Starts with you
Happiness starts with you –
Not with your relationships
Not with your job
Not with your money
Not with your circumstances
But only and only with you.
~Santabanta sms
Happiness starts with you –
Not with your relationships
Not with your job
Not with your money
Not with your circumstances
But only and only with you.
~Santabanta sms
A Pack of Pugs is called a Grumble – If you ever see a group of Pugs running together, you better move out the way because no one stands a chance against the Grumble Bundle. Chinese name for Pugs is Lo-Sze – Good luck trying to pronounce that one correctly. I’m not going to even try. I’ll just end up embarrassing myself. Source: Pugtips
Think positively
Exercise daily
Eat healthy
Stay strong
Work hard
Worry less
Love often
Be happy!
~Santabanta sms
Anger is… energy number one. By practicing mindful breathing or mindful walking, we generate the energy number two: the energy of mindfulness. We call it in Buddhist terms: mindfulness of anger. Mindfulness is always mindfulness of something. When you drink your water mindfully, that is called mindfulness of drinking. When you eat mindfully, that is called mindfulness of eating. When you breathe mindfully, in and out, that is called mindfulness of breathing. When you walk mindfully, it is called mindfulness of walking.
So, when you recognize your anger, embrace your anger tenderly with that energy of mindfulness, it is called mindfulness of anger, mindfulness of despair, mindfulness of fear. We should be able to learn and help the young people to learn how to do it. It’s very important.
The Buddha offers us very concrete and simple exercises in order to become mindful. The first exercise on mindful breathing is: Breathing in–I know I am breathing in. Breathing out–I know I am breathing out. You can reduce the length of the sentence to one word. In. Out. While you are breathing in, you just recognize that this is your in breath, and you use the word, in. And you are wholly concentrated on your in breath. Nothing else.
You become your in breath. You’re not thinking of anything. You’re not thinking of the past, of the future, of your projects. You release everything. You just follow your in breath, and you become one with your in breath. And the energy of mindfulness is generated together with the energy of concentration. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
When your dog locks eyes with you, it may genuinely be a look of love, and not simply a form of begging. Dogs can develop this atypical behavior with close human companions — while between dogs or with a strange person, a direct stare is a threat. Of course not every glance from Fido is loving — he may simply want your dinner. Or, if his body is tense and ears flattened, he may be telling you to back off. Source: WebMD
Cats May Love Too Much:
Behavior experts confirm that some cats really do experience separation anxiety when apart from a favorite person — and that’s one reason a sweet kitty may pee on your clothes when you’re at work. Other signs: the cat paces, vocalizes, or blocks the owner’s path to the door. Left alone, she may vomit or be too worried to eat. For cats who love too much, behavior therapy can help — along with anti-anxiety medications for severely affected cats. Source: WebMD