'Some have too much and yet do crave I have little and seek no more; They are but poor though much more they have And I am rich with little store. They poor, I rich, they beg, I give; They lack, I have; they pine, I live.' Searching for a purpose in life The aim in life varies among individuals. An artist may aim to paint masterpieces that will live long after he is gone. A scientist may want to discover some laws, formulate a new theory, or invent a new machine. A politician may wish to become a prime minister or a president. A young executive may aim to be a managing director of multinational company. However, when you ask the artist, scientist, politician and the young executive why they aim such, they will reply that these achievements will give them a purpose in life and make them happy. Everyone aims for happiness in life, yet experience shows time and again that its attainment is so elusive.
~Ven. Dr. K Sri Dhammananda
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Mike Hartman
Uday Joshi
“Every One In This
Beautiful World Has
An Individual Name.
” But, V All Together Have A
Common Name
“F R I E N D S”
In Our Beautiful Hearts.
Good Morning my dear Friend
S. R. Singh
Very True. I know it from my personal experience. There is nothing like contentment.
Good Morning My Dear Friend
Jendhamuni Sos
Good morning, dear +GEETHA R
Jendhamuni Sos
+Uday Joshi Always happy to hear from you. Good morning!
Jendhamuni Sos
+S. R. Singh Totally agree with the new definition of the word, 'rich'. Thank you so much for sharing your thought +S. R. Singh May Peace be upon you always.
nadeem Akhtar
Good morning my dear friendJendhamuni
Uday Joshi
Thank you very much dear friend have a nice day
Reena Verma
Good morning Dear Sos, I think the feeling of contentment is a state of mind & does not depend on material wealth or lack of it, anybody who achieves it is the wealthiest person
Stephen Waterhouse
So true. Me and my wife just moved into a beautiful apartment that has one fatal flaw, no washer or dryer! So now we slog it all to a down at the heel laundromat in the Hispanic section of town, and I frankly love being around people who just seem more normal to me and not all full of themselves (i.e. my rich coworkers and friends!).
pramod jain
so true.
Vanny Lim
Thank you for sharing
jungwoo yoo
Wonderful place…
goswami krishan
Alicia Calimlim
Such a beautiful place sister Jen….
Ngozi Okonkwo
Good morning friend and God bless
Ngozi Okonkwo
Here is learning place it is wonderful
Anita Campbell
Harikesj Srivastava
Chukwuemeka Paul
hmmm. yea. thats true but are u a bible student.
Jayesh Thakkar
The greatest purpose of life is to follow the religion of humanity. Have a wonderful day ahead Jendhamuni Sos.
Yuri Venzor
Are you a inda
Inturi Brahmananda Rao
sagar borkar
Yuri Venzor
What do you mean
Yuri Venzor
Oh or you
amaan Ali
It's true
Angel Lausa
Stephen Waterhouse
Leah Gesare
So swt
sandra soita
where do oyu get these 4tos from please
Yuri Venzor
Ok ok ok ok ok
Akash Hossain
boban chandran
Yuri Venzor
You guys want to be my friends please :'( :'( :'( :'(
Yuri Venzor
I am going to sleep good night tex you tomorrow :,-(
Yan-yan Andicoy
Peaceful nd relaxng view….
Edith Odiawo
Am so greatful that am fixing ma eyes on tha Lord
santiago munesh
Terry Nganga
Riya Chowdhury
Its 2 nyc
Duncan Magu
A wise saying!!
Steve Anderson
"Religion teaches a person how to calm down the senses and make the heart and mind peaceful." I think it depends on the religion.
omparkash mishra
shaik johnsaida
Hai chapsva
shyam gurjar
Hello ji
Azan Akhtar
right…and that religion is Islam
Evelyn Wanjau
lynne ward
What a load of bullshit,,,
Why keep on trying,he's here with me,!
the woman who he really loves and wants,
To be with,
Can't you see that ? D
if he wanted to be with you , he would be,
Me &him are real not fake ,
You have been used,old,and are only hanging on because you made suck a fuckup of your own life,an marriage so pissoff and stay out of ours !
راشد عبداللع
rabia zulfiqar
rasi sh
nice, i like it
راشد عبداللع
+rasi sh
Moses deSouza
Moses deSouza
summaya karim
So sweet
Anoma bandara
Ravi Bharti
It true
Ramulu Amgothu
Angelie Laly
راشد عبداللع
Virendra Rajput
So nice and very Biutifull
Darren Koopman
Hey dear..glad to hear from you..remember always thinking of you and yes love you
Muhammad Uzair
Very nice
nandkishor Patil
very nice
Suzanne Tan
+Jendhamuni Sos superb. Have a good night & remain blessed.
Daina Michael
Beautiful & well said!
Venuz Japson
actually there's no religion can save us only ourselves for being a good samaritans thats the single way going to the path of salvation
Nichodemus Balat
Being content, is all there is to being human. How much can my heart crave for in material things, bless your heart my friend.
Venuz Japson
thank you
Venuz Japson
how are you Nichodemus?its my first time here to sent any comment.
Nichodemus Balat
+Venuz Japson bless your heart, this world is so small your dreams can only be shared, so be content and be considerate and be human. Long live humanity!
Nichodemus Balat
Jon Bon Jovi sang, 'Keep the faith'. If you think you're somewhere close,
hey, straighten up, keep the faith, nothing more powerful than faith. Love
You live.
Anoma bandara
Thanks for you
Arvind Yadav
Raslafan temperature
Elavanamanomohanan Mohanan
Mario Hernandez
Love it that why I'm following Jesus Christ not only because he is my saviour if not for all security that he brings in spite that difficult times that we are living….OUR SAVIOUR and.ETERNAL FATHER
Josiel Mosehle
Hello Jendhamuni Sos!
Thank u for what your quote. I liked every single sentence in it. Religion was made to teach all the people even today but is written very long time ago and talk about people we don't know but we were taught everything we read, we must turn it around as if is us, so, if i take this one may be one or two loads can fall off my shoulders, i like it, thanks.
Saddam hossain
How are you
Loveandjoy Andhappiness
Peaceful. I think Sheryl Crow summed it up in that song …. "It's not having what you want, but wanting what you've got." Very wise for pop.
Divakaran V
Beautiful pic
annie miller
Narpat Singh
Nice and vry beauty full
Amit Chaudhari
Gorgeous !
Kisika K Siler
Wow. So true.
Amit Chaudhari
Incisive Billal
Yeh ofcourse…..
Amit Chaudhari
U r so.. Good looking !
Kishan Sondarva
+Jendhamuni Sos hv a gud n8 n swt drmzz…tc my fr…!!!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Kishan Sondarva Sweet dreams!
Akil Ahmed
Good pic
Betsaida Valvidares
Ron W
people ,places , and things.
udhaya kumar
Wow excellent
Farzana Siddiqui
Subhan Allah !
glad thomas
Good place
Muhib Laskar
gb tamang
khan Irshad
Leo Leg
I believe..that's true
Criz Rolando
Yes it is.. true ..
Criz Rolando
Good am. Maybe try to be a good samaritan you can achieved the full happyniest n life….criz r.kwt.
Criz Rolando
I think religion teaches aperson in a good direction…if he or she follows gods well…c.r.kwt.
Yuri Venzor
Or you gays talkin to me