Will be snowing all day here. Heavy traffics. Many accidents already. I'm surprised many schools are not cancelled. My car spinned three times already this morning – very scary.
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Will be snowing all day here. Heavy traffics. Many accidents already. I'm surprised many schools are not cancelled. My car spinned three times already this morning – very scary.
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Nilce rodrigues
Jendhamuni Sos
+Nilce rodrigues The snow looks very beautiful if you get to stay home, but when you need to be on the road, it's very dangerous. Too many accidents. I'm driving a Mini Van and still spinning like crazy. Hope you get to see the snow some day.
jean-jacques Prunet
Prudence +Jendhamuni Sos doucement , très doucement , hier en allant à la poste , je me suis claqué le dos , bonjour , pas de mal!
Faites attention !
Sabr Dawood
very nice photo ,,,, have nice day with that snow
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +jean-jacques Prunet I will be extra careful. I only do 2 miles per hours, very very slow. Many kind drivers on the road today. Thank goodness. I hope you had a good time at the post office yesterday.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Sabr Dawood You too have a most joyous day.
Ross Fortificacion
It is about 70 F and sunny here. No rain for another 2 months. Never snows or sleets or gets cold here EVER. It is always summer.
Jendhamuni Sos
Lucky you +Ross Fortificacion Must be a gorgeous weather there.
Sabr Dawood
Thank u Jendhamuni Sos u r so nice & kind person i wish u all good & nice & wonderful things ,,,
Ross Fortificacion
Panama is warm and beautiful year around. The people here are good and decent and hard-working. You are welcome anytime.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Sabr Dawood for the kind wishes. You are also a very kind hearted person. So glad to meet you here.
Charles van Dijk
It was cool 80 fahrenheit only.
Jendhamuni Sos
So happy to hear this +Ross Fortificacion Always very happy to meet good people. Thanks so much for the warm welcome.
Shawn Xu
snow so beautiful~
Aldair Cota Machado
Good morning !
Ross Fortificacion
Sometimes you add some calm and meaningful thing to our conversations .
Jendhamuni Sos
I want your weather +Charles van Dijk
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks so much +Shawn Xu You have a wonderful day.
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Aldair Cota Machado
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Ross Fortificacion We have enough to deal with already in our daily lives. Therefore the conversation on this cyber world should always be calm, and meaningful if possible.
Rickbischoff Art
a cold crisp❄ morning
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning +Rickbischoff Art
Jadey A-S Wilson
Stay safe and drive very carefully on the way way home, +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂 We're expecting snow here from Thursday night onwards…
Charles van Dijk
New Fremantle Port picture. It is raining. +Jendhamuni Sos
Vinaya Dass
Wonderful shot Jen.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Jadey A-S Wilson I just started my shift, need to work 7 more hours before heading back home. I'm sure the road will be terrible, so I will be very very careful.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Vinaya Dass Looks crappy, phone camera only:)))))
Sergyum Shapowalow
+Jendhamuni Sos . Where is it? Cambodia?
Jendhamuni Sos
Near Boston, U.S.A +Sergyum Shapowalow
Dave Lavis
Take great care my dear.
Sergyum Shapowalow
+Jendhamuni Sos
We, in Russia, the children go to school to -30.
Kevin C
Please be safe and have a wonderful day Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Today's everyone is very angry because school are not cancelled. Too many accidents. Snow truck cannot even get on the hill. School committe makes a poor decision today +Sergyum Shapowalow
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much +Kevin C I will be extra careful.
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes, I will +Dave Lavis I will walk home, if it's not safe to drive. My workplace is only 20 minute-walk from my house.
Dave Lavis
The thought makes me shiver,,, I'm in Queensland Australia where temperature has been +35 and we have bushfires :0))
Ghazi Riman
Beauty of roses lives with sharp thorns .This is life's wisdom nothing is perfect ..even white innocent snow.Take care my friend +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
Very wise words +Ghazi Riman! Thank you! Wishing you a most peaceful and beautiful day.
Balamurugan gopalan
hear no snow only hot
Jendhamuni Sos
Lucky you +Balamurugan gopalan
Mikko Tyllinen
i see you have a very funny day! nice i love drive in that kind weathere! 😀 never know what hapen nezt even on low speed! I'm used to drive in this kind weathere.. stay safe Jendhamuni!
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes +Mikko Tyllinen I only love to capture the video for this only, not driving. Very scary when cars near you start spinning:))))) One thousand pictures in my head whenever I see this.
Nilce rodrigues
Livin M.Miranda
Wow its beautiful,but I don't want to b der I will shiver
Ole Nors
Stay safe +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Ole Nors Nice to see you here. Yes, I am hiding inside now. Might have to walk home though.
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes, very beautiful for real +Livin M.Miranda
Rene Sidler
Oh, so much snow there Jendhamuni… We just had a little bit today, but now it ends… Its only cold. We just wait for some more snow… But when it comes, we're complainig again :))) Just drive slowly…
Luci Young
Iam sad you have to be out in this kind of weather. Please be careful ad you can.
Jendhamuni Sos
We are in journalism business +Luci Young No matter how bad the weather is, we have to report to work to put up news. Thank you, I will be very very careful, my dear.
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Não gosto nada de frio, talvez não conseguiria viver em um lugar frio assim!
Angelos Sphyris
Good luck for the day +Jendhamuni Sos. Yes, do be careful!
Roxana Bravo
Be careful with the driving.
dietrich lombarde
Wow ,united states.
Are You there?
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Roxana Bravo I got home from work already, safe. Not too many cars on the road. And the road looks a lot better now.
Jendhamuni Sos
Yes, I am +dietrich lombarde
Somewhere near Boston, Massachusetts
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Angelos Sphyris Finally I am home, safe.
Jendhamuni Sos
New England has four seasons, my dear +Osvaldo de Aguiar I'm used to the cold weather already. But the heating bill is very very high.
Alex Inglis
That's just why I moved. After 27 years of New England that was it. I do miss the seasonal changes and the beauty that goes with those changes.
Luci Young
I just wondered if you got home safe?
Jendhamuni Sos
I got home and went back to the train station, now home again, my dear +Luci Young I'm not going outside again tonight, will be inside doing my work, till tomorrow. Thank you so much for your kindness, my dear.
Jendhamuni Sos
My parents would never move out of New England or this town at all +Alex Inglis They just love it. And of course I love the seasonal changes too, accept the heavy snow day. I love snow very much, but I do not like to drive at all. Hope you enjoy wherever you are right now, Alex!
Zlata Randjelovic
Be very careful my dear +Jendhamuni Sos *it is very bad weather *★
Nilce rodrigues
is the motherland of them are right
Jendhamuni Sos
Everything is okay +Nilce rodrigues
This is winter, always heavy snow in between January to March.
Gil Pauley
p.swarna kumar
be careful..while driving dear Jendhamuni…I am shocked and my blood pressure suddenly raised…take care jendhamuni…for the sake of me…take care dear…
Jendhamuni Sos
Thaks so much +Gil Pauley I know you like snow.
mady sach
great picture,very snowsight
Cindy Shea
Xtra Xtra…".Read All About It!!!",,,an epidemic ….a plague… "No Cure!!!" ,,, researching…. a cure to eliminate…Computer Addictions/ Hackers!!!!! ;))))