Smile in the face of adversity,
No matter how bad your pain,
It's do or die, and that is why,
We have everything to gain.
Smile in the face of adversity,
Keep your head held high,
Don't let yourself be beaten,
It doesn't do any good to cry!
Smile in the face of adversity,
Don't back yourself into a wall,
Do not bend or break,
Or you're heading for a fall.
Smile in the face of adversity,
And when death faces you head on,
Be strong and bold, never break,
And believe me, you'll know you've won.
Smile in the face of adversity,
And when death knocks, don't let him in,
Because no matter the pain and suffering,
We sure as hell can still win!
Smile in the face of adversity,
If at all you can,
Be strong of heart and soul,
And face it head on like I am!
Smile in the face of adversity,
Fight on, but never give in,
And no matter how bad things seem,
You always play to win!
Smile in the face of adversity,
When you're given yet another trial,
Don't go backwards, go forwards,
Always go that one last mile!
Smile in the face of adversity,
And no matter the news you get,
Still you strive and go forward,
You don't have to die just yet!
Smile in the face of adversity,
And no matter the cards they deal,
Continue to fight, every single night,
Even though the body won't heal!
Smile in the face of adversity
Another day, another fight…
Stand your ground, don't back down,
And you'll live another night!
Smile in the face of adversity,
When they say you're life's at an end,
Right to the last, never give in,
Never break and never bend!
Smile in the face of adversity,
I do this every day, you see,
Coz nothing they say or do…
Will never, ever defeat me!
Smile in the face of adversity,
Coz at the end of the day,
Whatever will be will be,
But tomorrow's a brand new day.
Smile in the face of adversity,
Go through life on a smile,
Every day is a fight we must win,
Remember that one last mile?
Smile in the face of adversity,
Know deep down in your heart,
We can only fight, with all our might,
Before we have to depart!
Smile in the face of adversity,
Stare death in the eye!
face your fears head on,
And never question why!
Smile in the face of adversity,
And know this to be true,
We shall prevail, read my tale,
We can do this, me and you!
©Catherine Inglesby 1976
Jendhamuni and a little girl (relative of the deceased) at the Funeral Service of Mr. Samoeun Mey on Saturday February 2, 2013.
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Charles van Dijk
Start of the evening for you morning for me. Lovely double portrait and a lovely poem thanks a lot for sharing. :-))
Patricia E.F.
Hello sister +Jendhamuni Sos Welcome back!! I see that little cute girl with you…..
Patricia E.F.
Smile in adversity something very difficult sister +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
Crying is never an option for me, my dear sister +Patricia E.F.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks so much +Charles van Dijk I know your time really well now:))) So tired, tonight, I guess I need do some meditation soon .
Patricia E.F.
I cry often but no one see it. Tears are healthy sister +Jendhamuni Sos
Patricia E.F.
Relax sister, take you time 🙂
Jendhamuni Sos
Oh I see sister +Patricia E.F. But the smile is healthier sis:))))
Patricia E.F.
Not every day, no. But when I feel I need it I do it….:-))
jean-jacques Prunet
Tu a vue deux fleurs , me dit un homme qui croise mon chemin, ,
Je n'ai rien vue , j'étais perdu dans mes souvennirs !
C'est étrange il me dit , tu a deux étoiles inscritent sur ton front
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos Smiling is a defence in nature, meaning I don't mean harm. Animals do it too but differently.
Heinz Udo Zemlin
Light and shadow, sorrow and joy belong to a family. The two pretty girls to light and joy to be a constant companion. The rest of the family, I assume.
Anatoliy Urbanskiy
Chloe Sellers
A poem to inspire… ANd you two are so GORGEOUS!!! 🙂 @+Jendhamuni Sos …is this your little sister? You two are mirror images of each other!
Mohsen Ahmed
like mother like daughter
Abhishek Hs
Kenneth Chow
very nice poem & how's your weekend my dear +Jendhamuni Sos Both of you have a very sweet smile also like mother like daughter. :-))))))
Elvira Yerro
Un fuerte abrazó para las dos.Guapas.
Randy Neufeldt
: D Start and end every day with a smile : D
Disai Sallu
looking so beautiful
very very very nice smile ♥♥♥
V.B Reddy
hi…….welcome back… both are good smiles…..
Osman Khtap
beautiful smile both
Thierry Thivand
p.swarna kumar
yes,dear are you?
Juan Bedoya
nice smile, I love it
nelson katu ichi shimabukuro
bom dia.JENDHAMUNI SOS,bonitas fotos,que felicidades nos sorrisso de vocês……!!!!!
Aldair Cota Machado
Bom dia! Devemos estar sorrindo mais com o coraçao do que com a face !
Jendhamuni Sos
+Chloe Sellers The little girl is not my little sister, she's the grandaughter of a friend who passed a way last week. Thank you so much for the kind word!
Jendhamuni Sos
Very true +Aldair Cota Machado The heart will eventually send it tot the face.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you very much +Juan Bedoya
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +nelson katu ichi shimabukuro Have not seen you in a while!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Osman Khtap Thanks so much!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Thierry Thivand Thanks! Wishing you a wonderful day!
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +V.B Reddy !
Jendhamuni Sos
Agree +Randy Neufeldt !
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Anatoliy Urbanskiy !
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you very much +Disai Sallu
Jendhamuni Sos
+Charles van Dijk I didn't know animals smile too:)))
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks so much +Elvira Yerro !
Jendhamuni Sos
Good words +jean-jacques Prunet !
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you so much, big brother +Heinz Udo Zemlin !
Many people were crying at the service. I get used to it already. I have attended so many funeral services in this lifetime. It is best not to cry when someone passed a way, so the decease can travel peacefully to another place. If we cry, we would disturb their soul instead. The tears will not help but will hurt. I was taught about this since I was a little girl.
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Abhishek Hs!
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Mohsen Ahmed Mother and daughter is still good for me, as long as it's not grandma and granddaughter:))))
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you, my dearest +Kenneth Chow I had to cancel my shopping plan over the weekend, just like i predicted :)))) It's okay, save money in a way!
Heinz Udo Zemlin
I remember your words: there are no angels. Your text in this post can be only one conclusion – there are angels, they are from this world and you are one of them. Who looks at a young age much misery and has the power to assist others in distress and grief is an exceptional person and near the holiness. When we meet I will bow deeply before you little sister. +Jendhamuni Sos
Elvira Yerro
Me gusta tu fotografía y el mensaje que trasmite.
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos Example dogs wagging their tail is just an obvious example. He says I like you and I won't harm you. Recognise and observe it is the secret of nature photography. I never photograph an unhappy animal.
Elvira Yerro
La próxima será la mía con mi nieta. Me encanta, Mi nieta y posar con ella
Rodney Longoria
So precious! 🙂
mady sach
wonderful picture of you
Reg Dawn
beautiful smiles.
Elvira Yerro
Seguro que compartís muchas cosas y Os divertís mucho juntas.
Aleksandra Ikk
romeu alves
what a beautiful child