Caption: Rescue workers use a sniffer dog to look for missing persons believed to be buried as firetrucks lie damaged after massive gas explosions in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Friday, Aug. 1, 2014. A series of explosions about midnight Thursday and early Friday ripped through Taiwan's second-largest city, killing scores of people, Taiwan's National Fire Agency said Friday. Photo by Wally Santana/AP. Full story and videos
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Chibuzo Egbugwo Linus
Oh very sad story!
jamshad ali
Ur face book i d
Vijay Mevawala
Very bad
J. Verma
Ohh..very sad…lets pray for the victims…..
Aasim Sheikh
Dorothy Hamilton
Ashok Kumar
Good afternoon Ms. Jendhamuni Sos
Sad news
Ibraheem Inua
RIP 2 dead ones
Haneen Mobile
God allows them in heaven
It's very sad!. May almighty God offer ultimate peace to the beloved one. Amin
Estak Shaikh
Thank very much.. jendhamuni
sunil deka
Oh ho very very pathetic….
sunil deka
Oh ho very very pathetic….
Jayesh Thakkar
Good night Jen.
Jayesh Thakkar
Good night Jen.
Jully Anne
So sad….
Lawalabdul Dauda
Sad Post
Haneen Mobile
TO JULLY" human cannot understand this except the almighty
Deane Sagato
Morning, Jen. How are you?
That looks like a mess. I just hope there'll be no more casualties afterwards. My prayers goes to the living so that they may find comfort in this, tragic event, and also find some hope for their future without the departed spirits.
God Bless…,and Keep Us for Always!
Carlos Bation
Morning ,lets pray
Julius Mwaniki
Sooo sad
Ibrahim Yahya
I need of all human beings return back to God and asking for peace , safe and full security because if we observe to whole world you see some troubles (eg) a lot of disaster civilian war some plane crash floods Ebola in West Africa and so on so
Please please return
Bipin Patel
Good morneg
jungwoo yoo
Sad news…
Rajan Charles
So sad
Mylene Acang
Oi may god…
nisarbazmi Moon
Very bad
Octomus Prime
very sad..how is the picture line.nt' know abt.. lets idea it..
Irene Kananu
Oi ma God
k.k.paulmrugan s.karuppasamy
very different tyfe
Cranky Banshee
Disasters are compounded when even the emergency services are effected and are hampered from being able to deliver the full effects of their beneficial and professional assistance. Wishing comfort to all those affected by this tragedy and sending appreciation to all those lessening their suffering.
lyrvek v
pray for the world…
Cranky Banshee
+lyrvek v Yes, my dear, the whole world should listen to your good advice. The world suffers too much. Our prayers receive better responses when they are simple, thankful, respectful, intended to benefit the greater good and multiplied by the number of beings individually contributing their own well-intentioned interpretation of your request for "prayer" or "mindfulness".
james simon
will the president of taiwan lose his power?
svasanto vas
Very sad
Lal Pari
Nalin Jayawardena
Really so sorry about that incident. …
nadeem ch
o ist nt dud):"
Un Jamali
U should see gaza
Dattatray Wadkar
Very. Sad