The tornado that slammed into Vilonia, just north of the state's capital city, grew to about half a mile wide Sunday and was among a rash of tornadoes and strong storms that rumbled across the Midwest and South. The National Weather Service warned that more tornadoes, damaging winds and very large hail would strike Monday in parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and Louisiana. Video and read more
Caption: Two men stand in front of a destroyed house in Mayflower, Ark., Monday, April 28, 2014, after a tornado struck the town late Sunday. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston)
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Shiju Thomas
For which media you working
Micheal Chettri
Wow very bad news.
inayat inatullah
Jendhamuni Sos
+Shiju Thomas Not my state this one.
Ahmed Abid
so sad.
Jayesh Thakkar
Oh! My God. What the necessary steps are have been taken by the government to overcome the situation ? Good morning Sos.
Jesse H
This is going to be very bad this year.
John Cullen
People in my country of Scotland always moan about the rain cold rain cold, and never realise we've got it quite good as regards to natural disasters, my heart goes out to the families all affected by this
Corina Farser
That is so bad am watching it right now on cnn news
Brenda Ballar
Be careful guys
Denisemichele Thompson
So sorry for the ones whom lost family members…just keep your strenght and pray , god will answer………might not be when you want….but he will…have faith
Denisemichele Thompson
My prayers go out to the people..Amen !!
Denisemichele Thompson
Destruction……..nature is so powerful sometimes……..
Denisemichele Thompson
We the people here in the united states are so blessed,that alot of times others take for granted……..
Daniela Valencia
I feel bad for these people=(
abu dan
God be with them
hussein abbakary
may merci of ALLAH Upon you guys
chetan nagda
So sad
samanthika samankumari
yes….so sad
Rajeev Kalia
OMG very sad…
Slella S
God help and save as all we dont know what is going on
Nasiru Gambo
Beleave in Allah
Candi Collins
We are all doing our best to help clean up the mess in our state and town, Arkansans and surrounding states have really come together to help us in a time of need, these pictures are nothing when seeing it in real life…. Just know that every prayer helps and everyone is thankful for what they have and send your blessings to the families who have lost!
Sudhir Golatkar
I wish to extent my sincere sympathy and condolences to all those who have suffered great loss from these natural disasters.
Scott Hebe
May God give them strength…my heart goes out to all people involved.
armani rue
Mohd Ramzan
Very sad
Lorissa Davis
Yes it is. Sad
Slella S
God help this family involed
irma mendoza q
Fe que el Señor proveera