A little girl on back seat begged me to buy her mangoes so her family would have some money to buy food. We gave her enough so her family could ride back home and rest. They were very happy, especially the little boy with no clothes…Her family reminds me so much of my family…
Poor family in Cambodia
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vidya sagar
thanks for ur comments. excellent work done by assisting to the down troden. if this feeling is there with everyone. there is no poor person on the earth. they should inculcate the habit to serve the poor.
Heinz Udo Zemlin
You have a big heart my dear teacher.
Jendhamuni Sos
Aw, so sweet +Heinz Udo Zemlin I am not a teacher. The quotes you see on most of my posts, are taken from many sources. I just pick and choose the ones that are much easier for friends to digest. Thank you so much for your kindness.
Jendhamuni Sos
It is not possible for me to do so to all those I meet, +vidya sagar Some are lucky and and some aren't so lucky. Depends on how much money I had with me at the time I traveled. I tried to help those I met as much as possible…They need to survive for than I do…
Ghazi Riman
Wish that all the world has this feeling .There will be no poverty +Jendhamuni Sos 🙂
Puthpong Sao
How can we eradicate poverty from our Planet Home, the Earth, seeing how the world is governed nowadays, though we do not have to lose hope for our living? Usually, POVERTY HAS NO TRUE FRIENDSHIP.
Osvaldo de Aguiar
Jendhamuni, faça sempre o que de melhor você puder pelos seus semelhantes, mas você não deve se martirizar por isso!
Charles van Dijk
Abolish money, rest of the animal kingdom is doing all right.
dietrich lombarde
What a wonderful picture .Family.
mukesh patel
resource allocation is unjustified
mady sach
thanks for charing your experiance with us, becouse we know so little of this country's