Whoever does wrong to an innocent person
or to one who is pure and harmless,
the wrong returns to that fool
just like fine dust thrown against the wind.
Google+: Reshared 84 times
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Whoever does wrong to an innocent person
or to one who is pure and harmless,
the wrong returns to that fool
just like fine dust thrown against the wind.
Google+: Reshared 84 times
Google+: View post on Google+
Ronnie Martin
Words to live by, I totally agree
Jesse H
Beautiful and the words are so true.
NorthernCap small
Yes indeed …
Charles van Dijk
Boontje komt op z'n loontje.
Anatoliy Urbanskiy
Michael Howell
VERY WISE WORDS.. +Jendhamuni Sos
Brookside Dental
Awesome +Jendhamuni Sos I love it.
Albert Riddle
very well said
Andi Drew
Does it? Because I don't always see it.
Charles van Dijk
Thanks that answers one of my questions 🙂
rich spitler
Very true dear… Carma!!
Jesse H
Yes it does Gwen. All in good time.
Jendhamuni Sos
Buddha is always right.
Jesse H
Excellent my dear Jendhamuni
sanjeev baride
Just Superb
jefthe solomon
Justice 360%
Gil Pauley
+Jendhamuni Sos This is absolutely stunning!!
Aldair Cota Machado
Muito bonita postagem !
Charlie Hollis
Beautifully illustrated and quoted.
Hendro Light
Karma never miss the target…
Hendro Light
Karma never miss the target…
Jendhamuni Sos
+Hendro Light Perfectly said.
I have not seen anyone got a way with it yet,
just soon or later.
Seevali Nalava
hallo sos how are you
Jendhamuni Sos
+Seevali Nalava Good morning Bhante.
I'm doing fine, venerable sir. Cannot wait for the Buddha's Day :)))
Tina Gray
I agree with Buddha totally but there must be someone who does many wrongs to many people who manage to duck out of the way when it comes back to hit them and it then hits me and other innocent people…this could quite quickly turn into a game of karma-tennis couldn't it ? ( just a thought ) Brightest Blessings xx
Seevali Nalava
hallo tina gray…are you from……how are you dear…….nice to meet you…..are you buddhist….
Jendhamuni Sos
In Buddhism we believe in afterlife. One may be able to get a way from the court system, but cannot escape hell. All depends on how soon the seed of karma produce the results +Tina Gray if this ever makes sense to you.
Tina Gray
+Jendhamuni Sos It makes perfect sense to me Jendhamuni as do all of your postings do for me. I have a tendency to " think outside the box " at times and reply as if I am " outside the box " as I did when writing this comment. I suppose I am not making any sense to you either as it is not always possible for everyone to totally get us unless they also get us!! Love & Light x
Tina Gray
+Seevali Nalava I try to walk on the same path of a Buddhist whenever possible but receive no formal Buddhist teachings…yet. I am from London UK. xx Brightest Blessings xx I do so hope that my past comment caused you no offence as that was never my intention xx
Jendhamuni Sos
+Tina Gray Seems like you are on a right track, Tina. It takes a compassionate heart to become a pure buddhist. Otherwise, it's only knowledge, not wisdom. I'm sure you will do well. There are plenty of info on Buddhism for beginners.
Tracy Hang Tran
So beautifully said dear Jendhamuni +Jendhamuni Sos
Jendhamuni Sos
The law of karma is very important in Buddhism. If you don't believe in this, we will not live our lives peacefully at all. When someone did something bad to me or hurt me, I never hurt them back, because I believe in the law of karma. I want to end that bad karma with the person who hurt me immediately, so I would not react to their unskillful actions. Instead, I would forgive them and move on +Tina Gray My master trained me the law of karma for many months when I studied buddhism, until I fully understand and put it into practice.
Jesse H
Wow. About time that someone understands the ways of life for what it really is. I see it and I know it and therefore I understand it. From where I come from it's also call common respect and love for one another.
Balamurugan gopalan
very good
Tina Gray
I believe in karma all the way Jendhamuni, I hold great respect for the laws of karma and live a karmic life as much as possible as do you and many others here. I have not had any training from a master because the opportunity for me to train has never presented itself to me but something which I would accept gratefully if it is ever within my reach x
babu r
Beautiful !!
Jendhamuni Sos
+Tina Gray I have a very thin book called "Buddhism for Beginners" I don't mine typing them for you. Just give me a little time so I can type them up. To me understanding the law of karma is the most important before moving on to the next lesson. If you understand this topic deeply, it will be very easy to move on to the next lesson. We can always go slow, no rush to move on. Wisdom takes a lot of time, not like knowledge. Anybody can learn buddhism, but put the study into practice, is very hard for many. So far, I have only met several Buddhists with great quality. Haven't really met one who is as close as the two masters I have yet so far.
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos Why not publish it on your page. My apologies for butting in.
Jendhamuni Sos
+Charles van Dijk I used to, Charles. But when I redesign my webpage, I lost a lot of info. When I have some free time, I will transfer everything back to my current webpage.
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos Thank you we are all interested in this.
Ghazi Riman
What a sublime words +Jendhamuni Sos so true,thank you for sharing such a wisdom and a beauty:)
Jendhamuni Sos
Thanks +Charles van Dijk and +Ghazi Riman I'm always happy to share the wisdom. I really believe in the law of karma that these days, no one wants to be my friends:))))) Even my mother wants to slap me :)))))
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos I just left a remark what's round comes around. There's always a bit of ying in the yang and vice versa. I love your posts.
Ghazi Riman
We all your good friends ,you are a good angel spreading wisdom and ethics ,and moral +Jendhamuni Sos :)))))
Jendhamuni Sos
Thank you +Ghazi Riman I know that.
