The mind creates problems
Depression is the result of over thinking. The mind creates problems that didn’t even exist. ~Unknown
Depression is the result of over thinking. The mind creates problems that didn’t even exist. ~Unknown
When you’re alone, you think. When you think, you remember. When you remember, you feel pain. ~Unknown
Just look within to the virtuous thoughts you have had, and you will always find a reason to love yourself. Take joy in your sincere intentions. Everything starts with an intention. If you have been able to have beautiful aspirations, these aspirations will always be part of you, a beautiful part. ~17th Karmapa
There are many forces surrounding us that encourage us to follow along unthinkingly wherever our greed leads us. We are bombarded by advertising designed to convince us that our happiness depends on material goods. Today’s global culture tells us that having more of these goods is a measure of our success in life, and even of our value as a person. This message comes at us in many forms and from many directions, so we need a clear awareness of how greed works in order to protect ourselves from being deceived by these forces. We can then counteract them with inner wisdom about where real success and personal value come from. ~ 17th Karmapa
A lack of love can cause people to have no help when they need help, no friends when they need a friend. So, in a sense, the most dangerous thing in the world is apathy. We think of weapons, violence, warfare, disease as terrible dangers, and indeed they are, but we can take measures to avoid them. But once our apathy takes hold of us, we can no longer avoid it. ~ 17th Karmapa
We should not feel like we are strangers to each other but rather that we share a collective karma with one another on this earth and it is our responsibility to try to improve it. The basis of Lord Buddha’s teachings is that nothing rises by itself and we are not individual entities living by ourselves. The law of cause and effect and interdependence should encourage us to develop compassion for all living beings on this planet and for the earth itself. One beneficial act can have a multiple number of positive effects. We should feel greatly encouraged and determined to protect nature for this reason. ~ 17th Karmapa
Compassion for the “other,” whether people, animal species, trees, or other plants, and for Earth itself, is the only thing that will ultimately save us human beings. Most people are primarily concerned about their work, wealth, health, or family. On a daily basis, they probably feel they have more urgent things to worry about than their environmental footprint. Of course, paying attention to this issue would mean having to make inconvenient choices and changes in their lives. I am not so different. Although I had considered giving up eating meat for many years, I became a complete vegetarian only a few years ago. Somebody presented a short documentary that showed how animals suffer before and during the act of killing. Watching it, I could feel the fear felt by the animals. Like a thunderclap, I became aware that these living beings were suffering so greatly simply to satisfy my habitual preferences. Eating meat became intolerable for me at that moment, and so I stopped. ~ 17th Karmapa
Life is all about learning. Learning about the little things. Learning from all your mistakes. Learning about those that you thought would have your back but turned out they didn’t. Learning about the people that you pushed aside only to realize that they are the ones that would always be there for you. Life is about falling but knowing when to get back up and fight. Fight for what you believe in. Fight for your dreams. Practice kindness. Love deeply. Love yourself. ~Suzie Pierce
Puppies require five small meals a day. Puppies’ teeth begin to grow when they begin chewing, just like human babies. At one-year-old, a puppy is no longer considered a puppy — it’s considered an adult. In one-year-old puppy is the equivalent of a 15-year-old human. Touch is the first sense a puppy begins to use. Source: IB Times
Love is like a flower, needs a lot of attention, sustenance and love. Without these, like the very flower; it wilts and dies. ~Unknown