Dogs feel pain. Dogs are sensitive and feel all sorts of sensations, such as pain, pleasure, heat, cold and everything in between. In many ways, they are just like us. Most of us don’t like to be in the snow, naked and hungry with a tight chain around our necks. It is common for dogs to feel the same way about sensations. Dogs need people. Dogs speak a language other than English. In fact, they do not speak any language known to man, as of yet. Therefore, dogs need people to care for them, provide for them and give them a voice when they need to be heard. If a dog is in pain, he’ll let you know, but it is up to you to do something about it. And dogs do make noise. They bark, whimper, whine and cry, especially when left unattended. Therefore, be prepared to hear noises from your dog; they are not silent creatures. Source: Animal Liberation Front