To be nobody but yourself
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~E.E. Cummings
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~E.E. Cummings
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. ~Mahatma Gandhi
One of the main obstacles is our pride. This pride is an inflated state of mind and relies on our false view of the transitory collection, which focuses on the existent self, attributed to our body and mind, and distorts it. When we are on top of a very high mountain, we look down on all the lower peaks. Similarly, when we are full of pride, everyone else appears lower. We are the best and everyone else is inferior. This pride is associated with our self-preocupation and makes us act inappropriately and disrespectfully towards others, thereby bringing us face to face with all kinds of unpleasant and unwanted experiences. As long as we feel and act as through we are the center of the universe, we will never develop real concern for others. To counteract this attitude we train ourselves always to think of them as supremely important by considering their good qualities and by reviewing our own faults and weaknesses. ~Geshe Sonam Rinchen
Do not find fault with others. If they behave wrongly, there is no need to make yourself suffer. If you point out to them what is correct and they do not practice accordingly, leave it at that. When the Buddha studied with various teachers, he realised that their ways were lacking, but he did not disparage them. Studying with humility and respect, he benefited from his relationship with them, yet he realised that their systems were not complete. Still, he had not yet become enlightened, he did not criticise or attempt to teach them. After he found enlightenment, he respectfully remembered those had studied with and wanted to share his newfound knowledge with them. Ajahn Chah
Don’t worry about the past or the future. The past has already ceased. Whatever occurred in the past has already taken place and is over and done with; it’s finished. Whatever is going to arise in the future is also going to end in the future – let go of that too. Why get worried about it? Observe the phenomena (dhamma) arising in the present moment and notice how they are changing and unreliable. ~Ajahn Chah
The best part about growing up with no money is that you know how to have fun without it. Riches without faith are the greatest poverty. ~Unknown
A bond from birth: As each little puppy makes its entrance, its mother carefully tends to its first needs — licking and cleaning her newborn to stimulate breathing and to encourage nursing. As her newborn puppies knead and suckle, she curls her body around them for protection and warmth – hearts beating in unison. Every lick, which is a doggie kiss, reinforces the mother-puppy bond.
Care and protect: A mother dog whines to alert her humans if she’s separated from her puppies. She paces nervously back and forth between a tiny still-unseeing puppy that scoots to the other side of the room and the rest of her litter. When necessary, a mother dog will put herself between her puppies and danger. She won’t let strange dogs approach, and if she senses that a human might harm her little ones, she issues a warning growl. Source: The Nest