable little companion dog is exceptionally good-natured. He is particularly affectionate toward his master and the children, and can even be a bit possessive. They are excellent with children! He will need to be a part of the family and will want to be in close contact with you. Each “frenchie” possesses his own unique personality, but they are usually independent thinkers, intelligent, with a bit of a mischievous side. They are usually well-behaved if trained to be. They are trainable, but stubborn, and do best when they are convinced that they are interested in the task at hand.
Source: Justdogbreeds
♥ Pigs are extraordinarily intelligent. They are curious and insightful animals who are widely accepted as being smarter than young children of at least 3 years of age, dogs, and even some primates.
♥ Pigs are extremely social animals. They form close bonds with other individuals and love close contact and lying down together.
♥ Pigs are very clean, keeping their toilet area far away from where they lie down and eat. Even newborn piglets will leave the nest to go to the toilet within hours of birth.
Source: OneKind
S: Sets you free,
M: Makes you special,
I: Increases your face value,
L: Lifts up your spirits,
E: Erases all your tensions,
So… please keep smiling.
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On average, cats spend 2/3
of every day sleeping.
That means a nine-year-old cat
has been awake for only
three years of its life.
Source: Random Facts
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