We have a good group of friends here on g+ who are very kind and respectful. Quality is what we need. I'm not interested in quantity. Like +Charles van Dijk for instance, he would never slap me, even if I yell at him :)))) As for +Michael Howell he will never throw eggs at me even if I scream at him :))))
Charles van Dijk
+Jendhamuni Sos Thank you, I appreciate your mention. I was not going to be disrespectful, but that kid should have had swimming lessons. Probably somebody want to slap me now.
Tina Gray
+Jendhamuni Sos I have several books on Buddhism but none have actual teachings in them as they all seem to be written for people outside Buddhism so they understand the Buddhist theory but how to put theory & method & principle together and live them the books cannot teach. So yes please I would like nothing more than to begin my Journey to Buddhism xx
jetaime gandah
+Jendhamuni Sos very nice and true… good day Jendhamuni!
Kathy Grimm
Nice picture. Thank you for the words of wisdom.
vivek pathre
Thanks for the great words …..
Vernon Laviolette
true words
nasir nabilah
Hemant Dave
warahong nuanjan
prem kumar
beautiful and words r true
Jorben Ruysseveldt
Heel mooi
Yatin sharma
great ……
Karin Kaastra
keerthi.nikhil kumar Blackcherry
really i love that photo………yaar……….
Nell Smith
like it……..
Anit Parmar
Nelson Bonginkosi
I lv.it……
Stephen Ward
Lovely image and words +Jendhamuni Sos
Willy Hollander
Very nice
Sanjay Sharma
Rightly said…its important to be good & kind..if we are humans
Amelie Jacobus
its beatifal xx
Sibi Sree
well said… nice to watch this artfical…rain…..
Raymond Arkenbout
Wauw verry nice:)
Inez Cattoor
WAUW !!! zo cool
Reg Dawn
Thank you sister +Jendhamuni Sos for this beautiful quote and wise words.Wishing a most beautiful Saturday. Take care.
Jelte Noordveld
Heidike pantertje
héél mooi!
Noemi Van Der Putten
super cool egt vet
David van der Veer
Toon Kerssemakers
lucia van berkel
dit is het weer in nederland
Rob Robinson
+Jendhamuni Sos , so true JS, wot goes around comes around, thanx 🙂
Charles van Dijk
+lucia van berkel +Jendhamuni Sos This is Dutch weather. The translator has it all wrong in this case.
Lysha Van Mechelen
de tranenregen hi
محمد نور
Indrajit Das
Lena Keymeulen
kei cool jonge!
Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
. hmmmmm i like it images.
John Cruz
Cool….. ….
Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
I like the picture
John Cruz
Apa? Ana kndi ti prtng dty ga photo? Krma kdi dk am n ana ti?
Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
maksudnya apa ora ngerti aku……
Earlene Murphy
Charles van Dijk
+Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
Jangan guna singkatan supaya kami ngerti anda.
Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
+Charles van Dijk ok sorry
John Cruz
apa khabar!!! ^^ are you buddhist?
Charles van Dijk
+John Cruz Siapa? saya beragama Kristen Katolik.
Charles van Dijk
+John Cruz +Jendhamuni Sos beragama Buddhist
Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
saya islam.
santosh kolpe
very nice
Charles van Dijk
+Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril tidak apa2
Yusi Cua
aku muslim
Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
+Charles van Dijk setidaknya kan kita saling menghargai tentang keyakinan kita masing2…..
Charles van Dijk
+Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril Kami selalu bertoleransi di halaman ini. :-))
John Cruz
^^ dk q mdi da islam..!
Max Earnest
Very true
John Cruz
Max earnest aq nak sk Muslim?
Hemant Sahu
i lik is
Ahmed Izat
Wizzzzzzze words
gurbaani manku
how beautiful i like it
ren p thomas
super i like it
Risvan Navsir
this like on a 3d photo !!!!!!!!!!
Stijn Troost
Francis Braux
Kan iemand mij zeggen waar over dat gaat wat ik begrijp niet
Anouk D'hulst
zo cool
Rudolf Piest
ja wie goed doet,goed ontmoet.Ik moet dat nog steeds zien.
Nandagopal Jothy
so cool&beautifullll
Jeanine Appelboom
echt heel cool en mooi
Liza De Haan
Echt vet
anne marije
heel mooi!!
Paul Beijleveldt
mooi zeg
Cor Strosnijder
The close. …….
kenny bryan
isn't that karma?
Sjaak van de kamp
Karma, +Jendhamuni Sos, therefore we must 'treat others as we desire to be treated.' The 'Golden Rule.' Thank you for sharing great words of 'wisdom.' Godspeed
mady sach
Wonderful shot
Dexter Yesudas
Nice one +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
santosh kolpe
aung chann
very nice
Andy muhammad Afhieq D'jibril
very bery nice it is
joaojailson oliveira
David Starr
Wow! Excellent computer graphics.
nickj Reese
that's so cool
chantejoie baptiste
thats nice
feTina Bolt
Wow nice
nikhina mariyam
Ashu Bollai
wav…. remains my feelings,
rose miller
wow just wow very beatiful
Olenka Prochka
I want it RIGHT now!!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXD!!
Goutam Suryavanshi
very nice
jatashankar giri
Himanshu Shukla
Ashu Bollai
Himanshu Shukla
so nice
Narra Rajesh
Simply super
asif d
simply supar
Olenka Prochka
Ripples and a HUGE moon…..My favorite!!! I painted one of those…..and hung it on my wall…
Michael Kinard Kinard
Believing in GOD the father, the sun won't hurt you by day, nor the mood by night. With this GOD can show ge beauty even at night.
feTina Bolt
Just wonderful